Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

If they had retaliated in a “big way” a month ago many lives would be spared from pain and suffering from this attack and the attacks preceding this.

Overall, 550+ Commanders, field officers, and soldiers killed since 10/7 and Nasrallah has continued to keep the attacks trained primarily only on the North. Israel is now expanding the rules of engagement beyond tit for tat and expanding the target bank.

HZ (and by extension Iran) needs to respond. Cannot rely on Houthi’s to be the messenger of symbolic messages. Israel doesn’t answer to symbolic messages only force.

Let’s see how this latest escalation plays out.
Thank god you are not in any position of power!
for Iran, this shows the barbarity and ruthless savagery of Israel. we must be more barbaric. that means nuclear weapons and all kinds of chemical and biological weapons. Khamenei has proven too conservative to lead Iran to nuclear weapons and confrontation with Israel. His successor must be different.

Thank god you are nowhere near the levers of power!
These are psychological operations and do not win wars. But have huge impacts on the easily impressionable.
I agree.

But Iran needs to decide asap if it is enter8ng war with Israel or not. Because where Is all of this leading to? If Israel successfully decapitates or disables hezbollah, velayat e faqih, the system Iran is based on will be in mortal danger, and so will Iran.

We are in veery dangerous special times now and it seems attacking first and hard is smarter than waiting and watching and guaging.
3000 Hezbollah members injured simultaneously (hundreds if not thousands losing limbs) is not a "psychological operation"

Most victims appear to be civilians , but being stated as Resistance Force members to play mind games

I call it face saving mission , after the missile strike failure

Israel always likes to project itself as Godly state with mightiest Science and Tech , it's part of that Psych-oP

After the missile strike , it appeared like they had their pants down in front of of whole world , so this rash Terrorist action was taken on Civilian of Lebnoon

I think every one was statring to question , well 1 missile and whole israel is in bunker what if the missile was fired from Syria ? Then what?
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Most victims appear to be civilians , but being stated as Resistance Force members to play mind games
Hezbollah has members across all facets of society so many of them are probably not fighters but vast majority of them are likely Hezbollah members
Resistance fighter of Palestine , I just don't think there is anything called hamaz or hizib or fateh it's all same

My personal opinion is most victims were civilians

May be 0.01% might be actual Resistance member
These are psychological operations and do not win wars. But have huge impacts on the easily impressionable.
This "psychological operation" essentially wiped out a whole infantry brigade worth of fighters by the push of a button, it is not good at all.
Seems like more people will be motivate for next move by Resistance Movement for Palestine

Such images of attack in civilians normally motivates more people and more nations to consider war on Israel

I am afraid - Israel has committed a big error

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