JF-17 PFX program

I agree with every part of your post
However 90% of this is totally utterly dependant on super power china to make this happen even providing the very generous payment options
Thanks for agreeing and I agree with your statement that most of this is dependent on China’s support but just look back at the history of what China has done for Pakistan, transpose that into the future & I believe that will give a fair idea of where things will go.
Everyone who is mocking PAF over Project Azm and PFX... must consider following points very seriously.

1. How long it took for US and China to put their 5G fighter in air despite having world class R&D and manufactureing?

2. How long it took France to make Rafale what it's today in F4R config?

3. Was it logical for India to stick with LCA despite knowning fully that they can't produce everything within India?

Obviously No!! They ended up in a situation where engines have stalled their production of MK1s ... let alone MK1A and MK2.

4. How PAF was suppose to produce all the technologies in house within a decade? Remember, Project Azm was announced in 2017 and not in 1917, lolz
5. Don't you think that may be PFX is realization of our own limitation by PAF and a decision to make progress step by step in creating niche technologies instead of going for full aircraft which obviously is not possible right now. Remember, it is an experimental fighter what we know so far.

6. What if PFX is never meant for serial production but to serve as a stepping stone in long journey of Project Azm?
Kia Turkey Turkey lga rakhi hai bhai
Chinese aviation technology is already advanced enough to rely on.No need for Turkish things in Thunder.Just a waste of money if PAF goes down to that route.
And PAF has bought J10C So no need for B4 even.

PFX thingy is just clown show by PAF
Why Turkey. This is the reason why Turkey is being mentioned along with PFX. This is why the video released by PAF about Air Chief Turkish visit also specially mentions PFX program. Separately from Turkish KAAN.
Everyone who is mocking PAF over Project Azm and PFX... must consider following points very seriously.

1. How long it took for US and China to put their 5G fighter in air despite having world class R&D and manufactureing?

2. How long it took France to make Rafale what it's today in F4R config?

3. Was it logical for India to stick with LCA despite knowning fully that they can't produce everything within India?

Obviously No!! They ended up in a situation where engines have stalled their production of MK1s ... let alone MK1A and MK2.

4. How PAF was suppose to produce all the technologies in house within a decade? Remember, Project Azm was announced in 2017 and not in 1917, lolz
5. Don't you think that may be PFX is realization of our own limitation by PAF and a decision to make progress step by step in creating niche technologies instead of going for full aircraft which obviously is not possible right now. Remember, it is an experimental fighter what we know so far.

6. What if PFX is never meant for serial production but to serve as a stepping stone in long journey of Project Azm?
PFX is looking more like a very advanced BLOCK 4. Just like a Grippen E. With 10 to 11 hardpoints, built in IRST, AESA radar and Avionics but this time most of things may come from Turkey. Turkish help and Arabs financing. And yes, this would give us more capability and then in future we may go for a single engine stealth fighter jet project also. That is why Pakistan very smartly has made a working group of Pakistani, Saudi and Turkish military leadership which discuss these issues and how to work on them jointly.
So air force is dumb and drunk they keep mentioning this program in every second video. They shared details during our parade. Even briefed Prime Minister in a ceremony about it while many foreign dignitaries were also present. So, either Air Force who is the institution who does these things doesn't know anything or you know better. So your thoughts are acting like an ostrich. Got it

@MastanKhan Their ignorance plus arrogance is mind boggling

They will intentionally provoke you and insult you, call you names so that you may release critical information.
Recently someone I know visited NASTP and they got a small briefing re- PFX.
(Azm is dead more or less) PFX is very real and well underway, it is rather PAF's mainstay program right now and for the foreseeable future. PAF claims that no chinese help is being used in it unlike the JF program. Additionally paf claims to have hired a massive new engineer team to do the development locally. Instead of developing a new fighter jet from scratch they will take the matured enough JF BLK3 and make a "New" fighter based on that.
What the PFX programme may look like
See the difference between gripen C and the gripen E
The Tejas mark1a and Tejas mark 2

View attachment 65047

That means improvements in
Ew suites
Hard points

I honestly dont see Pakistan being able to make the same type of structural changes that were made to the Gripen-E on its own - it will need China's help to test and validate the changes. Pakistan has no infrastructure in Pakistan to test the structural validation of a modified design airframe. What Pakistan has to validate manufacturing is different from testing validation.
Recently someone I know visited NASTP and they got a small briefing re- PFX.
(Azm is dead more or less) PFX is very real and well underway, it is rather PAF's mainstay program right now and for the foreseeable future. PAF claims that no chinese help is being used in it unlike the JF program. Additionally paf claims to have hired a massive new engineer team to do the development locally. Instead of developing a new fighter jet from scratch they will take the matured enough JF BLK3 and make a "New" fighter based on that.

What experience does this "massive engineering" team have in aviation design of military/high performance jets ??? Where in Pakistan have these "engineers" done anything approaching what is required for the intended goals of the JF17 PFX.
I honestly dont see Pakistan being able to make the same type of structural changes that were made to the Gripen-E on its own - it will need China's help to test and validate the changes. Pakistan has no infrastructure in Pakistan to test the structural validation of a modified design airframe. What Pakistan has to validate manufacturing is different from testing validation.
Well not that difficult plus we would take help from Turkey.
No worries because I have none.

Look here---the member Deino---who is he to pakistan--- a german jew---acting as if we owe it to him to splurge all our information truthfully to his satisfaction or he will insult and degrade members as he sees fit--- @WebMaster .

What does this forum owe to Deino so one has to be truthful to Deino's satisfaction or to @Awwad satisfaction.

My question is---why would anyone want a proof of a notification or a contract signing of a weapons procurement---.

What satisfaction does Deino or Awwad gets out of it if it is proven---. What ulterior motive do they have to seek this information---?
While everyone has a view & no way of being sure, my current thinking is that it will be an advanced version of the JF-17 to be achieved with substantial help / systems from China and Turkey but with the aim of making those inputs as indigenous (ie tech transfer) as possible. Aim of the project is simple, same reason JF-17 project was started, there is always a limit to how many high end fighters Pakistan can buy off the shelf and important need to make up the numbers with something capable / relevant but cheaper / near as possibly localy made.
Your right Oscar I don't know Pakistan eco system
I know your have efficient complex for keeping mirages flying even when the rest of the world stopped using these planes
I also know you send engineers technicians to Chengdu for training and observation
And you do license assembly and maintenance of Thunders

Now when it comes to upgrades I major changes to airframe pesa radar to Aesa radar new Chinese stand off weapons new airframes designs on thunders this work took place in Chengdu
Im taking about the block three thunders of course with the testing and work being done on your block three ..yes you may have technicians there but your totally reliant on Chinese know how funding and eco system
First you’re saying you don’t know the ecosystem and then you’re making authoritative statements on it.

Make up your mind…

How do you know??
Did you work in the ecosystem?

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