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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Flames In The Desert

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Dec 13, 2023
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"Construction of a moving composite nozzle for one of the stages with a large diameter of a vertical solid fuel satellite rocket by the team of Shahid Tehrani Moghadam
The carbon fiber coating by wrapping the filament winding string on the main shell of the nozzle structure increases the strength of the nozzle and the heat can be controlled with the carbon fiber layers inside the nozzle." [Translation]

"Image of one of the massive solid fuel boosters ready for static fire testing by the team"

Flames In The Desert

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Dec 13, 2023
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better quality image


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Jan 18, 2024
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Shaheed Reza Nadi Shoorabi showing off the star shaped cross-section of a solid fuel thruster. Diameter b/w 1.8m and 2m. Long time ago but year unknown to me.



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Jan 18, 2024
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Hezbollah reveal Almas-4 ATGM

  • better seeker than its predecessors

It’s clear Almas 1-3 are older tech likely from over a decade ago or just much cheaper to produce thus ideal for transfer to groups like Hezbollah.

  • RF datalink (instead of trailing optical fibre cable) [Credit: Amir]

I’m curious how does on pack a 8KM+ long cable into a missile canister?



Jan 11, 2012
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It’s clear Almas 1-3 are older tech likely from over a decade ago or just much cheaper to produce thus ideal for transfer to groups like Hezbollah.

I’m curious how does on pack a 8KM+ long cable into a missile canister?

using very thin cable , tow used 4km long wire . also when you pack it , the longer the wire become the increase of the diameter of package increase slower
a 4km wire maybe packaged in 7cm but a 10km one can be put in 10cm diameter not 16cm


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022

Some maybe infer this cryptic talk to mean Iran has expanded its missiles/weapon systems to a range of 5000KM.

5000km covers this, from London to Diego Garcia, this extension of range is needed to counter threats coming from US satellite islands and NATO

K-4 can probably extend to 4000km with a lighter warhead, but Iran needs to use Qaem-100/105 into a ballistic missile, nuclear capable and with at least 700kg-1t of explosives in conventional mode to level places such as Diego Garcia

Normally Qaem-105 could achieve 14000km (infinite) range

But what is crucially needed is a complete upgrade of anti-ship capabilities, a replacement to Noor, Ghader family, something supersonic and to a better extend hypersonic with at least 2000km of range

I really hope they stop with 2000km only Israel and goes to 5000 for a whole coverage of NATO assets


Jan 11, 2012
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Some maybe infer this cryptic talk to mean Iran has expanded its missiles/weapon systems to a range of 5000KM.

let they make this 2000km effective first.
I'm still waiting for the retaliation against Israel for its latest attack


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Feb 9, 2019
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Some maybe infer this cryptic talk to mean Iran has expanded its missiles/weapon systems to a range of 5000KM

During the early days of the war in Gaza an Iranian general threatened to close the Strait of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea and other waterways to maritime traffic. Even John Bolton paid attention to these threats in one of his anti-Iran articles.

But how Iran will do that?

Shahed-136 drone has a range of 2000-2500km.

I suspect they have developed a drone with a 4000-5000km range, twice the size of the Shahed-136, equipped with two Mada MD-550 engines, electro-optical seeker and a SATCOM communication link.

With such a range they can seriously threaten global maritime trade in the event of war by targeting all ships in the Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Gibraltar, Suez Canal, Red Sea, Straight of Bab-el-Mandeb and much of the Indian Ocean.

Something like this:

Iranian A2/AD capabilities should include:

1) very long range suicide drone with 4000-5000km range for attacking distant enemy bases and threatening global maritime trade (building such a drone is within Iran's technical capabilities)

2) anti-ship ballistic missile with 1500-2000km range as a capability against US Navy

3) supersonic anti-ship cruise missile with ramjet engine for attacking enemy ships 300-600km away from the Iranian coast

4) precise ballistic missiles with 500-5000km range for attacking enemy bases

5) cruise missiles with 2500km range

6) an air defense system with 500-600km range for threatening enemy AWACs and refueling tankers, and with ASAT capability

^^Most of these weapons are either in development stage, or have already been developed by Iran or development of these weapons is theoretically within Iran's technical capabilities.
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The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
let they make this 2000km effective first.
I'm still waiting for the retaliation against Israel for its latest attack
2000km Shahed-136 and ballistic missiles have been proven on Zionist soil, yet Israel never did any direct attack and relies on spies and flaws in the drone field to make black stains on a S-300 radar

what a retaliation it is! in response of their land being panicked for 12hrs and spending at least a billion of interceptors and still some of the missile have got through the most protected ADS in the world, also Iran exposed the paper tiger

And even if this didn't happened, it is just technically very possible, Qaem-100 has a range of 14000km if made into a ballistic missile

We will remember the NATO and zionist shills claiming that S-136 had not more than 500km range, we will also remember the "Iran will never violate Israel"


Jan 11, 2012
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2000km Shahed-136 and ballistic missiles have been proven on Zionist soil, yet Israel never did any direct attack and relies on spies and flaws in the drone field to make black stains on a S-300 radar

what a retaliation it is! in response of their land being panicked for 12hrs and spending at least a billion of interceptors and still some of the missile have got through the most protected ADS in the world, also Iran exposed the paper tiger

And even if this didn't happened, it is just technically very possible, Qaem-100 has a range of 14000km if made into a ballistic missile

We will remember the NATO and zionist shills claiming that S-136 had not more than 500km range, we will also remember the "Iran will never violate Israel"
the deterrence is joke , because some guys in upper echelon are afraid of using it and are only talks .
you can have 14000km weapons but if you are afraid of using it , its useless as deterrence and right now our weapons are like that . Israel kill our commanders left and right and we are careful not to make any body nose bleed when we answer or we don't answer at all
only a useless joke of commander go and make threat about a new equation but about action ............

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