Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

the impact crater seems consistent with the Israeli claims that it partially intercepted the warhead but did not fully destroy it

and consistent with the Israeli airbase craters from Iran's MRBMs. size of crater really depends on materials and soil etc

and Yemen claims the missile used (Kheibar Shekan) travelled 2040km. Kheibar Shekan originally has a 1450km range, so they must have really reduced the warhead size to extend the range to 2040km (which could also impact its structural integrity).

also that video is doing the rounds but is unrelated and from a fire on some conveyer from BEFORE the Yemeni missile was fired
I always have a damn good chuckle when anyone uses the term "partial intercept". involving objects travelling at high supersonic/hypersonic velocities
If the warhead had been intercepted,partially or otherwise,there`d be nothing left,it would be destroyed and I doubt that any intercepts of the spent booster would have debris coming down inside israel.
Even allowing for say a half weight warhead you`d still have 250kgs of explosive impacting at anywhere from mach 2+ to mach 5 depending on the amount of maneuvering and or gliding it did.
Sorry,but I`m just not buying it.....
Patarames seems to think it was Ghadr. Remains to be seen. The video could be misinformation.
True. Although the last such launch was a KS and the reference to "hypersonic" and Yemeni engineers having to work hard on this missile suggests a modified KS to me, though I agree could be something else if the video released is intended to deceive/confuse.
True. Although the last such launch was a KS and the reference to "hypersonic" and Yemeni engineers having to work hard on this missile suggests a modified KS to me, though I agree could be something else if the video released is intended to deceive/confuse.

K-1/2 derivative is a likely candidate as they were the ones to pierce the Israeli ABM shield in April 2024 and were used by Houthi’s in Eliat attack.

Arrow-3 will have a hard time time facing off with Kheybar’s MaRV (not ‘MIRV’ or ‘MRV’ like our culinary friend parrots) given the depressed skip trajectory it forces Arrow-3 to face off in lower layers of atmosphere where gravity and drag wreck havoc on interceptor maneuverability and bleed energy in F-pole manuever.

1450 KM on a 550lb warhead, if you drop that warhead down to <200lb what does the range become? You could also drop the steel engine casing and adopt a carbon fiber or composite casing to reduce weight (although the video doesn’t point to this).

And I have not found reliable information online what the difference between Kheibar Shekan 1 and Kheibar Shekan 2 is. Some claim the warhead is different, but I wonder if Keibar Shekan 2 is just another name for Fattah-1 as they are very similar.
The latest satellite image of the current status of the Meron Air Control Base belonging to the Zionist Israeli army after Hezbollah launched several attacks with Iranian-made Almas missiles.Radome surfaces heavily damaged, radars probably inactive.[translation]

I`m seeing more than a passing resemblance to these kitchen implements :sneaky:
K-1/2 derivative is a likely candidate as they were the ones to pierce the Israeli ABM shield in April 2024 and were used by Houthi’s in Eliat attack.

Arrow-3 will have a hard time time facing off with Kheybar’s MaRV (not ‘MIRV’ or ‘MRV’ like our culinary friend parrots) given the depressed skip trajectory it forces Arrow-3 to face off in lower layers of atmosphere where gravity and drag wreck havoc on interceptor maneuverability and bleed energy in F-pole manuever.

1450 KM on a 550lb warhead, if you drop that warhead down to <200lb what does the range become? You could also drop the steel engine casing and adopt a carbon fiber or composite casing to reduce weight (although the video doesn’t point to this).

And I have not found reliable information online what the difference between Kheibar Shekan 1 and Kheibar Shekan 2 is. Some claim the warhead is different, but I wonder if Keibar Shekan 2 is just another name for Fattah-1 as they are very similar.
Incorrect. Again. No references and made up as usual.

Just being a culinary friend. :D.

Just dance:

The Chef
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Yemen reveals "Palestine-2" missile used to strike Tel Aviv

As suspected, it is a variant of the Iranian Kheibar Shekan missile. Looks a lot like KS-2. But they didn't show the engine section and the build quality is predictably lower than those produced in Iran.

Claimed 2150km range is significantly higher than the 1450km range of the Iranian Kheibar Shekan.

Interesting that Yemen is willing to use more advanced missiles than Iran. Iran using Yemen to test its advanced missiles?

Funny moment in Pezeshkian's conference today where he said Iran didn't supply Yemen with that missile because even Iran doesn't have that missile (lol).

K-1/2 derivative is a likely candidate as they were the ones to pierce the Israeli ABM shield in April 2024 and were used by Houthi’s in Eliat attack.

Arrow-3 will have a hard time time facing off with Kheybar’s MaRV (not ‘MIRV’ or ‘MRV’ like our culinary friend parrots) given the depressed skip trajectory it forces Arrow-3 to face off in lower layers of atmosphere where gravity and drag wreck havoc on interceptor maneuverability and bleed energy in F-pole manuever.

1450 KM on a 550lb warhead, if you drop that warhead down to <200lb what does the range become? You could also drop the steel engine casing and adopt a carbon fiber or composite casing to reduce weight (although the video doesn’t point to this).

And I have not found reliable information online what the difference between Kheibar Shekan 1 and Kheibar Shekan 2 is. Some claim the warhead is different, but I wonder if Keibar Shekan 2 is just another name for Fattah-1 as they are very similar.
KS-1 vs KS-2 difference is obvious (even visually)

but KS-2 vs Fattah-1 difference is not obvious

pretty impressive that a solo shoddily constructed KS-2 was able to travel more than 2000km and impact in Israel despite Israel firing "several" Arrow and Iron Dome interceptors at it (who knows how many). That would only have to travel c. 1100-1200km from West Iran.
Palestine-2 (extended range Kheibar Shekan-2)

View attachment 65326

Looks like I was right On a few points

1) the initial video was a diversion attempt and not the actual missile used

2) warhead is reduced

3) probable carbon fiber casing or composite casing used.

4) No ‘MIRV’ instead a standard tri cone warhead use for maneuverability inside the atmosphere.

You were right it was a Kheibar Shekan family derivative.

I think the biggest reason this reached as far as it did was reducing the warhead and switching out the cheaper but heavier steel alloy Iran uses for what appears to be some type of composite.

Do you agree the engine and stage 1 casing has been switched to composite/CF?

The lower grade work could point to this being a prototype used or just Quds force working with what they can smuggle into Yemen especially after all the coalition air strikes on Houthi military facilities for their continued harassment attacks on shipping in the Red Sea.
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Incorrect. Again. No references and made up as usual.

Just being a culinary friend. :D.

Just dance:

The Chef

Incorrect Mr. chef! Thank you for reading my post you claim you don’t read! (And for replying twice to the same comment, what admiration, don’t turn into a stalker now!)

No MIRV as you “assessed” (not that any competent person thought that). It was in fact a MaRV with a reduced warhead and composite/CF body (was I correct Mr. chef? Oh no!)

The Chef you have begun metamorphosis into The Clown with each and every post!

What a fitting final form to match your ideal General Salami Sandwhich!

Till next time!
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Another question is why only 1 symbolic missile launched? It somehow managed to get through the ABM shield, so they will say it's "luck" and that no more missile were launched so no one can know, Israel still has a PR advantage in this because only one projectile was sent

It would have given us a better overview if 2-5 missiles were launched and how much would get past the ABM shield

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