Indus Valley Civilisation is largest source of ancestry for South Asians

"Indus Valley Civilisation is largest source of ancestry for South Asians"

This title doesn't make any sense because population that made IVC is thousands of years older then IVC.

The ancient skeletons from Pakistan were not from IVC proper. Some of so called IVC skeletons were found on border of Iran.

From Iran Balochistan to south India had same base population with various admixture mix between ancient Zagrosian from Iran and ASI. ASI is mix of various ancient south east Indian population that moved north up to Iran and Afghanistan. Zagrosian farmers moved east and south from Iran. This is why today middle caste dravidians tend to have higher zagrosian admixture then low caste dravidians who tend have higher ASI.
It is like saying Prussian achievements are not German just because Germany is not in charge of Prussia anymore

The geographical core of IVC is in modern day Pakistan. It is problematic to claim inheritance to something that anyone has little clue about it. It is a civilization that has little documentation and little in the way of achievements compared to its peers in China and Middle East.

Keep in mind the most of Indus Valley was somewhat of a wasteland until British built the canal system in late 19th century

On a side note - Why doesn't Pakistan have history textbooks ? Feel free to correct me here
I am merely stating the actual heart of what was the IVC is today called Pakistan. Its not said with pride or have a jab at anyone. Pakistan leaders have shown intense incompetence in managing the country and the thought of them managing or trying to preserve this vital link to our history is a concern to me. Facts are facts the soil where the IVC was is today called Pakistan.....

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