J-31 to be inducted soon| Pilot training reportedly in progress


Thank you for youre post---. PLAAF has no epxerience---only hearsay---.

They maybe great pilots---but we would not know what their reaction would be when sh-it hits the fan.

How to overcome that---you seek input and train with those who have come under fire---.

PLAAF has a plethora of retired american---english---possibly australian pilots as instructors---.

They are not a show piece---they are there to share the tactics of their prior affiliations---.

The PLAAF has no one other than paf to tell them about the indian air force---so why would they not seek their input---.
three things.

1,China has military secrecy laws. Even ordinary Chinese cannot access Chinese military bases. Are you saying that American, British, and Australian pilots have entered Chinese air force bases? This is CCP's act of treason.

2. Chinese fighter jets and Western/Russian fighter jets are in different systems. Even though the CCP betrayed the country and completely exposed the Chinese fighter planes to the Americans, British and Australians. But these pilots who are familiar with Western systems. Can they adapt to the Chinese system?

3. I admit that CCP may have committed treason. Maybe they really showed Chinese fighter planes to Americans, Britons and Australians. But it is impossible for these Westerners to teach Chinese people how to fly Chinese warplanes........ Do you think this is challenging my IQ and logic?

Finally, I don't think Chinese pilots are willing to let Western pilots teach Chinese pilots how to pilot Chinese fighter jets.

This is Chinese pilot flying a Y-20U air tanker to refuel the KJ-500 awacs piloted by a Chinese pilot.


According to the Chinese Criminal Law, illegally entering military restricted zones is considered a "crime of endangering national security". The maximum sentence that can be imposed is the death penalty.

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Too much controversy can seriously start a war of words. I won't comment on this topic.
If you are in a position to do so, try digital war game and you will get your answer.
I am not into digital war games , come down to earth please ...lack of oxygen in the upper strata may suffocate you .
The biggest mistake being made by members here is to assume that what was true 20 years ago is still true now.

I can attest from THE horse’s mouth vis a vis PAF’s relationship with CAC on a very high degree of knowledge input provided on the JF-17 which also was asked along for the J-10B..

But that was early 2000s - we’re nearly 20 years in and the amount of knowledge and progress made exponential over let’s say 2003.

Today the aggregate of what PAF can provide to Chengdu or Shenyang in terms of knowledge/information from exposure is minuscule in terms of its own learnings and that which it has gained through other means.

The PAF is a decent air force - and it does well for it’s role. But it has very little to add now for the challenges that China is facing and will face; neither do the staff requirements of the two forces show any similarities nor their budgets and even allocation priorities.

Anything else is just self aggrandizement.
JF17 is indeed an example of Chinese-Pakistani military co-operation.
When the JF17 programme started, there was a very small difference in the level of fighter development between China and Pakistan, and PAF did give a lot of help to CAC. There is a documentary film on JF17 with interviews of many Chinese technicians involved in JF17. They clearly mentioned the help from PAF. Don't forget that the world's first mass-produced DSI intake fighter was the JF17. these technologies provided a lot of help to the later J10/J20.
But in these last 20 years, Chinese fighter industry has grown by leaps and bounds and Pakistani fighter industry has not kept pace with China.
What is the definition of “lean” here?
@Quwa @Be dazzled

You’re looking at 2 5th gen types - procuring token numbers of each seems wasteful so likely 2 squadrons of each replacing F-16s other than last Block-52s.

Then there are 4.5 gen assets like J-10Cs, block-3s and whatever PFX turns out to be replacing all JF-17 block-1s, F-16s and ROSE Mirages.

Then there will be Block-2s assuming all Mirages are retired.

A lot of ecosystems will be local with the JF-17 and PFX, some engine maintenance and overhaul ToT on the AL-31f core but unless there is a want to have lack of commonality and need to certify techs on and off - these assets have to be in meaningful numbers but so far only the JF-17 fits that bill.

We haven’t even touched on the whole UCAV roadmap
The biggest mistake being made by members here is to assume that what was true 20 years ago is still true now.

I can attest from THE horse’s mouth vis a vis PAF’s relationship with CAC on a very high degree of knowledge input provided on the JF-17 which also was asked along for the J-10B..

But that was early 2000s - we’re nearly 20 years in and the amount of knowledge and progress made exponential over let’s say 2003.

Today the aggregate of what PAF can provide to Chengdu or Shenyang in terms of knowledge/information from exposure is minuscule in terms of its own learnings and that which it has gained through other means.

The PAF is a decent air force - and it does well for it’s role. But it has very little to add now for the challenges that China is facing and will face; neither do the staff requirements of the two forces show any similarities nor their budgets and even allocation priorities.

Anything else is just self aggrandizement.

Very reasonably and sensibly put.
China is our time tested friend like Saudi Arabia.

I would love to see Chinese J-31s fly in Pakistani colours.

Chinese government is more reasonable to deal with than the US.

Nobody is nobody's friend.

Saudi has repeatedly kicked our ass in recent times. Not extended loans and made better contracts with the Indians than us.

There is no friendship, if you act like a buffoon, you will be isolated.

Current Pakistani leadership is mega super and trifecta level of buffoon!
Chinese government is more reasonable to deal with than the US.

Nobody is nobody's friend.

Saudi has repeatedly kicked our ass in recent times. Not extended loans and made better contracts with the Indians than us.

