Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Plenty of well trained forces right on de border no?......waiting for signal no? :p

They'd just pour in from 3 or 4 directions into northern Israel/ Golan.

Quickly pull down their pants.......:p
Iran and Israel don't share a border so no

unless you mean in Syria in which case you are referring to Syrian militias not Iranian ground forces
WWI axis powers are impressed.

Ancient Egyptians are impressed Hezbollah found that *checks notes* you can dig into the Earf

Clown Show continues….

You are doing the bidding of the enemy so casually and openly. Next you will support Israel's occupation, then support an invasion into Iran like the Pahlavichis and Mojahedin do.
You are doing the bidding of the enemy so casually and openly. Next you will support Israel's occupation, then support an invasion into Iran like the Pahlavichis and Mojahedin do.

More clownish responses by pro-incompetence crowd.

Yeah I’m sure Israel needs me to convince the whopping 10 people here (that’s being generous) on this sub forum to Iran’s incompetence.

Completely delusional world some of you guys live in.
Plenty of well trained forces right on de border no?......waiting for signal no? :p

They'd just pour in from 3 or 4 directions into northern Israel/ Golan.

Quickly pull down their pants.......:p
Except I hope you are not counting on SAA
And if you mean hezbollah they are not equipped for such operation
Except I hope you are not counting on SAA
And if you mean hezbollah they are not equipped for such operation
What else is da SAA good for then? Pump cheez in a low income hospital? Where ghareeb Afghani families getting treated? Waiting for a hellfire missile attack?
WWI axis powers are impressed.

Ancient Egyptians are impressed Hezbollah found that *checks notes* you can dig into the Earf

Clown Show continues….
The Biggest clown around here is you! You keep disparaging the resistance while YOUR Country keeps arming and Protect the Genocidal Talmudic terror State with YOUR tax dollars!
More clownish responses by pro-incompetence crowd.

Yeah I’m sure Israel needs me to convince the whopping 10 people here (that’s being generous) on this sub forum to Iran’s incompetence.

Completely delusional world some of you guys live in.

But you never have solutions though, like ever, you just throw muck like some Karen and state what you think is wrong, but clearly dont have the brains for anything constructive. I didnt say Israel needs to convince anyone, I'm saying you're wolf in sheeps clothing who has its tail exposed for everyone to see. People would respect you more if you came clean with what you and your treacherous likes really believe.
You are doing the bidding of the enemy so casually and openly. Next you will support Israel's occupation, then support an invasion into Iran like the Pahlavichis and Mojahedin do.
The cope is astonishing. This person is bearing 'the embarrassment' of Iran's (in)actions in full display. Classic keyboard boi terribly upset things aren't going their way (or are they?). The groundhog in Groundhog Day. Transparently self unaware.

Ignore and enjoy the tantrums--post after post after post after clownish post after.. :love:.
But you never have solutions though, like ever

-Not putting your President in 1980’s bell helicopter only cleared for visual flight (incompetence)

-Not having your generals all meet in the most well surveillance street in all of Damascus (Iranian consulate)

-Providing detailed protection squads and armored vehicles for your VIPs in Tehran (Fakhrizadeh was killed in a old sedan and Quds force commander assassinated in Tehran in Pride knock off)

-End the stupid propaganda media events and statements that make us look like North Korea news network (the metal wand that detects COVID, remember that?)

-When you promised deterrence for 15 years (last “redline” April 2024) actually follow thru and not play this “time and place” cryptic game that has made Iran appear weaker than ever on world stage.

-Major Economic Reform package, when was the last time this government overhauled the economy or passed a economic reform package by tightening up contract law enforcement/protection? Or going after corruption and grift? What about developing Iran’s poorest economic zones that give rise to terrorist (Baluchistan, Kurdistan, Ahwvaz)

-Proper protection for our border guards. You have all this money to send to Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthi’s yet the Iranian border guards are driving around in Peykan trucks and getting overrun by insurgents and drug runners and can barely hold back Taliban sporadic attacks.

Meanwhile Iraqi PMUs are driving around in tons of Iranian MRAPs.

-Invest properly in the space program instead of putting out press releases. This program launched in late 2000’s and we still cannot reliably put up micro satellites let alone decent size satellites to higher orbits. Ahmadinejad promised us a man in space in 2020’s now it doesn’t even look like Iran can achieve that by 2040. Remember that? Another blunder of propaganda messaging.

The powers of the 22nd century are racing in space development (India, China, US, EU, etc) and it’s another field that Iran is way behind the curve in and will suffer as they plunder the riches and benefits of space in the decades to come while Iran sits asking Russia to send up satellites for it.

List goes on and on.

I have been bringing it up for years, not months, years. You all in the pro-incompetence crowd just dismissed it because you would rather be part of the ‘everything is awesome crowd’ from your European capitals you reside in like the infamous SalarHaqq who at this point might be in some European jail or fined heavily for being so pro Russia and anti Ukrainian (LOL) or maybe he is lurking under another fake name/alias.

Clearly you realize something is wrong with this incompetently run Republic or else your default response wouldn’t be “provide solutions”.

Even if I do provide solutions what’s the point? You think Majils and National Security Council sit here and read this forum? You think some of the most brilliant engineers, economists, and project managers in Iran haven’t already told their bosses/managers/politicians this? Look at what economists send to Majils in their reports and then look at what Majils actually does.

But when you have incompetence at the top (General Salami Sandwhich) or head of the Iranian Navy, what do you expect? These guys don’t care nor do they listen.
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