Iranian Chill Thread

Everyone is responsible except for Zarif.

There is no point in arguing with you. You would blame God to spare Zarif and Rouhani

Pathetic it is
No pointt arguing with you because you only consider zarif and roohani responsible
JCPOA was a logical decision with large support from Iranians

back then Russia and China had voted for UNSC sanctions against Iran

nobody expected someone like Trump to come into power but the negotiators should have done a better job with the snapback mechanism, that's too one-sided and was the biggest flaw. but that might have been a redline for the US. all of Iran's negotiating positions were set by Khamenei and the SNSC, not by Zarif or Rouhani.
I believe Khamenei et al were hoodwinked and put in a fait accompli position. Given their historical and current stance I don’t believe they supported the JAPOA as was later understood. As they say;

Fool me once…
Khamenei knew the U.S couldn't be trusted but was under immense pressure from the reformist camps to seek a deal with the U.S to remove the sanctions. He agreed to the deal as a way of showing once and for all that the U.S was not a sincere negotiation partner. History proved him right and here we are!
Is anyone in Aryaejay Fotros resistance telegram? They banned me because i forgot to say "against zionists" in a quote and they all thought i was a zionist troll, can anyone go here and say that @tsunset is not a zionist troll?

Some of those guys really are really sensible

How come Ghalibaf is eligible for elections? He technically should be hanged for corruption, this man doesn't even live in Iran but in Turkey in a mansion where he practice corruption with Turkish lobbies inside Iran
1 vs 5 :)

Mr Pezeshkian will have 16.66% of air time during TV election debates and others 83.33%.

Out of these 5 two of them endorsed Mr Raisy during last election and another one got a job in that government.Mr Ghalibaf stayed outside bc of their agreements.

Since they have history of doing this I think it would be fair to give more time to others during debates.
Guys do you have reformists candidates with pro "axis of resistance" policy and conservatives with pro western policy?

Candidates that disagree on domestic policies like social liberties but have the same foreign policy agenda?

For example the "Social Democracy" candidate in Sweden is a socially liberal, pro LGBTQ, pro immigration but is also pro NATO, pro America and anti russia, then you have the "Sweden Democrats" candidate who is anti Muslim, anti immigration, socially conservative, but also PRO NATO, pro US, pro Ukraine and Israel.

Do you have something similar or is every socially liberal candidate against the "axis of resistance" and pro western - and every conservative is socially conservative, anti western hegemony, pro multpolar order.

This might be a dumb question but I'd appreciate any answer.

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