J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

Lol, so F35 doesn't have the capability to LOOK YOU FIRST SHOOT YOU FIRST LOL 🤣 😂 😉 😜



Its fair to say no one really knows how good the J31/35 will be. A big unknown is the avionics, the EW suite, the sensor fusion with other assets, the RCS, in the 5th Gen world all of these things are very important. Maybe we can gleam some ideas from the J20 but I think its too early to start saying its better or equal, the F35 is flying in some airforces and doing its job.
Based on the publicly available information:The research on the J20 and FC31 was initiated simultaneously. Due to the J20 winning the competition and receiving funding support from the PLA, its research progressed quickly. The FC31 failed in the competition, and in order not to abandon the aircraft, the SAC raised funds independently to continue its development, but it is clear that it cannot match the J20's development speed.


Sorry, but that’s plain wrong since SAC did not lose against CAC‘s J-20 with the FC-31 but with a vastly different and much larger design. The FC-31 was in fact initiated based on an earlier concept and developed into the two well known demonstrators after it lost.
Hey, guys. There is no point in judging who is good and who is bad after a simple comparison of the parameters of these fighters.

Each country will choose a different type of fighter for its own situation. Countries with independent R&D capabilities will also formulate different R&D plans according to their own needs when developing fighter jets.

If you have to compare the F22/F35/J20/J31 fighters, you need to consider the background information of these fighters at the time of development. There is no point in simply comparing the data.

The advantages of the F22/F35 are more powerful aero engines and advanced stealth materials. The disadvantage of the F22 is that it is too early and the electronic information system is backward; The disadvantage of the F35 is that the three models of A/B/C are too much considered for compatibility and versatility, resulting in too much limitation for a single model.

The J20/J31 has the advantage of leading air-to-air missile systems and electronic information systems. The disadvantage lies in the relatively backward aero engine and stealth materials.

However, the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of both sides is very small.

The F35 and J20 have already met in reality. If you are interested, you can look for United States officers' assessment and analysis of these situations, which are easily searchable on the Internet.
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Sorry, but that’s plain wrong since SAC did not lose against CAC‘s J-20 with the FC-31 but with a vastly different and much larger design. The FC-31 was in fact initiated based on an earlier concept and developed into the two well known demonstrators after it lost.
I've corrected what I said and made some additions.
Hey, guys. There is no point in judging who is good and who is bad after a simple comparison of the parameters of these fighters.

Each country will choose a different type of fighter for its own situation. Countries with independent R&D capabilities will also formulate different R&D plans according to their own needs when developing fighter jets.

If you have to compare the F22/F35/J20/J31 fighters, you need to consider the background information of these fighters at the time of development. There is no point in simply comparing the data.

The advantages of the F22/F35 are more powerful aero engines and advanced stealth materials. The disadvantage of the F22 is that it is too early and the electronic information system is backward; The disadvantage of the F35 is that the three models of A/B/C are too much considered for compatibility and versatility, resulting in too much limitation for a single model.

The J20/J31 has the advantage of leading air-to-air missile systems and electronic information systems. The disadvantage lies in the relatively backward aero engine and stealth materials.

However, the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of both sides is very small.

The F35 and J20 have already met in reality. If you are interested, you can look for United States officers' assessment and analysis of these situations, which are easily searchable on the Internet.
I agree with the statement that each country will choose a different type of fighter for its own situation. Countries with independent R&D capabilities will also formulate different R&D plans according to their own needs when developing fighter jets. This is well said.

I personally like J-31 but I am not into making tall claims, I always suggest caution. American aviation sector has no peer and the US had a significant head start in developing stealth aircraft. This head start might not be possible to bridge anytime soon because the US is not sitting idle.

High resolution J-31 structural rcs simulation is not found in public domain but high resolution J-20 structural rcs simulation can be found in here.


Russia is struggling to come up with a stealthy design that works but China has a done a good job with J-20. But F-35 has a more stealthy design.

You are correct to point out that China is lacking in stealth materials. F-35 can deflect and absorb radar waves across a number of frequency bands ranging from L to V by virtue of its shaping when combined with its known RAM application:

A radar absorbing composite includes a (CNT)-infused fiber material disposed in at least a portion of a matrix material. The composite absorbs radar in a frequency range from about 0.10 Megahertz to about 60 Gigahertz. The CNT-infused fiber material forms a first layer that reduces radar reflectance and a second layer that dissipates the energy of the radar. A method of manufacturing this composite includes disposing a CNT-infused fiber material in a portion of a matrix material with a controlled orientation of the CNT-infused fiber material within the matrix material, and curing the matrix material. The composite can be formed into a panel which is adaptable as a structural component of a transport vessel or missile for use in stealth applications.

