Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Yemen's defense minister said the country's armed forces were prepared for a long war against Israel, adding that defending Palestine against the usurper regime was a "religious duty."

"The Yemeni army holds the key to victory and is prepared for a long war of attrition against the Zionist usurper regime, its sponsors and allies," Major General Mohammad al-Atifi said on Thursday.
It's Al Sharq Al Awsat trolling

There isn't. But it's looking Israel is launching/waging the war. Slightly more segmented than usual, more gradual steps, but it's taking form of a large campaign.
Iran should snatch the initiative from Israel and start the new guerilla front from Syria in the Golan Heights. Syria is already destroyed and can withstand bombings. The collateral damage would be too high in Lebanon. The Syrian Sunnis would also rally behind the Asad government in this common Jihad for the liberation of Palestine and the government would become stronger. People will leave the support of Islamic State and Al-Qaeda and rally for the new Jihad. Islamic State and Al-Qaeda are already discredited for being silent on the Gaza War. Within three to five years Israel would be destroyed. Also start the fight in the West Bank and through the desert Arab tribes.
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Hezbollahs red line is invasion, and Israel knows this. As long as they don’t invaded they can continue purge the chain of command, and hezbollah won’t do anything

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