Iran has requested the Pakistan Air Force to provide training for its fighter pilots!

Feel good BS as usual without any source.

Pakistani military officers attend AJA University of Artesh in Tehran every year, I think some Iranians go to Pakistan in return as well in an exchange program. Not sure.


Good whatever it is both nations work together which is needed.
Feel good BS as usual without any source
I hope you do understand that your Air Force is not what it used to be during the Shah's era. Today it is the most vulnerable AF in the whole region. Your missiles alone are not enough to win any war. The sooner you realize it the better.
oil lay nai saktay training dain gey ya ghulam!
I hope you do understand that your Air Force is not what it used to be during the Shah's era. Today it is the most vulnerable AF in the whole region. Your missiles alone are not enough to win any war. The sooner you realize it the better.

I hope you understand that militaries operate around doctrines and strategies that suit them which is why our IADS is almost second to none and improving every day.
Well Iranian ultra nationalistic pride won't allow it as a sustainable program.

BTW I am sorry to tell Iranian members that your Air force Chief was in Pakistan recently and matter of trading was officially raised from their side.
Well Iranian ultra nationalistic pride won't allow it as a sustainable program.

BTW I am sorry to tell Iranian members that your Air force Chief was in Pakistan recently and matter of trading was officially raised from their side.

and I am sorry to tell you that the "Exchange" has been going on for decades already so what is new here?

This is the graduation ceremony of AJA University of Artesh in Tehran. I hope you identify your countrymen.





I think Iranians also go to Pakestani as exchange military officers.
I hope you understand that militaries operate around doctrines and strategies that suit them which is why our IADS is almost second to none and improving every day.
What I wrote was not to undermine you. A big country like yours with massive airspace cannot stop most air intrusions. Uncle Sam along with its puppet Arab regimes have so far kept Iranian Modesty intact. The images below dissuaded Iran from responding immediately to Haniya's assassination.
and I am sorry to tell you that the "Exchange" has been going on for decades already so what is new here?

This is the graduation ceremony of AJA University of Artesh in Tehran. I hope you identify your countrymen.





I think Iranians also go to Pakestani as exchange military officers.

HRK comments to me read as a possible "step wise change" of the current programme to a new higher level of co-operation. Training is not just training of junior cadets/pilots in academies, but a multi-phase programme of intermediate and advanced combat courses once the initial stage of testing is over. Iran may be interested in expanding the scope/building on top of what is in place currently.

Maybe Iran wants to do aerial wargames with Pakistan for adversary type training - something like regular Shaheen like exercises that Iran and Pakistan used to do in the era of the Shah ??? We of course dont know precisely and we dont have full information to be able to say - yet this is what they "may" want.

What foreign exercises does Iranian airforce participate in? How sharp are the skills of the Iranian airforce and their pilots ? How ready are they to fight an aerial war? Has the current standoff with Israel and the USA after the initial strikes against Israel, highlighted fundamental issues in the core ability of the Iranian airforce, that they need to address ?

Dont be so short sighted to see it as purely training of junior cadets in academies and initial officer training exchanges.

It would be fantastic to see the Iranian airforce at Indus Shield 2024 for example !!! :
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I believe Iran will just do away with Air Force in the next few years. It makes no sense at all. The war has totally evolved so far out into the future and moved on from army or Air Force or navy.

Nothing of legacy weaponry makes any sense today.

It would be foolish to do so, everything has it's place and utility

If anything Iran could be sensible and rather then get a large amount of mid tier aircraft it should go similar to what Pakistan is attempting to do

Have high end 5th gen aircraft as the spear point backed by a shaft of JF17 or similar aircraft

Iran has played very smart with the way it has developed it's weapons and concentrated on drones and missiles and it will need to continue thinking out of the box
and I am sorry to tell you that the "Exchange" has been going on for decades already so what is new here?

This is the graduation ceremony of AJA University of Artesh in Tehran. I hope you identify your countrymen.





I think Iranians also go to Pakestani as exchange military officers.
Dude why are you getting all worked up .
Remind us when if ever the Pakistani ambassador to Iran visited the Iranian airforce HQ or met your airchief.
OTOH, I can post numerous images of Iranian officials visiting PAF HQ and holding meetings with PAF boss.
I don’t understand why Pakistanis keep discussing Palestine, Iran, U.S., India, NATO, Bangladesh when the reality of their own country is this:
Pakistan is one of the last two countries in the world, alongside Afghanistan, still struggling with polio. Even Palestine is polio-free.
Damn shamless Bakhtora, life must be pretty boring in slumdog street that you are always crawling like a cockroach on this forum.... your tripe is not needed here go and save your women first.

Military exchanges, learning and developing each others tactics and knowledge is a great thing. If Pak can somehow help Iran whether its training programs or training planes it can only be a good thing, and visaversa. This helps build brotherly relations. Long may it continue.
What I wrote was not to undermine you. A big country like yours with massive airspace cannot stop most air intrusions. Uncle Sam along with its puppet Arab regimes have so far kept Iranian Modesty intact. The images below dissuaded Iran from responding immediately to Haniya's assassination.
View attachment 66236
View attachment 66238

Do you mean this Haniyeh who once raised arms against Iran? you are not from our region so you will not understand what is going on politically.


The same Iran did this to Israel when one of its retired generals was killed. No country on earth can even dare to think of crossing paths with today's Zion Empire that controls even US itself, but we threw dancing MaRVs in Israeli skies like never before. Not avenging Haniyeh is a political issue not militaristic otherwise Israel lost Billions of USD that night and IRGC can repeat it anyday but in the end there is politics at play.

Those F-22/35 are parked somewhere in Persian Gulf US-puppet shaykhdoms and that's what IRGC does to these fat Shaykh when it wants. So again I ask you do you think Iran is really that scared of American fighter jets when it comes to dealing with regional foes? Yes, we can't probably deal with US forces but Iran has acted and dealt with regional enemies in the presence of US military on their soil so your logic is just false at foundations.


Let alone Artesh, IRGC on its own can massacre entire (P)GCC airforce infrastructure with their BM/CM and drone/UCAV strikes and their HUGE azz RCS planes won't get anywhere near Iran considering they will be picked by our dozen+ OTH as soon as they take off, will be tracked beyond Iranian border with AESA radars, will be attacked by HIMADS with a range of 350 KM. Good luck dodging dozens of TVC maneuvering ARH/IIR monsters coming at your tail at 7 Mach. Our doctrine will not change even if we get 250 x SU-35S. This suits us better than having a conventional Air Force. We learned well from Saddam's mistakes.

Yes IRIAF is the weakest of the Iranian military branches but at one time our air defence was also weak that we had to fight Russia for S-300PMU2, now we make and market something that's S-400 equivalent that at one point was probably even considered by Russia to be deployed at Ukrainian front. So when the attention will be given to IRIAF, the force will become as modern as our missiles, SLVs, drones, IADS etc. Right now its the lowest budget getter among Iranian branches. This is a glorious force by the way, has a very strong heritage with aces of aces in modern aerial combat.

Its problem is budget allocation nothing else.

None of them are pilots in the images u posted, pl do not twist the facts.

and that proves what? Military exchange is a military exchange, these are your military officers who graduate annually from Iran. Whether they are pilots or they drive trucks does not matter and I for one do not care what they do. Someone posted this stupid "feel good" thread without a source, my job was to prove that it's a mere exchange program that has been running for decades between the two countries, instead of cheering the cooperation, some of you wanted to feel superior perhaps. Seems like my job here is already done.

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