There is no friendship, if you act like a buffoon, you will be isolated.

Current Pakistani leadership is mega super and trifecta level of buffoon!
True our leaders are idiots, no offence.

But atleast China and Saudi Arabia are more reliable than countries in the West.
True our leaders are idiots, no offence.

But atleast China and Saudi Arabia are more reliable than countries in the West.
Chinese are reliable because they need puppet to bully India, if their disputes with India will solve they kick the @$$ of Pakistan

And when did Saudi Arabia helped Pakistan ? After 65 war? They are now investing and cooperating India rather than in Pakistan

And last Pakistani politicians are not idiots but traitors they sell the country to the west, they're not loyal to Pakistan and it's people
Chinese are reliable because they need puppet to bully India, if their disputes with India will solve they kick the @$$ of Pakistan

And when did Saudi Arabia helped Pakistan ? After 65 war? They are now investing and cooperating India rather than in Pakistan

And last Pakistani politicians are not idiots but traitors they sell the country to the west, they're not loyal to Pakistan and it's people
You ungrateful twit no country in the world apart from India and Soviet has ever tried to hurt you , not even Israel .....all of these countries gave you ample opportunities to put your house in order and develop .....you squandered the opportunities because of your pathetic , primitive and retrogressive culture and dimwit populist leaders ....you keep on shitting everywhere and expect other countries to keep on cleaning up after you , if they say enough is enough you start badmouthing them ...... let's take America , she was a generous friend who gave you massive help in both economic and military field , it's not America who betrayed you , it's us Pakistanis who betrayed America .... Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries gave you massive help ... Pakistanis are the ones who couldn't utilize this help in progressive manners .... don't you remember the drama and badmouthing of Saudi Arabia in NA during the early days of Yemen crisis ?.....,,if I was Saudi leader I will kick out all the Pakistanis from Saudi Arabia .... China has been a great friend and now you are questioning her motives ......who the F are you ?
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You ungrateful twit no country in the world apart from India and Soviet has ever tried to hurt you , not even Israel .....all of these countries gave you ample opportunities to put your house in order and develop .....you squandered the opportunities because of your pathetic , primitive and retrogressive culture and dimwit populist leaders ....you keep on shitting everywhere and expect other countries to keep on cleaning up after you , if they say enough is enough you start badmouthing them ...... let's take America , she was a generous friend who gave you massive help in both economic and military field , it's not America who betrayed you , it's us Pakistanis who betrayed America .... Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries gave you massive help ... Pakistanis are the ones who couldn't utilize this help in progressive manners .... don't you remember the drama and badmouthing of Saudi Arabia in NA during the early days of Yemen crisis ?.....,,if I was Saudi leader I will kick out all the Pakistanis from Saudi Arabia .... China has been a great friend and now you are questioning her motives ......who the F are you ?
You're are badmouthing me what's your problem dude USA helped us during the cold war because to bully Soviet Union, they used peshawar airbase to spy Soviet Union by their top secret U-2 and SR-71 during the cold war and what's happened in 71 war when America blocked all military hardware to Pakistan? Didn't you remember what happened when Soviet Union collapsed in late 80s and early 90s they blocked all F16 deal to us in the name of our NUCLEAR PROGRAM?

What were happened in WoT when America conducting drone strikes in Pakistan from those drone strikes mostly innocent people were died in former FATA and KPK forget that dude?

And for the Saudi Arabia and GCC countries why they are not doing the favor on Kashmir issue with us? We always supported them on Palestinian issue? They (Arabs) always have a ego that they are superior to rest of the Muslim world They currently lined up with west and India/Israel instead of Muslim countries

Don't live in your delusional and fantasy world and lala land

And last there's no way that's China allows to enter millions of pakistani migrants living in GCC countries if GCC countries will expel pakistani migrants from their countries

And last I'm reporting you for the insults and personal attacks
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Chinese are reliable because they need puppet to bully India, if their disputes with India will solve they kick the @$$ of Pakistan

And when did Saudi Arabia helped Pakistan ? After 65 war? They are now investing and cooperating India rather than in Pakistan

And last Pakistani politicians are not idiots but traitors they sell the country to the west, they're not loyal to Pakistan and it's people
Thats why I think we should get rid of dual nationality.

Look at China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, they don't have dual nationality.

China also needs Pakistan for the Gwadar port to bypass Malacca strait. You forgot that part.

A detailed video of how china got he stealth technology design.

Enjoy the detailed video---.

Thats why I think we should get rid of dual nationality.

Look at China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, they don't have dual nationality.

China also needs Pakistan for the Gwadar port to bypass Malacca strait. You forgot that part.
No China doesn't need gwadar to it energy need, they have lots of alternatives routes to bypass Malacca strait, it's very difficult to stabilize baluchistan for development of cpec because lots of foreign elements are involved to destabilize Baluchistan like BLA and BLF attacking Chinese projects in Baluchistan and also these terrorist organizations supported and facilitated by India/Iran via Iran and Afghanistan and there's lots of local political disputes over cpec projects, every province and every govt officers wants it part (bribes) etc etc

So China least hope that cpec will become successful because political destability and foreign involvement, USA/India /Iran and from Afghanistan, so they are looking alternatives routes (other than Gwadar) to bypass Malacca strait

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