J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress

Transit Only

PAF has been exposed to L-15 before it first flight but was trying to gauge other options before this.
Yes in or out of UAE but I understand they made an extra stop at Nur Khan or Kamra during the transit . In any case it's said to be very much in pipeline.
Indeed, PAF quietly goes about it's buisness without all the razzmatazz.
In this case it’s quasi spurious news
The J-31 foundations are laid more through initial revisions of Air Staff Requirements and then through operational plan development.

Personnel in China and other operators of LO/5th Gen asking for advice and best practices
Seems lala land is your favourite destination that you repeat it in every other post. Let me ask you did the Chinese personally notified you that they only have one prototype in service. Here watch this few months old video, wonder how the west knows that the J-31 can carry 18000 pounds of weapons . ...

Not again a clown thread with the same stupid content when there are already similar threads on the J-31 in PAF service!

And yes, the "Chinese personally DID NOT notify" anyone but in the same way, no-one informed you from the PAF, you are the one who's relying on "lala land is your favourite destination".

First, there are several quite reliable fence- and wall-climber all over at SAC and they say the same what some satellite imagery guys I know - guys you can only dream of - confirm, that there is at best only one prototype flying since 9.2023. Overall the J-35 program itself is only on full-speed since 2021 with maybe 4-6 prototypes flying!

As such, the quotation is plain and simply: Who is more credible and what's more likely?

Option 1:
a full-grown 5th generation fighter with confirmed at best one prototype flying is ready for service within the next 1.5 years since a few politicians, fan-boys and local media claims even more so when so far NOTHING was heard about a collaboration from the Chinese side and the PLAN-version itself ahead by two years of flight testing is far from being handed over to the PLAN

.... or ...

Option 2: even if we don't know everything confirmed, this full-grown 5th generation fighter will most likely have a similar - and that was already fast - development procedure like the J-20 with about 5-7 years of flight testing. It will then certified and enter service first in China and only then is considered "ready for sale" ... so the J-35 "could" enter service by around 2027 and deliveries to customers of the dedicated version about two years later.

So, for me the answer is crystal clear and anyone who claims the sky is green since a politician tells him should at least explain how this could happen, aka why the sky is green or why Pakistan should get a 5th generation fighter before the PLAN gets its own variant and after only about 4 years after a prototype flew?

So much on "lala land is your favourite destination".

In summary I would like to quote you for a second time:

... There's a lot happening in China that West doesn't have a clue about or maybe they don't want to reveal.

There is indeed "a lot happening in China that West doesn't have a clue about or maybe they don't want to reveal", but all what is happening in China follows regular procedures of engineering, testing, certification and introduction after testing ... and not since a politician tells it. In return "a lot happening in Pakistan" just based on PR, propaganda for the uninformed - and as it seems not even interested in facts - public, it's just called propaganda! But those living in lala-land most likely don't understand this ...

In this case it’s quasi spurious news
The J-31 foundations are laid more through initial revisions of Air Staff Requirements and then through operational plan development.

Personnel in China and other operators of LO/5th Gen asking for advice and best practices
An interesting point of note, that Pakistan probably has a potentially noteworthy distinction could be that it has extensive experiencing monitoring and most likely recording all kinds of signatures of American stealth aircraft moving in and out of Afghanistan or transiting to Iran, for decades. Pakistan has extensive second hand knowledge, and first hand data, and contributed to why America felt the need to use a stealth black hawk in the 2011 Abottabad raid.

This experience could contribute to what Pakistan has to share in what gives away a stealth fighter. Not in the design, but how it is employed.

Trust me no fanboy. But please feel free to remain in denial
You're in denial not me, why you think PAF will induct unfinished product or just 1 J31 within 2 years You're not logical man and not using common sense
An interesting point of note, that Pakistan probably has a potentially noteworthy distinction could be that it has extensive experiencing monitoring and most likely recording all kinds of signatures of American stealth aircraft moving in and out of Afghanistan or transiting to Iran, for decades. Pakistan has extensive second hand knowledge, and first hand data, and contributed to why America felt the need to use a stealth black hawk in the 2011 Abottabad raid.

This experience could contribute to what Pakistan has to share in what gives away a stealth fighter. Not in the design, but how it is employed.

There is another side to this as well - after being “shut off” post pressler for a decade the PAF was suddenly exposed to modes and methods of operation that left its leaders in awe and scrambling to update their thought process. The red flags and other associated exchange programs are what resulted in the textbook operation a few years back and a decade of improvement over disjointed ops.

