Israel initially wanted to do an EMP Attack on Iran with a Nuclear Weapon from F35:Pepe Escobar

I doubt it.
However don't think they are not planning revenge.

Judeo-christian values dictate to the average westerner that revenge is satiated best with dead civilians, preferably babies, the infirm and the elderly.
I doubt it.
However don't think they are not planning revenge.

Judeo-christian values dictate to the average westerner that revenge is satiated best with dead civilians, preferably babies, the infirm and the elderly.
There is no such thing like "judeo-christian" or judeo-islam, another construct of zion-terrorists...probably palestina/Israel will have special status, international protectorat for some period, long or short, with new kind of existence afterward...they were so stupid to perform first, as Brazilian head of state said, first live ongoing genocid show with global public...they will be subject of different tribunals for decades, probably they are preceding case of "arrested state"...

thats why popular commentators like Scott Ritter, Douglas MacGregor, Pepe Escobar...are already presenting Israel regime as rogue, outlaw, pariah regime...

even usa is distancing from zion-terrorists regime, still not enough, but this was simply unimaginable just some time from the west does not even count as relevant...turkey can't be take serious after so many brave speeches for so long time, and nothing more than speaking...

China is increasing power in regional balance and Russians already have military presence, brics will have to provide new regional approach...China and Russia will have to find a major partner in as guarantor of regional order in changed circumstances...No one has any idea which one that partner could be, because turkey lost any chance with such double play this time, and global public will try to avoid Arabian hegemony in preventing total eradication of Jewish communities...

Any idea?
There is no such thing like "judeo-christian" or judeo-islam, another construct of zion-terrorists...probably palestina/Israel will have special status, international protectorat for some period, long or short, with new kind of existence afterward...they were so stupid to perform first, as Brazilian head of state said, first live ongoing genocid show with global public...they will be subject of different tribunals for decades, probably they are preceding case of "arrested state"...

thats why popular commentators like Scott Ritter, Douglas MacGregor, Pepe Escobar...are already presenting Israel regime as rogue, outlaw, pariah regime...

even usa is distancing from zion-terrorists regime, still not enough, but this was simply unimaginable just some time from the west does not even count as relevant...turkey can't be take serious after so many brave speeches for so long time, and nothing more than speaking...

China is increasing power in regional balance and Russians already have military presence, brics will have to provide new regional approach...China and Russia will have to find a major partner in as guarantor of regional order in changed circumstances...No one has any idea which one that partner could be, because turkey lost any chance with such double play this time, and global public will try to avoid Arabian hegemony in preventing total eradication of Jewish communities...

Any idea?
I have no idea . ..

But thanks.
obviously ludicrous story
Where would they have launched from? Iraqi airspace? Or through long haul around Arabian peninsula with tanker support?
Content is less important, even he said that such event is hard to believe, but insist that source is very reliable, source is asian, and highest possible asian source...he presents interests of Russia and will never have such reports without instruction from high level...

Message from this story is very clear, can be translated, Hey Israel don't even think about some stupid ideas, you are warned...this is also part of the new equation and power sharing in the region...long time American ambassador in ksa explained to details about new rules, because this coalition can even severely hit American military presence there, price is so high cost now and very little to get so Americans have no interest to stay...there is even growing isolationist fraction in American politics, and total retreating of asian lands...

So what is the point of this message for Israel in one word, pressure...
Entity wanted to do this and entity wanted to do that.

All we know is that the entity has gone very quiet as respects to attacking Iranían targets and is more comfortable “fighting” women, children and those without weapons in general.
Non sense
Iran Israel and USA all three Are playing domestic politics..none of the parties want war and everything happen is just optics

Iranian goal is expansion into Lebanon Iraq Yemen and Syria .. Israel isn't on the objectives list

I do however, praise Iranians that they atleast care about Palestinians to play domestic politics which for certain Arab countries isn't true who don't even care anymore
Non sense
Iran Israel and USA all three Are playing domestic politics..none of the parties want war and everything happen is just optics

Iranian goal is expansion into Lebanon Iraq Yemen and Syria .. Israel isn't on the objectives list

I do however, praise Iranians that they atleast care about Palestinians to play domestic politics which for certain Arab countries isn't true who don't even care anymore
Iran's main target is Palestine and Quds (Jerusalem) .
Since the beginning of the revolution, this issue has been discussed every day in Iran
Iran's main target is Palestine and Quds (Jerusalem) .
Since the beginning of the revolution, this issue has been discussed every day in Iran
sure, but thats not what a neutral commenter will tell you, its just what sold to domestic Iranians but establishment goal isnt that, its to expand shia influence..(its possible that expanding shia influence could be the first step )

i do respect Iranians that atleast they can be sold this story

we cant sell this story to arabs citizens as they would rather make peace with Israelis
sure, but thats not what a neutral commenter will tell you, its just what sold to domestic Iranians but establishment goal isnt that, its to expand shia influence..(its possible that expanding shia influence could be the first step )

i do respect Iranians that atleast they can be sold this story

we cant sell this story to arabs citizens as they would rather make peace with Israelis

Which “neutral commentator” would that be?

Iran could easily buddy up with entity and US to jointly rule the ME but they rather have sanctions by opposing them.

Unlike Iran, entity and US have no respect for Arabs and even Turks to some extent. They see them as defeated and spineless peoples.

Logic does not work out there.
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sure, but thats not what a neutral commenter will tell you, its just what sold to domestic Iranians but establishment goal isnt that, its to expand shia influence..
Neutral commenter will tell that no matter how, Iran is only one that is openly opposing zion hegemony... every normal neutral commenter will give support to shia influence when alternative is zion-wahhab-ISIL "moderates" least we know that they are not genocidal bandits, hezbollah is keeping the christians in their country, armenia would be totally blocked without iran, there are jewish and armenian representatives in the parliament, percentage of educated women is high in global terms...and list is going on...

Probably the most honest desire of zion-terrorists regime is devastation of iran, and boy, they did everything they could in achieving this goal....unfortunately for them, they missed the opportunity, and there is no reason for them to be optimists about the future of their genocidal entity...

We want different, normal world, free from genocidal maniacs, and we think that iran is very important part of that you can see, now there are media structures that present iranian points of view, western structures, iran payed huge price in this struggle and deserves more respect and support than ever...

Israel of course, deserves all negative articles and comments, and that is what they will have...this is just preparation for global public, I mean articles like this are pre-start, the real deal is coming....cheers
sure, but thats not what a neutral commenter will tell you, its just what sold to domestic Iranians but establishment goal isnt that, its to expand shia influence..(its possible that expanding shia influence could be the first step )

i do respect Iranians that atleast they can be sold this story

we cant sell this story to arabs citizens as they would rather make peace with Israelis
Damn it! Ziaulislam has exposed our secret support for the Zionist project. Luck for us he has yet to learn that both Washington D.C and Tel Aviv are secretly ruled by our secret Shia Cabal!!!

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