Chinese RAM application is disclosed in following source:

In this article, a multifunctional and tunable radar absorber which can achieve dynamical modulation of absorbing frequency, bandwidth, and amplitude is presented. Such a tunable radar absorber is composed of a graphene capacitor layer and an active metasurface layer. By controlling the impedance characteristic of each layer through the external bias voltages, the absorber not only can achieve the ultrawideband electromagnetic (EM) absorbing performance, but also can be switched to a narrowband absorption mode, and its absorption amplitude can be further adjusted at each of the above operation modes. Both simulated and experimental results have demonstrated that the −10-dB reflection bandwidth ranging from 3.55 to 19.6 GHz can be realized, and the average reflection amplitude can be dynamically tuned between −3.8 and −11.5 dB. In addition, by changing the bias voltages, the absorber can also, respectively, switch its −10 dB reflection bandwidth to 3.5−11.1 GHz and 10.9−18.9 GHz, where the larger dynamic range of amplitude modulation is obtained. The equivalent circuit model is employed to explain the tunable absorption mechanism by analyzing the impedance matching characteristics. This hybrid design approach can effectively expand the EM reconfigurable functionalities of the current tunable absorber, which may further open a novel way of the graphene application in microwave frequencies.


This RAM application allows J-20 (or J-31) to deflect and absorb radar waves across frequency bands ranging from S to Ku. Definitely not on the level of F-35.

J-31 sensor package reportedly contains KLJ-5 radar system, A-STAR EOTS-86 EOTS, A-STAR EORD-31 IRST, and BM/KJ 8602C RWR - related information in here. KLJ-5 has slotted antenna design and its SAR resolution is unknown - related information in here. J-31 is expected to have sensor fusion but to what degree is unknown. F-35 is equipped with a very advanced sensor package and fusion capabilities:

The bar was set very high in comparison to the norm.

South Korea has rolled out KAI KF-21 Boramae, it is a fairly advanced jet fighter in its class with a structure that is similar to that of F-35 but South Korea has officially admitted that it will take years to produce a jet fighter at par with F-35:


This is the level of transparency that I personally appreciate and welcome because it keeps the record straight and does not feed fanboys. But many countries outside the OECD bloc including China and Pakistan are lacking in transparency unfortunately.

Now keep in mind that the US will improve F-35 on many counts as well:

Technology gap will continue accordingly. The US will also roll out NGAD and extremely stealthy drones in time.


Generalizations about F-22A Raptor program are misplaced. F-22A has variations and they are not equal. A total of 32 are said to be old but others are modernized. Some are even being used as a test bed for 6th generation fighter components so one can only imagine the capability of these shadow variants. And F-22A electronic warfare component is off-the-charts with 32 antennas. A typical modern jet fighter has 3 - 5 antennas. Go figure.


J-31 is definitely expected to be better than J-10C and might allow Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to infilitrate Indian airspace without the need to engage Indian Air Force (IAF) in costly battles. Perhaps this capability is desired in view of India getting missile defense systems. Time will tell.
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I agree with the statement that each country will choose a different type of fighter for its own situation. Countries with independent R&D capabilities will also formulate different R&D plans according to their own needs when developing fighter jets. This is well said.

I personally like J-31 but I am not into making tall claims, I always suggest caution. American aviation sector has no peer and the US had a significant head start in developing stealth aircraft. This head start might not be possible to bridge anytime soon because the US is not sitting idle.

High resolution J-31 structural rcs simulation is not found in public domain but high resolution J-20 structural rcs simulation can be found in here.

View attachment 58719

Russia is struggling to come up with a stealthy design that works but China has a done a good job with J-20. But F-35 has a more stealthy design.

You are correct to point out that China is lacking in stealth materials. F-35 can deflect and absorb radar waves across a number of frequency bands ranging from L to V by virtue of its shaping when combined with its known RAM application:

A radar absorbing composite includes a (CNT)-infused fiber material disposed in at least a portion of a matrix material. The composite absorbs radar in a frequency range from about 0.10 Megahertz to about 60 Gigahertz. The CNT-infused fiber material forms a first layer that reduces radar reflectance and a second layer that dissipates the energy of the radar. A method of manufacturing this composite includes disposing a CNT-infused fiber material in a portion of a matrix material with a controlled orientation of the CNT-infused fiber material within the matrix material, and curing the matrix material. The composite can be formed into a panel which is adaptable as a structural component of a transport vessel or missile for use in stealth applications.

