Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

I somehow got into this page while reading about what's happening in Lebanon, and just had to respond so I created an account.
That is not true.

Hizbollah are composed not only by men in arms. There are public servants, administrative personnel and even members of the Lebanese Parliament that are members of the party.

Moreover if Israel considers they terrorist they could have press the button many months ago. But they preferred to bomb the south of Lebanon with 900 kg JDAM and other colective punishment. That shows the Evil mentality of a ill people that support israeli Regime.
No Iran is not ready for open war, too many to lose. Unless open strike to their soil, it is best to restrain, restrain, and restrain even if it is painful. Don't take the Israel bait.
There is merit to this statement. However, that doesn't mean neglect of proper security procedures.
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Yeah, this has nothing to do with the manufacturer. The interception, implant, and release operation is simple. Hezbollah’s security is in question. Can’t ‘investigate’ every batch a country imports but a batch that is bought must be checked. This seems like simple stuff to me. Yet it happens. Yeah sure interception View attachment 65649

Even the Taiwanese company say there is inconsistency there.

The minimum answer should include assassination all top member of this BAC company as a warning to any other company who tempt to practice such acts.
Then go after Israelis and inflict such damage on them.
It's war already why you guys are so sfraid answer the one who attacks you
Agreed,the heads of this company need to be dealt with if only to serve as a clear warning to other manufacturers of the consequences of failure to do their due diligence and allow themselves to be used as pawns [unwitting or otherwise]
Another possibility would be to issue international arrest warrants for the heads of this company for involvement in a mass terrorism attack.
The main goal here is to send a very clear message:
Be very sure of who you are dealing with as failure to do so will be guaranteed to have the most dire consequences for you,your family,your associates and of course your business interests.
The problem here is :
- Iran & its security, Intel services have been infiltrated
- Same probably for Hizballah
- Ennemies knew what Iran ordered, from who, for who and what use. They also got help - probably abroad - to sabotage imported materials

Right now Iran has to :
- Check severly ALL recently imported military, security, scientific, etc... material
- Revamp & clean up its security services
- Setup additionnal layers in its security apparatus to better face such threats in the future
- Dedicate more of its ressources in fighting insider collaboration of Mossad/CIA & apply much harsher punishment on them and families

Such things Will take time and won't be ready in the next 2 months ! Until then, any retaliation would have limitesd impact and be of little use...
@Hack-Hook @Persian Gulf

Civilians and crowded areas should become targets at some point (even I'm against it but there is no solution at this point, they understand nothing but pure violence)
Can you not contract yourself in 2 sentences? Are you that dumb? SHOULD and I AM AGAINST IT , are you normal or just illiterate???
Now at least all those who have bought military equipment from Israel should doubt what is inside their equipment.

There is no certainty about western and eastern military equipment.
What makes me angry is that these pagers were made in hungary. How comes Iran and its allies haven't yet understood all equipment MUST be made inside the country or bought from close allies only. Hungary is Europe's Thaïland, they'd sell anything for money... Know your customers & suppliers is one of the basic rules......
I think the Iranians are looking at this problem in the wrong light. Are they worried about losing support of the population and power if Iran goes to war? Given the over- retaliation Israel conducts, the Iranian government can play the advantage and use it to incite massive support for the government. We saw even the most anti government Iranian waving the Iranian flag after the April retaliation.

War will undoubtedly make Iran more unified as now the sacred motherland has been attacked, and thus unity needs to be shored up.
If you can think up that Israel's retaliation comes disproportionately. Then Iranian population can also think that, they would still blame their own ruling elite for poking a distant country.
Yeah, this has nothing to do with the manufacturer. The interception, implant, and release operation is simple. Hezbollah’s security is in question. Can’t ‘investigate’ every batch a country imports but a batch that is bought must be checked. This seems like simple stuff to me. Yet it happens. Yeah sure interception View attachment 65649

Even the Taiwanese company say there is inconsistency there.

The minimum answer should include assassination all top member of this BAC company as a warning to any other company who tempt to practice such acts.
Then go after Israelis and inflict such damage on them.
It's war already why you guys are so sfraid answer the one who attacks you

Question is why Hezbollah buying a pager (simple device) from Taiwan and not Iran?

Plenty of companies that can make that device inside Iran and control the manufacture process.

This is incompetence (and laziness) of the highest order.
Something very strange about Hajizadeh lack of presence

It has left Bagheri and Salami as leaders of the IRGC, when Hajizadeh is the head of most powerful branch. Ghani has also been very quiet, not that he has been much of a talker historically.

I wonder if there was a fissure within IRGC between the pro-attack Israel camp and the pro-strategic patience (aka pro incompetence crowd). Since that debacle Hajizadeh has not been heard of to my knowledge.
Let's assume that Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Turkey goes to war with Israel, there is a high possibility that their western fighters will crash strangely

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