Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

I think Jihad is the same as Qiyam 2. Qiyam 2 was never officially announced and even its name was not mentioned.
I agree. Qiam-2 was used in 2020 against ISIS targets in Syria. so this is another old missile.

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I agree. Qiam-2 was used in 2020 against ISIS targets in Syria. so this is another old missile.

Why we Showing off old missiles.

F-1 and F-2 are really just same Missile body as other Iranian missiles with a different RV.

The last truly different Iranian missile architecture was Khorramshahr missile.

Since then all Iranian missiles can trace their roots to:

-Shahab family
-Fateh-110 family
-Fateh-110 XL long range family

Everytime a new gen/upgrade missile in one those 3 families comes out, iran slaps a new name on it.

still subsonic apparently

Why do we need 5 separate long range CM systems that are all sub sonic? What benefits does have 5 different CMs doing the same job and same relative specs achieve?

This continues Iranian tradition of logistical nightmare.
Why do we need 5 separate long range CM systems that are all sub sonic? What benefits does have 5 different CMs doing the same job and same relative specs achieve?

This continues Iranian tradition of logistical nightmare.
Which ones?
Paveh it is a long range cruise missile, one of the most cheap in the market. They could be used to deplete enemy air defenses.
Hoveyzeh / Soumar are real cruise missiles with large payload to be used after depleting defense systems.
And others I mean Nasr/Noor/Ghadir are just anti ship cruise missile (well, in purity those last two are, because Nasr is not a cruise missile, it is a rocket propelled, short range anti ship missile).
There are still way to design and deliver to IRGCN/IRIN a antiship missile, stealth and multi-sensor. None of the Nasr/Noor/Ghadir have IR seeker, and a anti ship cruise missile with lower RCS than Noor family and multisensor like Hsiung Feng II would pose a major threat to US Navy. Specially when you combine a volley of legacy Noor missiles and new ones.

Which ones?
Paveh it is a long range cruise missile, one of the most cheap in the market. They could be used to deplete enemy air defenses.
Hoveyzeh / Soumar are real cruise missiles with large payload to be used after depleting defense systems.



Abu Mahdi



And now “eghtedar”

You have 5 missiles that are all sub sonic and all lack RCS reducing features, two much needed critical features of next gen CMs that increase survivability against Western ADS.

No sign that Iran’s ‘ Mobin’ LO CM concept of a 1,000+ KM subsonic RCS .1 m2 stealth CM has gotten the green light. Shame.

Meanwhile we got ANOTHER sub-sonic high RCS introduced to an already crowded field.

Iran’s various military conglomerates are pumping out too many military products that are similar and not enough that are pushing the envelope of capability.

Just look at how many Predator ‘clones’ we have between IRGC, Artesh, and Air Force. Recently Mohajer unveiled M-10….another predator clone in an already crowded field.

I find it hard to believe all these weapon systems are being mass produced. More likely they are more just prototype concepts that await a major contract from Iran or foreign buyer. The biggest clue is how fast a newly unveiled weapon system is made available for export. That shows how much demand or lack thereof is within Iranian armed forces if a weapon is quickly made available to foreign buyers [ie lack of domestic contract/interest].

And others I mean Nasr/Noor/Ghadir are just anti ship cruise missile (well, in purity those last two are, because Nasr is not a cruise missile, it is a rocket propelled, short range anti ship missile).

Iran’s C-802/C-801 based CMs are approaching ancient tech in today’s battlefield. Houthi’s have used them directly and indirectly against US navy and they haven’t had any trouble shooting them down.

Outside of a mass saturation attack of 25+ or even 50+ CMs their lethality is low. Which begs the question why still develop a CM with such low kill rate? Just because something is cheap to produce doesn’t mean you should produce it.

The lack of an iranian supersonic CM in 2024 as the Big 3 move to hypersonic CM for deep strikes on HVTs far into enemy territory shows Iran is significantly lagging in the anti ship CM field and deep strike field.
Looking at the ballistic missile strikes, and the advent of low altitude defence systems like Iron Dome, is the next logical progression of modern Ballistic missiles the use of countrer measure like chaff, and electronic jamming to spoof systems like Iron dome? Some of the warheads that the ballistic missiles that Iran used in its retaliation had a change of direction in the terminal phase to spoof systems like Iron dome, so progress for sure but the interception rates are very high. Ballistic defence systems seem to have gotten better, so the need for counter measures on the warheads of ballistic missiles need to get better too it seems.
Looking at the ballistic missile strikes, and the advent of low altitude defence systems like Iron Dome, is the next logical progression of modern Ballistic missiles the use of countrer measure like chaff, and electronic jamming to spoof systems like Iron dome? Some of the ballistic missiles that Iran used in its retaliation had a change of direction in the terminal phase to spoof systems like Iron dome, so progress for sure but the interception rates are very high. Ballistic defence systems seem to have gotten better, so the need for counter measures on the warheads of ballistic missiles need to get better too it seems.
firstly iron dome isn't designed to intercept ballistic missiles you should speak about Arrow and David's Sling instead
Eqtedar CM is not subsonic, nor hypersonic. Translation of its persian equal could be supersonic. The launching speed of this missile showed that.
Eqtedar CM is not subsonic, nor hypersonic. Translation of its persian equal could be supersonic. The launching speed of this missile showed that.
There is no evidence it is supersonic

A hypersonic MaRV and a PBV-IRBM, two of the deadliest most weapons in Iranian arsenal.
I would like to see the Fattah-2 warhead on the Khorramshahr

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