Chinese RAM application is disclosed in following source:

In this article, a multifunctional and tunable radar absorber which can achieve dynamical modulation of absorbing frequency, bandwidth, and amplitude is presented. Such a tunable radar absorber is composed of a graphene capacitor layer and an active metasurface layer. By controlling the impedance characteristic of each layer through the external bias voltages, the absorber not only can achieve the ultrawideband electromagnetic (EM) absorbing performance, but also can be switched to a narrowband absorption mode, and its absorption amplitude can be further adjusted at each of the above operation modes. Both simulated and experimental results have demonstrated that the −10-dB reflection bandwidth ranging from 3.55 to 19.6 GHz can be realized, and the average reflection amplitude can be dynamically tuned between −3.8 and −11.5 dB. In addition, by changing the bias voltages, the absorber can also, respectively, switch its −10 dB reflection bandwidth to 3.5−11.1 GHz and 10.9−18.9 GHz, where the larger dynamic range of amplitude modulation is obtained. The equivalent circuit model is employed to explain the tunable absorption mechanism by analyzing the impedance matching characteristics. This hybrid design approach can effectively expand the EM reconfigurable functionalities of the current tunable absorber, which may further open a novel way of the graphene application in microwave frequencies.


This RAM application allows J-20 (or J-31) to deflect and absorb radar waves across frequency bands ranging from S to Ku. Definitely not on the level of F-35.

J-31 sensor package reportedly contains KLJ-5 radar system, A-STAR EOTS-86 EOTS, A-STAR EORD-31 IRST, and BM/KJ 8602C RWR - related information in here. KLJ-5 has slotted antenna design and its SAR resolution is unknown - related information in here. J-31 is expected to have sensor fusion but to what degree is unknown. F-35 is equipped with a very advanced sensor package and fusion capabilities:

The bar was set very high in comparison to the norm.

South Korea has rolled out KAI KF-21 Boramae, it is a fairly advanced jet fighter in its class with a structure that is similar to that of F-35 but South Korea has officially admitted that it will take years to produce a jet fighter at par with F-35:

View attachment 58718

This is the level of transparency that I personally appreciate and welcome because it keeps the record straight and does not feed fanboys. But many countries outside the OECD bloc including China and Pakistan are lacking in transparency unfortunately.

Now keep in mind that the US will improve F-35 on many counts as well:

Technology gap will continue accordingly. The US will also roll out NGAD and extremely stealthy drones in time.


Generalizations about F-22A Raptor program are misplaced. F-22A has variations and they are not equal. A total of 32 are said to be old but others are modernized. Some are even being used as a test bed for 6th generation fighter components so one can only imagine the capability of these shadow variants. And F-22A electronic warfare component is off-the-charts with 32 antennas. A typical modern jet fighter has 3 - 5 antennas. Go figure.


