Iran Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence (civilian and military)

No doubt Iran is infected. Now this particular vector might be burnt but there are others. Couple that with Iran’s ostensibly sloppy protocols…well you get the picture.

At the end, the heart of ALL these issues is sloppy security protocols and no accountability. Everything.
And then why nothing exploded in Iran?

I wonder if there is only one non-corrupt official at whole Lebanon customs.

That is the highest likely way of did it.

Rest, common bullshit and nonsenses.
And then why nothing exploded in Iran?

I wonder if there is only one non-corrupt official at whole Lebanon customs.

That is the highest likely way of did it.

Rest, common bullshit and nonsenses.
Plenty has exploded in Iran. Waaay before all this. Perhaps not ‘pagers’.
Crazy Idea guys, how about Akhoonds focus on investing in domestic tech to the point that Iran and its allies do not need compromised imports anymore? We are a top STEM-educated nation. If Mullahs put the oil money in the tech sector instead of shoving it up their bum and putting strict punishments for propoganda/false claims, this can actually work.

But they would not do it because such measures would get themselves exposed. IRI now feeds on BS coming out of mouths of Salamis and Bagheris of Iran.
You don't get it, Iran a top STEM-educated nation by the numbers, Of those huge numbers the vast majority of them lets say are not really good at their sh!t, They can only do routine and regular stuff and can't really think outside the box, these are the ppl who are already employed by the mullahs. The part that are really good at their sh!t, Can think outside the box and can work on breakthrough stuff don't stay in Iran and work for the mullahs, They migrate to West, Get employed by the western companies like Space-X, Raytheon, Boeing, Intel, etc. Help them create more advanced and deadlier weapons that will inevitability will go around and be used against the Akhoonds to kick them even harder. So your crazy Idea is not going to happen.
You don't get it, Iran a top STEM-educated nation by the numbers, Of those huge numbers the vast majority of them lets say are not really good at their sh!t, They can only do routine and regular stuff and can't really think outside the box, these are the ppl who are already employed by the mullahs. The part that are really good at their sh!t, Can think outside the box and can work on breakthrough stuff don't stay in Iran and work for the mullahs, They migrate to West, Get employed by the western companies like Space-X, Raytheon, Boeing, Intel, etc. Help them create more advanced and deadlier weapons that will inevitability will go around and be used against the Akhoonds to kick them even harder. So your crazy Idea is not going to happen.

Lots of truth to this. The brain drain has cost Iran trillions of dollars in GDP gains.

If you are brilliant Iranian, you can get a $200K+/yr job and an H-1 work visa and come to America, Europe, Canada. So unless you have a deep burning patriotic desire to stay inside Iran and raise a family there you are gonna immigrate to the west and that talent and expertise is then lost for Iran.
You don't get it, Iran a top STEM-educated nation by the numbers, Of those huge numbers the vast majority of them lets say are not really good at their sh!t, They can only do routine and regular stuff and can't really think outside the box, these are the ppl who are already employed by the mullahs. The part that are really good at their sh!t, Can think outside the box and can work on breakthrough stuff don't stay in Iran and work for the mullahs, They migrate to West, Get employed by the western companies like Space-X, Raytheon, Boeing, Intel, etc. Help them create more advanced and deadlier weapons that will inevitability will go around and be used against the Akhoonds to kick them even harder. So your crazy Idea is not going to happen.

My post was supposed to be sarcastic but I will still reply.

It's not the problem of who works for Mullahs and who does not. $$$ attracts professionals. Because most of these scumbags in power in Iran are illiterate dumbos, they undermined the tech industry for decades. They also refused to understand what kind of damage Iranian society was facing because of the brain drain. Local industry had no $$$, the government was too busy giving money to proxies some of whom came back to bite Mullahs in the ass laterwards (Hamas is an example), while the rest will soon follow. Combine that with blunder after blunder in security and stupid social policies like Hijab BS, nobody with skills wants to live in Iran. Things would have been much better had they been investing in the tech industry through public-private partnerships meanwhile ensuring security and better social conditions. They instead wanted the loyalty of lying sycophants who lied through their teeth to maintain the public image of "strength". This is the reason that the Iranian STEM brain creates prototypes of product at home, but they never get translated into production.

Just recently the mullahs got informed that the military-industrial complex has an export angle too but they are again falling on their faces because the Iranian weapon industry just does not have mass production capacity at all. Imagine if Russia, DPRK, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Armenia all place orders for Iranian weaponry worth billions of USD will Mullahs be able to handle that ? no, they will instead hang gays and teen girls for internal consumption. As I said before, Khamenei's IRI is the weakest version of Iran, Khomeini atleast had the balls to bring fire to the enemy's home.

Damage can be undone if the government puts money in industry and creates markets at home and abroad through whatever means, just like how countries do. When there is demand and the government puts some level of money into the industry, good amount of people leaving Iran will stay and the system will start which unfortunately does not exist. For whatever reason these people just do not want Iran to progress.
You don't get it, Iran a top STEM-educated nation by the numbers, Of those huge numbers the vast majority of them lets say are not really good at their sh!t, They can only do routine and regular stuff and can't really think outside the box, these are the ppl who are already employed by the mullahs. The part that are really good at their sh!t, Can think outside the box and can work on breakthrough stuff don't stay in Iran and work for the mullahs, They migrate to West, Get employed by the western companies like Space-X, Raytheon, Boeing, Intel, etc. Help them create more advanced and deadlier weapons that will inevitability will go around and be used against the Akhoonds to kick them even harder. So your crazy Idea is not going to happen.
That works good until Boeing, Lockheed Martin or Iron Bathworks design, build and delivers the most super duper expensive devices, plagued with overrun costs or operative problems. I think It is not necessary to talk about latest developments with such problems.

On the other hands, if houthies can defeat a combination of aran armies and talibans to the US combines forces, Iran and Resistance Axis could do It also.
You don't get it, Iran a top STEM-educated nation by the numbers, Of those huge numbers the vast majority of them lets say are not really good at their sh!t, They can only do routine and regular stuff and can't really think outside the box, these are the ppl who are already employed by the mullahs. The part that are really good at their sh!t, Can think outside the box and can work on breakthrough stuff don't stay in Iran and work for the mullahs, They migrate to West, Get employed by the western companies like Space-X, Raytheon, Boeing, Intel, etc. Help them create more advanced and deadlier weapons that will inevitability will go around and be used against the Akhoonds to kick them even harder. So your crazy Idea is not going to happen.
Incorrect! Clearly thy art STEM challenged

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