That also included an introduction (not training) to 5th and LO concepts because the other part of these B-2 and(later on F-22 and RQ flights) was having infrastructure in place to tackle frenemy incursions.

The PAF’s look into Vera had less to do with India and more to do with LO UAV overflights not authorized looking for signs of Pakistani nuclear infrastructure.
Seems lala land is your favourite destination that you repeat it in every other post. Let me ask you did the Chinese personally notified you that they only have one prototype in service. Here watch this few months old video, wonder how the west knows that the J-31 can carry 18000 pounds of weapons . There's a lot happening in China that West doesn't have a clue about or maybe they don't want to reveal.

Lol why you believe such a nonsense clip on YouTube, too much contradictions in it

And every sane and respected Chinese members here and on old PDF said all previous prototypes of J-31 were either scrapped or in some kind of ground/structural testing since 2018-2019 and tell me how can China hide prototypes J31 against spy satellites up in the space and long range spy equipment of the world with flight testing?

J31 is a export oriented jet dude we had images of all prototypes of their strategic heavy 5th gen jet named J20 from
day one and we have also have a images of their naval 5th gen jet named J35 but not a single image of additional prototypes other then 1 prototype that recently flew in late 2023

I'm sorry to say dude you have have no logic and common sense
if there are so much strong feelings that j31 is not near ready, why paf keep harping on j31. is it that j31 is a smoke screen and the real one will be j20C?
if there are so much strong feelings that j31 is not near ready, why paf keep harping on j31. is it that j31 is a smoke screen and the real one will be j20C?

Just one word: propaganda! ... and to think Pakistan might get J-20C* instead - is just ridiculous! :ROFLMAO:

* by the way, what's the J-20C? When there is not even a J-20B yet?
Just one word: propaganda! ... and to think Pakistan might get J-20C* instead - is just ridiculous! :ROFLMAO:

* by the way, what's the J-20C? When there is not even a J-20B yet?
just like j31 when no one believe there is a working prototype
Not again a clown thread with the same stupid content when there are already similar threads on the J-31 in PAF service!

And yes, the "Chinese personally DID NOT notify" anyone but in the same way, no-one informed you from the PAF, you are the one who's relying on "lala land is your favourite destination".

First, there are several quite reliable fence- and wall-climber all over at SAC and they say the same what some satellite imagery guys I know - guys you can only dream of - confirm, that there is at best only one prototype flying since 9.2023. Overall the J-35 program itself is only on full-speed since 2021 with maybe 4-6 prototypes flying!

As such, the quotation is plain and simply: Who is more credible and what's more likely?

Option 1:
a full-grown 5th generation fighter with confirmed at best one prototype flying is ready for service within the next 1.5 years since a few politicians, fan-boys and local media claims even more so when so far NOTHING was heard about a collaboration from the Chinese side and the PLAN-version itself ahead by two years of flight testing is far from being handed over to the PLAN

.... or ...

Option 2: even if we don't know everything confirmed, this full-grown 5th generation fighter will most likely have a similar - and that was already fast - development procedure like the J-20 with about 5-7 years of flight testing. It will then certified and enter service first in China and only then is considered "ready for sale" ... so the J-35 "could" enter service by around 2027 and deliveries to customers of the dedicated version about two years later.

So, for me the answer is crystal clear and anyone who claims the sky is green since a politician tells him should at least explain how this could happen, aka why the sky is green or why Pakistan should get a 5th generation fighter before the PLAN gets its own variant and after only about 4 years after a prototype flew?

So much on "lala land is your favourite destination".

In summary I would like to quote you for a second time:

There is indeed "a lot happening in China that West doesn't have a clue about or maybe they don't want to reveal", but all what is happening in China follows regular procedures of engineering, testing, certification and introduction after testing ... and not since a politician tells it. In return "a lot happening in Pakistan" just based on PR, propaganda for the uninformed - and as it seems not even interested in facts - public, it's just called propaganda! But those living in lala-land most likely don't understand this ...
It’s a hard pill to swallow but when you’re the Chief who is following in the footsteps of someone who is the poster for leading the PAF when it leads a decent textbook operation(regardless of whether the backbone of readiness and training for that rests on the shoulders of those before him and other seasoned leaders he made the decision and gave the go ahead) and puts a much larger adversary on the backfoot - so you have a chip on your shoulder to try to leave a lasting legacy following that - you make statements and repackage existing ideas from ASRs written years ago to weave your cult of personality.