J-31 is definitely expected to be better than J-10C and might allow Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to infilitrate Indian airspace without the need to engage Indian Air Force (IAF) in costly battles. Perhaps this capability is desired in view of India getting missile defense systems. Time will tell.
I have a few different opinions on your point of view.
Stealth and anti-stealth are the relationship between spear and shield. Many years ago, the U.S. military was the first to propose and lead the world in stealth technology. It is clear that it is unrealistic for the PLA to catch up with the stealth technology of the US military in a short period of time. As a result, PLA increased its investment in anti-stealth technology and achieved a leading position. At the same time, due to its leadership in anti-stealth technology, the PLA wavered in the design of its own fighters whether stealth was the primary factor.
Therefore, we see that today's PLA, although it lags behind the US military in stealth technology, is completely ahead of the US military in anti-stealth technology and ultra-long-range air-to-air missile technology.
Even in today's fierce competition between China and the United States, the stealth fighters of the US military still do not dare to penetrate deep into China's airspace, even if it is a demonstrative action, it is a friction on the edge, but this will soon attract PLA interceptor fighters.
According to public information:
In the early plans of F22, there was indeed the idea of adding an advanced electronic information system, but for some unknown reason it was abandoned. The Pentagon closed the production line for the F22 in 2011. The U.S. military upgraded the F22 in 2022, but it was only equipped with IRST, which has long been fully popularized on other fighters.
For advanced electronic information systems, which cannot be achieved through modifications, they require detectors and cables throughout the fuselage, which is far more complex than redesigning a new aircraft.
So, in my opinion, F22 is really behind the times. For countries and regions that do not have anti-stealth technology and advanced electronic information systems, the F22 still has a deterrent capability. But for China, the threat capabilities of the F22 are very small.
The J31 and J10C are two completely different fighters, and it makes no sense to simply compare the two fighters. I don't recommend arguing about such pointless comparisons.
Stealth and anti-stealth are the relationship between spear and shield. Many years ago, the U.S. military was the first to propose and lead the world in stealth technology. It is clear that it is unrealistic for the PLA to catch up with the stealth technology of the US military in a short period of time. As a result, PLA increased its investment in anti-stealth technology and achieved a leading position. At the same time, due to its leadership in anti-stealth technology, the PLA wavered in the design of its own fighters whether stealth was the primary factor.
Therefore, we see that today's PLA, although it lags behind the US military in stealth technology, is completely ahead of the US military in anti-stealth technology and ultra-long-range air-to-air missile technology.
Even in today's fierce competition between China and the United States, the stealth fighters of the US military still do not dare to penetrate deep into China's airspace, even if it is a demonstrative action, it is a friction on the edge, but this will soon attract PLA interceptor fighters.
Mate, the US has the largest military industrial complex in the world and is producing so many weapon systems that it is difficult to discuss these advances in one post.

The US has produced some of the largest and most advanced radar systems in the world that are fully capable of detecting and tracking objects having a small rcs from considerable distances. The US was the first country to develop and field phased array radar system(s) in the world starting with AN/FPS-85.

The US developed and activated Space Fence in 2020 that is said to be the world's most advanced radar system with the capability to detect and track micro-satellites in space.

"One of the world’s most advanced radars, Space Fence can detect, track and determine objects’ orbits with or without prior knowledge of their existence or location. It also tracks and provides accurate measurement of space objects, including satellites and orbital debris, primarily in low-earth orbit. It is also the world’s first fully digital beam-forming radar, featuring 36,000 transmit elements and 86,000 receive elements."

The US has also developed and activated LRDR in 2024 that can detect, track, and discriminate thousands of small or stealthy objects in space. The LRDR is the largest and most advanced “anti-stealth” radar system in the world by far.

“LRDR provides the ability to simultaneously search and track multiple small objects, including all classes of ballistic missiles, at very long ranges, under continuous operation. Its discrimination capability will allow LRDR to identify lethal objects, such as enemy warheads, and differentiate them from non-lethal decoys. LRDR, along with other elements of the Missile Defense System, will preserve the homeland defense interceptor inventory by conserving the number of Ground-Based Interceptors required for threat engagement.

The highly adaptable LRDR operates in S-band frequencies and features a scalable, open systems architecture designed to be scaled and extended to counter evolving threats without changing the hardware design. It is integrated into the Missile Defense System through the Command and Control, Battle Management and Communications element. As an example of LRDR’s open systems architecture, Lockheed Martin is adding new capability in support of hypersonic defense, which will give decision makers actionable information to make timely decisions, faster.

In addition to missile defense, the radar system supports Space Domain Awareness by monitoring satellites orbiting the earth, detecting, tracking, and identifying active or inactive satellites, spent rocket bodies, and debris.”
– Lockheed Martin

The LRDR technology is also used to develop AMDR for new American warships:

AMDR benefits.png

For perspective, the AN/SPY-1D “can track golf ball-sized targets at ranges in excess of 165 kilometers.” The AMDR is a major leap in comparison that allows detection and tracking of stealth aircraft at respectable distances.

The US has also developed airborne “anti-stealth” radar system. Northtrop Grunman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is equipped with AN/APY-9 radar system that operates in UHF-Band. This radar system mechanically rotates to cover a full circle around the aircraft but when it spots something of interest, it can stop and stare, concentrating power for a better image without waiting for the sweep of a purely mechanical array. By locking the antenna in place, it can focus on and electronically track a moving target using every photon generated by two 170 kVa generators (340 kVa combined); microwave photonics technology is used to detect stealthy aircraft and space-time adaptive processing (STAP), digital low-noise receivers and processors are collectively used to eliminate noise or clutter on the screen to faciliate target discrimination.

