Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Many of us who live in the west know how Iranian ppl behave hardly any I’ve met consider themselves Muslims. In fact they’ll denounce Islam and publically support Israel to gain citizenship. I’m certain a head of state or high ranking general sold out all the hezbollah commanders 2 reasons
1. Money and lifting sanctions
2. So Israel doesn’t strike Iran and cause more embarrassment
500 KG Warhead Fateh to 580 KG Warhead Zolfigar

need 2 of these to match what Israel is using over civilians
View attachment 68602
not strictly true. you should consider kinetic energy on impact.

500kg warhead impacting at mach 2-4 likely has greater KE than 1000kg warhead impacting at lower velocity (function of gravity and time). MK-82/84 bombs typically impact at around 300 m/s (0.875 mach).

kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x velocity^2

velocity = acceleration x time

you can plug the numbers and play. but you can already tell since velocity is squared it is a bigger determinant of KE than mass

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 17.49.02.png

--> the Iranian SRBM will have almost 3x as much KE on impact as the US 1000kg bomb.

to have the same kinetic energy of a 500kg warhead impacting at mach 2, the 'dumb' bomb impacting at 0.875 mach must have a mass of at least 2600kg.
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Why weren’t these AD missiles used in the last month of conflict? Why weren’t they deployed to southern Lebanon or Beruit?

on the plus side, I guess the loss of items you were never going to use doesn't hurt that much

I suspect it may be due to loss of competent commanders or disorganisation in C&C. or as soon as they are deployed they are destroyed

even with 2000+ airstrikes and incredible intelligence you will not totally destroy Hezbollah's inventory of 150,000+ rockets
Idf will invade southern Lebanon? What is the end goal? Just like Gaza they have no real objective other than to kill and cleanse the territories. Although Hamas is still fighting them daily and striking their equipment….

I wil lrepeat what I wrote back in November 2023, israel will use this to pacify gaza, west bank and invade and occupy souther Lebanon and their casus belli was that oct 7 attack which they purposely turned their heads towards, probably even using intelligence helped encourage Hamas to carry it out (unknown to hamas at the time)…

I am disappointed im HB but let’s see how they do in ground combat.

@Hack-Hook @Persian Gulf @Emirzad

Look the IRGC are attacking us for exposing their incompetence! This is what they spend their time doing. They would rather we stay ignorant and brain washed then think critically about the mistakes they continue to make.

They don’t want to have to be held responsible for these dark days.

One thing I have noticed over the years is that these dumb generals are highly sensitive to negative opinions of Iranians. They are so stupid that they do not understand that why people criticize them, instead of focusing on the reasons behind their incompetence, they would rather feel defensive like a 13 years old girl and bitch about it on the internet. They are just unprofessional to the core which is why Israel is killing them softly. I would not be surprised if they start hanging Iranian teens again to feel masculine.
Dark days are ahead brother. Without Solemani this entire Axis of Resistance became nothing but a loose group of bandits each firing some rockets/drones hoping they hit something.

Hamas/PIJ has been reduced to dust.

Hezbollah is now so degraded all they can do is fight on the ground. No Almas attacks. No heavy rocket attacks on critical infrastructure.

That stupid underground rocket city video they showed to boast about their capabilities aged like fine milk.

Iran’s and Axis of Resistance window was to strike after 10/7 when it was clear Israel was conducting systemic genocide. Instead it waited and one by one it’s most valuable assets are being destroyed.

IRI's military incompetence is to be blamed and nothing else. PR stunts, propoganda, lies, delusions of grandiosity, detachment from rest of the world .... here we are taking blows after blows and 200 years old Khamenei thinks we are winning.
As I mentioned here on the forum, there is even worse regarding Hezbollah's air defense, we have not seen photos and videos of hundreds of artillery rounds that Hezbollah should have everywhere on the ground. This is the big question to ask about this war. I have my answers, look for yours.

One thing is clear, whether in Iran or Lebanon, it is a minority who are traitors and infiltrators so let's not be surprised to see a violent clash within these organizations. There must be thousands of very angry soldiers and will not let this happen for long. The internal war will come quickly with public pressure and the anger of soldiers and generals who are not infiltrators. It is inevitable!

There are infiltrators everywhere, even on this forum where they are playing on two tables. This is not my problem, but yours.

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