Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

what does iran have to do with it? iran has slightly more territory to cover than Israel by the way

It’s the celebrating as if the Israel air defense network was some impregnable wall.

A 500 dollar tiny drone moving 5KM into border is not a massive feat given that Houthi’s were able to send one from 2000KM into populated Israel.

Also is Israel’s air defense garbage or impenetrable? Which one is it? The cope squad on here says both narratives. Pick one.

Some here call Iron Dome useless and Israeli air defense garbage but then celebrate a $500 drone getting thru as an accomplishment.

And Iran’s size has nothing to do with quadcopters being launched at Tabriz military base and others deep within Iran since their range is typically less than 10KM and in many cases even under 1-2KM.
Iraqi Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a strike on the Ain al-Assad airbase where US troops are deployed in western Iraq, promising that it would launch further attacks that would “surprise” the enemy.

Haider al-Lami, a member of the political bureau of Harakat Hezbollah Al-Nujaba, reported on Tuesday that a rocket strike injured five US forces deployed at the Ain al-Assad airbase in Iraq’s western Anbar province last week.

“In the coming days, we will witness unprecedented attacks by the Iraqi Resistance that will surprise the enemy inside and outside Iraq,” he said.
It’s the celebrating as if the Israel air defense network was some impregnable wall.

A 500 dollar tiny drone moving 5KM into border is not a massive feat given that Houthi’s were able to send one from 2000KM into populated Israel.
these are not $500 tiny drones, they are like Ababil-2 class size

and they travel 10-50km into Israel without being intercepted, on a consistent basis. Houthis did it once, Hezbollah does it every day (to the north rather than Tel Aviv)

Also is Israel’s air defense garbage or impenetrable? Which one is it? The cope squad on here says both narratives. Pick one.
the reality is a bit more nuanced than this dichotomy but obviously it's overall very strong and has major advantages of only having to cover a tiny territory but it has certain weaknesses. Hezbollah consistently exploiting those weaknesses is indeed worthy of mention
🔴🔴🔴Enemy media: Declaration of a state of emergency in the north of the country.

I seriously think that Hezbollah was waiting for this, they want to see a large amount of Israeli force on the border to better pulverize them
Is it Ceasefire talks or Arbaeen or is it Eid Norwuz?

I can’t tell which one with the pro-incompetence crowd on here.
according to me it's ceasefire talks to look for a way out but you have to ask the rest of the pro incompetence crowd for their opinion
🔴🔴🔴Enemy media: Declaration of a state of emergency in the north of the country.

I seriously think that Hezbollah was waiting for this, they want to see a large amount of Israeli force on the border to better pulverize them
they will not amass troops there before severely degrading Hezbollah's presence on the border. they are not amateurs. and this fake news about state of emergency can be repeated every week since October 2023
Good indicator that an Iranian ground incursion is being planned to go in deep and hold territory. If this gets executed well, it will be the coup de grace. Israel will not survive another Oct 7th, let alone what the IRGC is planning to do:

according to me it's ceasefire talks to look for a way out but you have to ask the rest of the pro incompetence crowd for their opinion

The Chef told us Arbaeen.

I think it’s Halloween, General solemani Sandwhich wants to prevent others from getting their candy. Such a grouch that man is.

I would ask the rest of the pro-circus crowd, but they been have off their meds for months.
Good indicator that an Iranian ground incursion is being planned to go in deep and hold territory. If this gets executed well, it will be the coup de grace. Israel will not survive another Oct 7th, let alone what the IRGC is planning to do:

small matter of travelling 1200km of open terrain without air support to reach Israel first
small matter of travelling 1200km of open terrain without air support to reach Israel first
Plenty of well trained forces right on de border no?......waiting for signal no? :p

They'd just pour in from 3 or 4 directions into northern Israel/ Golan.

Quickly pull down their pants.......:p

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