The US is in a unique position to experiment with stealth and "anti-stealth" technology because it has the best of both worlds in its inventory, but the US is not into hyping its anti-stealth technology like Russia and China due to its pro-stealth marketing considerations. Russia and China have "anti-stealth" marketing considerations in contrast but historical findings are amusing.

Soviet P-18 Spoon Rest (or Russian 1RL131 Terek or Chinese YLC-8A) operates in VHF band and it can detect an aircraft around 320 KM mark. Russians will tell you this much and mention that this radar system can detect stealthy aircraft - average joe will take this statement at face value and assume that the radar system can detect a stealthy aircraft around 320 KM mark but this is incorrect. Yugoslavia found out the hard way that P-18 could detect an F-117A Nighthawk around 30 KM mark when it was up against NATO in a war in 1999 (Operation Allied Force), a war that it lost and set the stage of its collapse. P-18 could detect an F-117A around 30 KM mark but it absolutely failed to detect B-2A bombers.

Syria also imported P-18 from Russia and JY-27 from China to help detect American and Israeli jet fighters and intercept them but to no benefit. Russian forces created a network of an S-400 system, an S-300 system, and Nebo-M technology to protect Syrian airports and military bases from airborne threats in 2015, but:

The US (and Israel) did not attack Russian forces in Syria but both showed them that their technology is "checked." China now claims that YL-8E is up to the task but this remains to be seen. The US have its ways to collect valuable intel from other countries including Russia and China and it continues to produce new materials and electronic warfare components to overcome Russian and Chinese "anti-stealth" solutions from time-to-time. The cat-and-mouse game continues.

China has developed impressive radar systems for sure but it is a stretch to assume that it has surpassed the US in this key domain. For perspective, AN/APG-68(v)9 radar system in use in F-16 Block 52+ has SAR resolution of 0.6 meter and AN/APG-83 radar system in use in F-16V has SAR resolution of 0.1 meter. The lowest SAR resolution figure I have seen in a Chinese radar system advertisement for jet fighters is 0.5 meter - at par with Russian ZHUK-AE. China have access to Russian radar systems and have historically produced derivatives of them or reverse engineered them. This is the situation in the domain of jet fighters. Both Russian and Chinese radar systems for jet fighters are found to have patch or slot antenna structure. Coincidence?

China has also developed very large phased array radar systems such as P-band Strategic Large Phased Array Radar in Shandong and X-band Large Phased Array Radar in Heilongjiang. Chinese sources claim performance to be superior than American PAVE PAWS but there is no independent assessment of it.

So I am not sure from where the claims of Chinese superiority in radar systems stem from. China is known to hype its products beyond measure in its disclosures.

The US is known to probe Chinese defenses in South China Sea but this is different from infiltrating China proper, nothing alarming. The US did not probe Iraqi defenses with its stealth aircraft in 1991 and Yugoslavia in 1999 before the war. The US have used stealth aircraft in Syria to evade Russian defenses during tense times but the US was fighting ISIL in Syria in large part. The US has certainly conducted shadow experiments with its state-of-the-art technology but these are classified missions, nobody knows.

You mentioned China having ultra-long-range air-to-air missile technology. Yes, China has demonstrated J-16 armed with PL-17 but the American air warfare regime is very complex and highly capable on the whole.

That is with AIM-120D3 missile. The US also have produced AIM-260 and AIM-174 to engage airborne threats at considerable distances. Mate, you need to catch up with times.

According to public information:
In the early plans of F22, there was indeed the idea of adding an advanced electronic information system, but for some unknown reason it was abandoned. The Pentagon closed the production line for the F22 in 2011. The U.S. military upgraded the F22 in 2022, but it was only equipped with IRST, which has long been fully popularized on other fighters.
For advanced electronic information systems, which cannot be achieved through modifications, they require detectors and cables throughout the fuselage, which is far more complex than redesigning a new aircraft.
So, in my opinion, F22 is really behind the times. For countries and regions that do not have anti-stealth technology and advanced electronic information systems, the F22 still has a deterrent capability. But for China, the threat capabilities of the F22 are very small.
F-22A Raptor is equipped with AN/ALR-94 electronic warfare system - a set of digital tools that integrates radar, targeting support, and countermeasures into a single system. AN/ALR-94 digital electronic warfare system geolocates potential threats by detecting adversary radars at significant ranges, allowing the F-22A to limit its own radar emissions and better conceal its location when operating in hostile territory. AN/ALR-94 collects data to help identify, monitor, analyze, and rapidly respond to threats by providing the pilot with maximum situational awareness. Advanced avionics and sensors provide a complete view of the battlespace, enabling pilot to take appropriate action and ensure mission success.

