New Delhi slams Khamenei over his remarks about Indian Muslims


Think Tank Analyst
Oct 20, 2008
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Glad to see other Muslim countries waking up to what Pakistan has always said.

Iran supreme leader Khamanei made the remarks recently. This will likely result in Iran foreign policy changes with India and add to the growing isolation of India in Asia.

The Indian media and government of course are barking like dogs.

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Iran is now completely isolated in the region. Could not even retaliate to Israeli strike.

Now Iran is also going to sue Pakistan for succumbing to US pressure.

Anwyas Ayatollah always made similar rants, had zero impact

Iran is now completely isolated in the region. Could not even retaliate to Israeli strike.

Now Iran is also going to sue Pakistan for succumbing to US pressure.

Anwyas Ayatollah always made similar rants, had zero impact

More like india is isolated in entire Asia. Even Nepalis and people of South Asia don’t like the present RSS gov.
In a vacume Iran is taking up the leadership in the Muslim world to call out injustices to Muslim communities. How this plays out one will see but its significant as their relationship with India has been warm.
lol. No tears will be shed in New Delhi.

Iran is just pissed that India's partnership with the Arabs (KSA/UAE) is multiple times deeper and still increasing at a rapid pace. Between Iran and GCC, India obviously sees the GCC as partners for the future.
Iran is now completely isolated in the region. Could not even retaliate to Israeli strike.

Now Iran is also going to sue Pakistan for succumbing to US pressure.

Anwyas Ayatollah always made similar rants, had zero impact

Reports say Iran is considering cancelling their plans/agreement with India on Chabahar Port.
Glad to see other Muslim countries waking up to what Pakistan has always said.

Iran supreme leader Khamanei made the remarks recently. This will likely result in Iran foreign policy changes with India and add to the growing isolation of India in Asia.

The Indian media and government of course are barking like dogs.

The guy bombed Pakistan a few months ago. You must be desperate
Chalo pakistanio time to pump that gas you found and make money.

Soon Jai Shankar saab will visit Islamabad for a contract.
Lmao, so even AL Jalzeera is Hindu WhatsApp group?

Is Al Jalzeera is fake news too?

Come.on mañ, it's just the same propaganda being used for ages to try and target china, India has far far worse crap happening every single day
Lmao, so even AL Jalzeera is Hindu WhatsApp group?

Is Al Jalzeera is fake news too?

lol where does it say they changed the azan as you claimed ?
Come.on mañ, it's just the same propaganda being used for ages to try and target china, India has far far worse crap happening every single day
Stay in delusion. Thats why no-one takes such Maulanas seriously . Because of their two faced hypocrisy.

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