Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Now they are censoring less because it is a excuse for war.

They censored all the damage of previous Hezbollah attacks.
reality is large fires cannot be censored effectively and satellite imagery did not show any material damage from the Iranian strikes

let's stop kidding ourselves and accept facts so that we can do better next time
The author is coping a lot.

"Wait out intense bombing"

DIdnt the Taliban and Al Qaeda's leaders and soldiers flee "intense bombing" in 2001 in Tora Bora when the US military air bombed Afghanistan to flush out or kill Taliban and AQ leadership during the initial invasion?

Depending on the value of the asset, waiting out bombings is smart and strategic during war.
reality is large fires cannot be censored effectively and satellite imagery did not show any material damage from the Iranian strikes

let's stop kidding ourselves and accept facts so that we can do better next time
Show us the satellite images. Everything that has been published so far is blurry and from a far distance and suspicious. This shows that they wanted to hide something.
Anyone who is well informed knows that there is no prospect of victory for Israel in Lebanon.

They can only kill innocent civilians to satisfy the bloodthirsty Jews.
OK, i wont disagree.

Dunno if this is good or bad, but secret negotiations (which is US's favorite diplomatic maneuvers) for Israel against Lebanon will not work this time either.

To end the war against Lebanon, Israel will have to make real concessions, like stopping its bombings and attacks on Gaza, if not, it will have to keep fighting for the foreseeable future, and at that stage it meets Iranian military production scale of economies, which leads to Israel's final defeat through exhaustion. Israel has many enemies, in the 100s of thousands, that attack it, but it won't be able to attack and take out successfully.
The problem is that if this rate remains the same, Israel could incapacitate Hezbollah to such an extent that rocket attacks would no longer be a threat, for example, instead of 200-500 rocket attacks, it would decrease to a sustained rate of 40-80 rockets. Israel is clearly targeting rocket depots, underground facilities and some launch sites, precisely to incapacitate Hezbollah.
US and NATO used ISIS and HTS and other Sunni extremist proxies to incinerate Hezbollah in Syria and that plan failed and Hezbollah only grew and became a larger and more professional (and professionally armed) militia. I guess you're one of the people @Flames In The Desert was talking about on this thread that are defeated already even after only a few days or weeks or war. lol. You're obviously underestimating or misunderstanding Hezbollah's capabilities.

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