The US did not stop production of F-22A because it felt that this aircraft has no future but Robert Gates mistakenly assumed that no country will be able to provide competition anytime soon. The US can either restart prodction of F-22A with new tools and technologies or focus on development of NGAD, the US is sticking with NGAD program.

That some F-22A are serving as a test bed for 6th generation fighter components should tell you everything about its architecture allowing integration of new technology.

The J31 and J10C are two completely different fighters, and it makes no sense to simply compare the two fighters. I don't recommend arguing about such pointless comparisons.
I understand that but Chinese sources claim that J-10C uses J-20 technology:

"While the J-20 is more advanced than the J-16 and J-10C, they share advanced technologies like avionics and active electronically scanned array radars, according to Fu."

So what is the benefit of J-31 in comparison?
. The US can either restart prodction of F-22A with new tools and technologies or focus on development of NGAD, the US is sticking with NGAD program.

That some F-22A are serving as a test bed for 6th generation fighter components should tell you everything about its architecture allowing integration of new technology.

I understand that but Chinese sources claim that J-10C uses J-20 technology:

"While the J-20 is more advanced than the J-16 and J-10C, they share advanced technologies like avionics and active electronically scanned array radars, according to Fu."

So what is the benefit of J-31 in comparison?

F-22 production is closed for good - LM confirmed the Jigs are destroyed and that’s also a moot point.
NGAD was developed in record time to replace it but then challenges have occurred in the production line itself

However, I don’t believe the Chinese have overtaken the US in overall operational tech by any large margin and are still behind a few years while being a decade or two behind what sits in deep black.

The true threat that is emerging in my view to China is not the military industrial complex’s bean counter driven bumbling but ventures like Anduril - if it comes to fruition as hoped is game changing
Mate, the US has the largest military industrial complex in the world and is producing so many weapon systems that it is difficult to discuss these advances in one post.

The US has produced some of the largest and most advanced radar systems in the world that are fully capable of detecting and tracking objects having a small rcs from considerable distances. The US was the first country to develop and field phased array radar system(s) in the world starting with AN/FPS-85.

The US developed and activated Space Fence in 2020 that is said to be the world's most advanced radar system with the capability to detect and track micro-satellites in space.

"One of the world’s most advanced radars, Space Fence can detect, track and determine objects’ orbits with or without prior knowledge of their existence or location. It also tracks and provides accurate measurement of space objects, including satellites and orbital debris, primarily in low-earth orbit. It is also the world’s first fully digital beam-forming radar, featuring 36,000 transmit elements and 86,000 receive elements."

The US has also developed and activated LRDR in 2024 that can detect, track, and discriminate thousands of small or stealthy objects in space. The LRDR is the largest and most advanced “anti-stealth” radar system in the world by far.

“LRDR provides the ability to simultaneously search and track multiple small objects, including all classes of ballistic missiles, at very long ranges, under continuous operation. Its discrimination capability will allow LRDR to identify lethal objects, such as enemy warheads, and differentiate them from non-lethal decoys. LRDR, along with other elements of the Missile Defense System, will preserve the homeland defense interceptor inventory by conserving the number of Ground-Based Interceptors required for threat engagement.

The highly adaptable LRDR operates in S-band frequencies and features a scalable, open systems architecture designed to be scaled and extended to counter evolving threats without changing the hardware design. It is integrated into the Missile Defense System through the Command and Control, Battle Management and Communications element. As an example of LRDR’s open systems architecture, Lockheed Martin is adding new capability in support of hypersonic defense, which will give decision makers actionable information to make timely decisions, faster.

In addition to missile defense, the radar system supports Space Domain Awareness by monitoring satellites orbiting the earth, detecting, tracking, and identifying active or inactive satellites, spent rocket bodies, and debris.”
– Lockheed Martin

The LRDR technology is also used to develop AMDR for new American warships:

View attachment 58885

For perspective, the AN/SPY-1D “can track golf ball-sized targets at ranges in excess of 165 kilometers.” The AMDR is a major leap in comparison that allows detection and tracking of stealth aircraft at respectable distances.

