New Delhi slams Khamenei over his remarks about Indian Muslims

What will happen to chahat-bahar ?

Although a much ado about nothing - it will be brushed in under realpolitik.
The problem with you Pakistanis is that you have not understood the nature of Chabahar port and also the difference between Iran-India cooperation in the past with China-Pakistan cooperation in Gwadar.

The main reason was Wahhabi led propoganda in your country that tried to stick every shit to Iran and divert attention from TTP to Iran.

Iran is not dependent on India to develop its port but Pakistan is dependent on China. However, China has always been a better partner for Pakistan i believe.

With or without India, the port is strategic for Iran and it will be developed because of its oceanic position. Chabahar is the sole oceanic port of Iran, its importance is beyond explanation.
Did he stopped Iranian oil flowing to enemies of Islam yet?

Isn't he himself satan, keeping Islam ememies' machinery flowing with the cheap oil?
The problem with you Pakistanis is that you have not understood the nature of Chabahar port and also the difference between Iran-India cooperation in the past with China-Pakistan cooperation in Gwadar.

The main reason was Wahhabi led propoganda in your country that tried to stick every shit to Iran and divert attention from TTP to Iran.

Iran is not dependent on India to develop its port but Pakistan is dependent on China. However, China has always been a better partner for Pakistan i believe.

With or without India, the port is strategic for Iran and it will be developed because of its oceanic position. Chabahar is the sole oceanic port of Iran, its importance is beyond explanation.
None of the propaganda for it had any Wahabbi footprint - usual sources from from Indian outlets or members on how Chabahar would be their Gwadar and more
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Did he stopped Iranian oil flowing to enemies of Islam yet?

Isn't he himself satan, keeping Islam ememies' machinery flowing with the cheap oil?
Coming from an Indian retard lol. Why dont you do your own part then?

Pakistani Muslims have always been asking Indian Muslims to raise their voices at the very least. However, Pakistani governments sometimes find a way to tickle us.
None of the propaganda for it had any Wahabbi footprint - usual sources from from Indian outlets or members on how Chabahar would be their Gwadar and more
You are an old member sir. I expect you remember posts of Wahhabis such as @BATMAN in the previous forum. Coordinated with Saudis and Emiratis like the one that got killed in fighting against Yemenis named @Khafee.

Just a simple example.

Also, there are few real Iranians contributing to social media. Most are MEK related terrorists living in Europe commenting on behalf of Iranian nation having their filthy hands in Israeli hands.
I noted injustices seem to happen only to Muslims eh. You don't see 40,000 Jews, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists dying. Maybe you need to change your politics.

Yeah your notes are flawed because you only want to see certain narratives.

Another islamaphobe I am amused how so many of you flood this forum.
You are an old member sir. I expect you remember posts of Wahhabis such as @BATMAN in the previous forum. Coordinated with Saudis and Emiratis like the one that got killed in fighting against Yemenis named @Khafee.

Just a simple example.

Also, there are few real Iranians contributing to social media. Most are MEK related terrorists living in Europe commenting on behalf of Iranian nation having their filthy hands in Israeli hands.
As an old member I can assure you not everyone that disagrees with you is a Wahabbi or influenced by them - plenty of other sources.

The same goes for Iranians - not everyone who disagrees is working for Israel
As an old member I can assure you not everyone that disagrees with you is a Wahabbi or influenced by them - plenty of other sources.

The same goes for Iranians - not everyone who disagrees is working for Israel
Did i talk about disagreement?

The ones that provided TTP with media support enabling them to act under anti Iranian propaganda was the main subject of my comment.
Coming from an Indian retard lol. Why dont you do your own part then?

Pakistani Muslims have always been asking Indian Muslims to raise their voices at the very least. However, Pakistani governments sometimes find a way to tickle us.
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View attachment 65717
You Irani mullahs are gone nuts. But do ensure I am getting my bike fueled tomorrow while I take it to a ride killing and tormenting 100 muslims on my way.

When you want to become custodian of Islam as a nation, and term an another country an enemy of Islam and bring religious angle, you go beyond Indo-Pak kind of conflict and thus your attempt to put the analogy is ridiculous. Unless you are using Islam a tool for political gain.
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lol. No tears will be shed in New Delhi.

Iran is just pissed that India's partnership with the Arabs (KSA/UAE) is multiple times deeper and still increasing at a rapid pace. Between Iran and GCC, India obviously sees the GCC as partners for the future.
Why the future, why not now?
All the best to iran.
You can’t fight Israel like Iran does. You are weak bruv. Your military is obsolete. Iran is a generation ahead of you in this game!

Don’t you understand something so obvious?

If your third class military is given the task of attacking Israel today, you can’t do it foo……

You can’t and we know it. You are a third class military!
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Fighting Israel is attacking USA period
Impossible for the the entire islamic world ..your beaten this is why Gaza is seeing genocide you Muslims are powerless

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