The greatest fear all these men have is not having an immortality project -

In this case a 5th gen program that stems from 2007-8- with the PAF knowing well about the J-20 and other projects; and them not making the decision on a platform because of every other leader over ambitious and making flip flops even though the ASR has generally evolved within core concepts.

I mean why the J-10C now?
Forget my chats - go back to the 2008 PAF official history and they mention being ready to press the trigger on the A to use as a strike aircraft. Then comes the crunch of budget and barely enough to pay the interest on loans - then we’re flying the J-10B, no decision there because funds needed for JF-17 and recovery from WoT but more importantly, waiting to see where the epitome of wasted time known as MMRCA goes.

So, if the PAF knows the FC-31 program back in its earliest of concepts - takes NO decision on it knowing realities and then suddenly the announcement is made.

1. The PAF believes SAC has matured systems enough with cross pollination from J-20 and the platform is ready. They did not want to announce it yet but #legacy

2. The AZM 5th gen and other NASTP lofty ideals reality finally got through audits to the top and they see a more pragmatic 20 year approach to it

3. Perhaps the PAF senior staff was still not ready to pull the trigger but a cabal in command insisted for their personal reasons to do so based on SAC salespeople.

4. The announcement was well thought out and deliberate to incite an action within the primary adversary which PAF intel is aware of which it calculates will be more beneficial for PAF’s posture in the long
Not again a clown thread with the same stupid content when there are already similar threads on the J-31 in PAF service!

And yes, the "Chinese personally DID NOT notify" anyone but in the same way, no-one informed you from the PAF, you are the one who's relying on "lala land is your favourite destination".

First, there are several quite reliable fence- and wall-climber all over at SAC and they say the same what some satellite imagery guys I know - guys you can only dream of - confirm, that there is at best only one prototype flying since 9.2023. Overall the J-35 program itself is only on full-speed since 2021 with maybe 4-6 prototypes flying!

As such, the quotation is plain and simply: Who is more credible and what's more likely?

Option 1:
a full-grown 5th generation fighter with confirmed at best one prototype flying is ready for service within the next 1.5 years since a few politicians, fan-boys and local media claims even more so when so far NOTHING was heard about a collaboration from the Chinese side and the PLAN-version itself ahead by two years of flight testing is far from being handed over to the PLAN

.... or ...

Option 2: even if we don't know everything confirmed, this full-grown 5th generation fighter will most likely have a similar - and that was already fast - development procedure like the J-20 with about 5-7 years of flight testing. It will then certified and enter service first in China and only then is considered "ready for sale" ... so the J-35 "could" enter service by around 2027 and deliveries to customers of the dedicated version about two years later.

So, for me the answer is crystal clear and anyone who claims the sky is green since a politician tells him should at least explain how this could happen, aka why the sky is green or why Pakistan should get a 5th generation fighter before the PLAN gets its own variant and after only about 4 years after a prototype flew?

So much on "lala land is your favourite destination".

In summary I would like to quote you for a second time:

There is indeed "a lot happening in China that West doesn't have a clue about or maybe they don't want to reveal", but all what is happening in China follows regular procedures of engineering, testing, certification and introduction after testing ... and not since a politician tells it. In return "a lot happening in Pakistan" just based on PR, propaganda for the uninformed - and as it seems not even interested in facts - public, it's just called propaganda! But those living in lala-land most likely don't understand this ...
Mate, you don't know me so don't go around assuming what I know or I don't know. Just because you are a title holder doesn't exactly gives you authority to judge people. Your powers are restricted to the Internet. I'm not forcing my opinion on you or anyone else. The PAF airchief made the statement that "We are getting the J-31s".....Maybe you and other enlightened ones should inform him , its impossible as only one prototype is flying. Lol.
Mate, you don't know me so don't go around assuming what I know or I don't know. Just because you are a title holder doesn't exactly gives you authority to judge people. Your powers are restricted to the Internet. I'm not forcing my opinion on you or anyone else. The PAF airchief made the statement that "We are getting the J-31s".....Maybe you and other enlightened ones should inform him , its impossible as only one prototype is flying. Lol.
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Mate, you don't know me so don't go around assuming what I know or I don't know. Just because you are a title holder doesn't exactly gives you authority to judge people. Your powers are restricted to the Internet. I'm not forcing my opinion on you or anyone else. The PAF airchief made the statement that "We are getting the J-31s".....Maybe you and other enlightened ones should inform him , its impossible as only one prototype is flying. Lol.
A former air chief when serving made a statement “We can get the F-22 if we want to” so misinformed faux pax are not uncommon among service leaders.

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