The US has also developed airborne “anti-stealth” radar system. Northtrop Grunman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is equipped with AN/APY-9 radar system that operates in UHF-Band. This radar system mechanically rotates to cover a full circle around the aircraft but when it spots something of interest, it can stop and stare, concentrating power for a better image without waiting for the sweep of a purely mechanical array. By locking the antenna in place, it can focus on and electronically track a moving target using every photon generated by two 170 kVa generators (340 kVa combined); microwave photonics technology is used to detect stealthy aircraft and space-time adaptive processing (STAP), digital low-noise receivers and processors are collectively used to eliminate noise or clutter on the screen to faciliate target discrimination.

The US is in a unique position to experiment with stealth and "anti-stealth" technology because it has the best of both worlds in its inventory, but the US is not into hyping its anti-stealth technology like Russia and China due to its pro-stealth marketing considerations. Russia and China have "anti-stealth" marketing considerations in contrast but historical findings are amusing.

Soviet P-18 Spoon Rest (or Russian 1RL131 Terek or Chinese YLC-8A) operates in VHF band and it can detect an aircraft around 320 KM mark. Russians will tell you this much and mention that this radar system can detect stealthy aircraft - average joe will take this statement at face value and assume that the radar system can detect a stealthy aircraft around 320 KM mark but this is incorrect. Yugoslavia found out the hard way that P-18 could detect an F-117A Nighthawk around 30 KM mark when it was up against NATO in a war in 1999 (Operation Allied Force), a war that it lost and set the stage of its collapse. P-18 could detect an F-117A around 30 KM mark but it absolutely failed to detect B-2A bombers.

Syria also imported P-18 from Russia and JY-27 from China to help detect American and Israeli jet fighters and intercept them but to no benefit. Russian forces created a network of an S-400 system, an S-300 system, and Nebo-M technology to protect Syrian airports and military bases from airborne threats in 2015, but:

The US (and Israel) did not attack Russian forces in Syria but both showed them that their technology is "checked." China now claims that YL-8E is up to the task but this remains to be seen. The US have its ways to collect valuable intel from other countries including Russia and China and it continues to produce new materials and electronic warfare components to overcome Russian and Chinese "anti-stealth" solutions from time-to-time. The cat-and-mouse game continues.

China has developed impressive radar systems for sure but it is a stretch to assume that it has surpassed the US in this key domain. For perspective, AN/APG-68(v)9 radar system in use in F-16 Block 52+ has SAR resolution of 0.6 meter and AN/APG-83 radar system in use in F-16V has SAR resolution of 0.1 meter. The lowest SAR resolution figure I have seen in a Chinese radar system advertisement for jet fighters is 0.5 meter - at par with Russian ZHUK-AE. China have access to Russian radar systems and have historically produced derivatives of them or reverse engineered them. This is the situation in the domain of jet fighters. Both Russian and Chinese radar systems for jet fighters are found to have patch or slot antenna structure. Coincidence?

China has also developed very large phased array radar systems such as P-band Strategic Large Phased Array Radar in Shandong and X-band Large Phased Array Radar in Heilongjiang. Chinese sources claim performance to be superior than American PAVE PAWS but there is no independent assessment of it.

So I am not sure from where the claims of Chinese superiority in radar systems stem from. China is known to hype its products beyond measure in its disclosures.

The US is known to probe Chinese defenses in South China Sea but this is different from infiltrating China proper, nothing alarming. The US did not probe Iraqi defenses with its stealth aircraft in 1991 and Yugoslavia in 1999 before the war. The US have used stealth aircraft in Syria to evade Russian defenses during tense times but the US was fighting ISIL in Syria in large part. The US has certainly conducted shadow experiments with its state-of-the-art technology but these are classified missions, nobody knows.

You mentioned China having ultra-long-range air-to-air missile technology. Yes, China has demonstrated J-16 armed with PL-17 but the American air warfare regime is very complex and highly capable on the whole.

That is with AIM-120D3 missile. The US also have produced AIM-260 and AIM-174 to engage airborne threats at considerable distances. Mate, you need to catch up with times.

F-22A Raptor is equipped with AN/ALR-94 electronic warfare system - a set of digital tools that integrates radar, targeting support, and countermeasures into a single system. AN/ALR-94 digital electronic warfare system geolocates potential threats by detecting adversary radars at significant ranges, allowing the F-22A to limit its own radar emissions and better conceal its location when operating in hostile territory. AN/ALR-94 collects data to help identify, monitor, analyze, and rapidly respond to threats by providing the pilot with maximum situational awareness. Advanced avionics and sensors provide a complete view of the battlespace, enabling pilot to take appropriate action and ensure mission success.

