Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

You going to give up parts of your nuclear program for “limited sanctions relief” AND make a deal with the weak democrats? Sounds exactly like something Iran would do!

Was pouring concrete in Arak reactor not enough? You need another boneheaded move to add to your wall of accomplishments?

How is that “redesign” going by the way? How much are the Europeans and Americans helping you? You know how much tens of millions (potentially) hundreds of millions of dollars you lost per year by not having that heavy water to sell on foreign global markets?

The real sanctions relief that would turn Iran around: full SWIFT integration, foreign investment into Iran and not just energy sector, western (European) purchase of Iranian oil

None of that is happening without a major massive peace deal between Iran and Israel. Or American collapsing as a superpower. Pick one.

That’s the bottom line. You can argue, reality won’t change.
Iran doesn't need all of that to "turn Iran around". as soon as deal was signed in 2015 Iranian inflation fell below 10% and serious growth occurred. that's just with limited trade and sanctions relief.

iran doesn't plan to build nuclear weapons any time soon (probably not until Khamenei dies) and has no desire to enter a war with anyone no matter how much it is attacked. improving the dire economic situation is more important than the pathetically incremental accumulation of 60% HEU for no reason
What would more sanctions look like, arnt they already quite extensive in nature?
What would more sanctions look like, arnt they already quite extensive in nature?
compare 2020 (peak enforcement of secondary US sanctions under Trump) with 2024 (Biden lax enforcement)

< 0.5m bpd for entirety of 2020 vs 1.5m bpd for 2024

Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 12.53.59.png
compare 2020 (peak enforcement of secondary US sanctions under Trump) with 2024 (Biden lax enforcement)

< 0.5m bpd for entirety of 2020 vs 1.5m bpd for 2024

View attachment 63762
The sale of Iranian oil has nothing to do with Biden or Trump. The Americans could not stop the sale of Iranian oil, as was previously predicted.
Iran doesn't need all of that to "turn Iran around". as soon as deal was signed in 2015 Iranian inflation fell below 10% and serious growth occurred. that's just with limited trade and sanctions relief.

iran doesn't plan to build nuclear weapons any time soon (probably not until Khamenei dies) and has no desire to enter a war with anyone no matter how much it is attacked. improving the dire economic situation is more important than the pathetically incremental accumulation of 60% HEU for no reason
Iran was sanctioned even more. This inflation number is cherrypicking.

Regardless, the bottom line is, there can NEVER be a 'deal' that is reliable and permanent. EVER. Any US administration can simply revoke or ignore it just like last time and leave Iran drifting in the wind holding a bag of nothing burgers.

The issue is the US system which cannot be relied on for obvious reasons. Period.

Frozen nuclear program, space program, concreted heavy water reactor, added 'sanctions', etc.

I'm really surprised you're taking this position.
I guess Iran and Russia for their part need to show sanctions dont have the effect the west wants if anything makes the situation worse. Will be interesting to see how Russia recipricates.
that's a very short sighted view. Russia is not capable of resolving Iran's economic issues. only sanctions relief with Europe and the US is. and Iran exporting ballistic missiles to Russia crosses a European red line and makes that ultimate economic relief harder to achieve.
Ok, lets forget any economic benefit Russia can't provide Iran- what about some military benefit Russia can give Iran to say thank you for weapons Iran provided Russia like Shahed-136 that have had a major impact in the war, in Russia's favor. Now Fath-360s have been transferred, and 120 or/and 155mm shells have been shipped already to Russia. It will just be painful to see Iran get nothing it really wants from Russia after all this help Iran gave Russia at a time of need(war). Russia i guess gave Iran some radar equipment recently, but like the Yak-130s delivered recently to Iran, they are more like non-lethal weapons.
Ok, lets forget any economic benefit Russia can't provide Iran- what about some military benefit Russia can give Iran to say thank you for weapons Iran provided Russia like Shahed-136 that have had a major impact in the war, in Russia's favor. Now Fath-360s have been transferred, and 120 or/and 155mm shells have been shipped already to Russia. It will just be painful to see Iran get nothing it really wants from Russia after all this help Iran gave Russia at a time of need(war). Russia i guess gave Iran some radar equipment recently, but like the Yak-130s delivered recently to Iran, they are more like non-lethal weapons.
Where is Fath 360 in Ukraine?

Russia only sent planes full of cash and gold/diamonds to Iran, but this is not enough for what Iran sends, the drones probably helped Russia to win several battles or operations in Ukraine, BMs is the next level, it also put Iran at danger because Russia doesn't seem to care a lot about civilians when using drones, so i can't imagine how much non-soldiers will be killed by BMs

Who tells us that Ukraine isn't tempted to launch some drones inside Iran? They have nothing to lose in their current state after all. And if this happens what will Iran do? Join the war? Deliver more to Russia? Single retaliation? All of these options only benefits Russian interests at 100% and 0% Iranian interest
This is funny. With this much noise in the West and specifically in Europe over accurate SRBMs, Iran can now make an even larger threat/bargaining chip to scare the EU into not messing with Iranian interests to appease their financial backers.

We have Kheibar-Shikan Skip GV and Fattah HGV both battle proven MaRV-MRBMs. Let's just put them on "Sale to Russia" even if for show only, along with a range of Almas ATGM, Air-launched PGMs/ALCM/ALBM, basically what Iranian SU-24MK/22M4, F-4E/D fleets have been seen with. I am not saying Iran should supply all of this to Russia but the threat of an ever-enlarging Iranian military-industrial complex getting behind Russia is a scary thought for enemies of Russia who also happen to be enemies of Iran.

Leadership should pull carrot and stick policy with EU. Show them what kind of strategic damage Iran can inflict if it's not respected at the geopolitical stage. This can actually put the EU back on the table with Iran, if they dont what do we have to lose?
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Iran doesn't need all of that to "turn Iran around". as soon as deal was signed in 2015 Iranian inflation fell below 10% and serious growth occurred. that's just with limited trade and sanctions relief.

You realize most of Iran’s currency depreciation happened AFTER the deal was signed right?

If some of you actually did business in our home country you would know these basic things.

You aren’t fixing Iran’s economy with “limited sanctions” relief. Whatever the hell that means.

If you aren’t a part of SWIFT, you are radioactive and no one will touch you with a 10 foot pole.
if it's not upgraded su-35s then it's a very bad deal considering how seriously Europe will take the issue of Iranian missiles being used in Europe (they are already preparing a new sanctions package)
how i see it agreeing to sell us 200 rd-33mk would be a far better deal
It all started from a WSJ article without source so not surprised they deny this
EU and US impose sanctions on Iran Air etc

but Iran officially denies it!

then again we also denied supplying drones ... then said it was all before the war ... stupid lies

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