Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

The source is still to be verified but you will see it pass very soon, you will see it. The information circulates
as usual you are not able to substantiate your strange reports that you take from unreliable telegram channels
6000+ Lebanese casualties (around 800 killed, others injured) in less than a week

virtually no Israeli casualties in this time

Nasrallah's redlines turned to dust
I`m honestly amazed that you havent changed your avatar to this

Its literally only been a couple of days of shooting and yet you seem to think that the zios have won,the same zios who have yet to defeat hamas and the other resistance groups in gaza.
One can only hope that the lebanese people and their branch of the resistance are not as defeatist as you.
Its still very early days yet.

After some thought I`ve decided this will very likely be my final post in this forum,as I honestly just dont see much further point in continuing to have a presence in this form as it stands now.
Israeli lies about eliminating Hezbollah's military command:

In recent days Israel has been circulating graphics purporting to show the elimination of virtually all of Hezbollah's highest military command

while Israel has eliminated many top commanders, these graphics are quite misleading

if we go back to November 2023, Israel was circulating this more accurate graphic showing the members of Hezbollah's Jihad Council (the top military command, kinda like Iran's SNSC):

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 23.29.41.png

worth noting that from this group, only 2/7 have been martyred (Aqil and Shukr). Karaki survived a failed assassination attempt toady.

contrast with this graphic that Israel prefers to circulate today:

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 23.30.37.png

they only show 3 members of the Jihad Council, and selectively only show 1-2 commanders under each member. with the exception of the Radwan Unit, the other units remain relatively strong even at the commander level. Note this graphic also only shows four Hezbollah units (Radwan, Nasser, Aziz, and Bader). and the real leader of the Radwan Unit is still alive anyway.

And only shows one commander of Nasser, Aziz, and Bader. There are other units not shown, and of course many other commanders in each group not shown.

another good measure: Hezbollah releases old videos of its commanders with faces blurred if they are still alive. when a new commander is martyred they release the same video with the face of the martyred commander unblurred. the latest videos still show many blurred faces = many older senior commanders are still active and alive.

this is not intended to minimise Israel's achievements and Hezbollah's failures to protect its top commanders. this cannot be denied. but this is to provide some context about these misleading graphics and claims that Israel has 'wiped out Hezbollah's entire military chain of command', which is not close to being true.

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I`m honestly amazed that you havent changed your avatar to this

Its literally only been a couple of days of shooting and yet you seem to think that the zios have won,the same zios who have yet to defeat hamas and the other resistance groups in gaza.
One can only hope that the lebanese people and their branch of the resistance are not as defeatist as you.
Its still very early days yet.
is it defeatist to state facts? I like to think I am quite objective. those casualty numbers are widely reported and not in dispute.

I am far from defeatist. I am sharing suggestions for how to adapt and countering israeli lies all the time.

After some thought I`ve decided this will very likely be my final post in this forum,as I honestly just dont see much further point in continuing to have a presence in this form as it stands now.
sorry to see you go, I always valued your contributions
The price of a weak economy and low value currency like in Iran and Lebanon. If you throw enough dollars or euros around you will find somebody willing to do what you need them to do. CIA/Mossad successes boil down to having satellites and money.

You can get hitman in Iran for less than $5KUSD. People are hungry. Now imagine what a nation state can offer (100K+ and visa to settler in European country)

this is total war. Nasrallah thought he could impose ROE and manage isolated incidents one at a time. But Israel blew up his rulebook and Nasrallah doesn't have an answer. Hezbollah still holding back its larger weapons. by the time he decides to use them Israel will have blown most of them up.... total war waits for nobody.

It all makes sense when you realize 2006 war, Nasrallah never intended it to be a war. The man is a dove. Solemani lead the response attack in 2006 and now we are in a world he doesn’t exist and Nasrallah has even more decision making problem.

The source is still to be verified but you will see it pass very soon, you will see it. The information circulates

The source is Santa Clause.
350 civilians were killed in Lebanon in just one day, far more than in Gaza.
With Nasrallah's weak response and Pezeshkian's betrayal, Lebanon quickly became Gaza.
And even worse than Gaza, the majority of Lebanon's population is Sunni and Christian with ties to Israel.
At this rate, the Shiites in Lebanon will be destroyed in no time and a pro-US government will be installed.
350 civilians were killed in Lebanon in just one day, far more than in Gaza.
With Nasrallah's weak response and Pezeshkian's betrayal, Lebanon quickly became Gaza.
And even worse than Gaza, the majority of Lebanon's population is Sunni and Christian with ties to Israel.
At this rate, the Shiites in Lebanon will be destroyed in no time and a pro-US government will be installed.
Wishful thinking
You can get hitman in Iran for less than $5KUSD. People are hungry. Now imagine what a nation state can offer (100K+ and visa to settler in European country)

It all makes sense when you realize 2006 war, Nasrallah never intended it to be a war. The man is a dove. Solemani lead the response attack in 2006 and now we are in a world he doesn’t exist and Nasrallah has even more decision making problem.

The source is Santa Clause.
Again with the jibberish innuendo, the keyboard warrior is going Rambo style
350 civilians were killed in Lebanon in just one day, far more than in Gaza.
With Nasrallah's weak response and Pezeshkian's betrayal, Lebanon quickly became Gaza.
And even worse than Gaza, the majority of Lebanon's population is Sunni and Christian with ties to Israel.
At this rate, the Shiites in Lebanon will be destroyed in no time and a pro-US government will be installed.
Majority of Lebanon's population has ties to Israel? Hezbollah has a parliamentary alliance with the largest Christian group...

Shiites in Lebanon will never be destroyed.

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