The US did not stop production of F-22A because it felt that this aircraft has no future but Robert Gates mistakenly assumed that no country will be able to provide competition anytime soon. The US can either restart prodction of F-22A with new tools and technologies or focus on development of NGAD, the US is sticking with NGAD program.

That some F-22A are serving as a test bed for 6th generation fighter components should tell you everything about its architecture allowing integration of new technology.

I understand that but Chinese sources claim that J-10C uses J-20 technology:

"While the J-20 is more advanced than the J-16 and J-10C, they share advanced technologies like avionics and active electronically scanned array radars, according to Fu."

So what is the benefit of J-31 in comparison?
1. United States once had the largest military-industrial complex in the world. Remember, it was "ever".
It is a fact that in some military science and technology, United States is still ahead of China. But now United States' military-industrial capacity has been surpassed by China. You can take a closer look, how many factories in United States are there now that can make fighters? How many more shipyards can make destroyers and aircraft carriers?
How many fighters can the United States produce per year now? How many warships can be built? How many tanks and armored vehicles can be made? And then you compare the data from China.
So, who exactly is the largest military-industrial complex now?
2. Since China changed its national defense policy from "passive defense" to "active defense" in the past a few years ago, China and the United States have engaged in many actual combat confrontations in stealth and anti-stealth. The real engagements will not be announced by either side. So, there is no way to draw conclusions about who is more powerful.
However, from the video of the interview with the US general; The Pentagon strongly calls for the resumption of the U.S.-China military hotline; and the deployment and mobilization of US forces around China........ From the analysis of these situations, we can believe that the US military has lost its leading position in the field of stealth and anti-stealth.
3. It is an indisputable fact that the PLA is completely ahead of the US military in terms of ultra-long-range air-to-air missiles.
The PL-15 has been in service with the PLAAF for many years and has already exported PAF. The PL-17 has already been successfully tested on the J16 and is about to begin large-scale deployment.
The ultra-long-range air-to-air missiles of the US military are still on the PPT.
United States the concepts proposed in the military field are indeed advanced, but can United States implement them? INTERVIEWER Isn't it ironic that China has taken the lead in realizing many advanced concepts put forward by the US military in recent years?
Military-technical research and the production of military equipment are super-expensive projects.
In recent years, although the military budget of United States is several times that of China, the funds actually invested in research and production are very limited.

The total number of military personnel between China and the United States is roughly comparable. But the U.S. military is deployed globally and is always at war. China is homeland defense and has always avoided war. This is not at all an order of magnitude of money draining.

The military industrial complex in United States is private; China's military-industrial complex is state-owned. There is a huge gap in the implementation of the national will and the national strategy. At the same time, there is a big gap between the willingness of the private sector and the state sector to research new technologies that are extremely risky. -- It is undeniable that the technology accumulated by the United States over the years is still ahead in some aspects. But how long can they get ahead? Let's wait and see!

In recent years, the U.S. military's $1,200 coffee cup and $10,000 toilet seat were considered in Congress, and no corruption was found. - The absence of corruption is the most terrible thing.

In recent years, the US military has put forward many new and very powerful technical solutions. However, almost all of these programmes have been delayed or terminated.

The empire is declining at a rate visible to the naked eye!

While news of PAF acquiring the J-31 have been circulating for sometime. The rumour that the aircraft will be introduced into PAF during the tenure of current Airchief are however incorrect as the induction is reportedly less than 2 years on the cards. Currently there are 3/4 PAF Pilots training on the type in China. The PAF Airchief plans to induct the L-15 LIFT before retirement. The platform will be used to train future PAF Pilots for the J-31 units.

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While news of PAF acquiring the J-31 have been circulating for sometime. The rumour that the aircraft will be introduced into PAF during the tenure of current Airchief are however incorrect as the induction is reportedly less than 2 years on the cards. Currently there are 3/4 PAF Pilots training on the type in China. The PAF Airchief plans to induct the L-15 LIFT before retirement. The platform will be used to train future PAF Pilots for the J-31 units.

View attachment 59221
Lol impossible only 1 prototype in testing phase, what your source maybe some J-31 fanboys like we have @Zarvan and few others who thinks J-31 will be introduce within 2 years lol

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