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Many will be surprised to see what comes out---. Don't forget what you are writing about it.
Don't be naive. PAF isn't remotely interested in changing the design, they know they need a longer range fighter hence why focus has shifted to J10C and J35. JF17 is a point defence fighter with less than an hour on station time with internal fuel, changing the design would mean making a new fighter.
Friendly countries don't share their strategic tech (stealth) to any country, prime example is USA don't share any sensitive tech of F35 to its closest allies (Israel and UK)
Is it right to generalize it to Pak-China or Pak-Turk relations?

I can give you countless number of examples where these two countries shared with Pakistan what the US would never have shared with us.
I said it a long time ago:
China will not pay any attention at all to the impact of stealth technology on fighter jets. Stealth technology is fine for bullying small countries, but for big countries, stealth technology has absolutely no value. Remember, it's of no value.
So, China doesn't care if stealth tech is kept secret or not. j20 is not exported because of the avionics system. fc31 has been an export program.
China can always give stealth technology to Pakistan if Pakistan is willing to pay for it.CAC can upgrade JF-17 to stealth version very easily.
The issue is money, not technology secrecy. Its not free.

China made a breakthrough in anti-stealth technology a long time ago. Stealth technology means nothing to a country that has anti-cloaking technology.

Just as China was the first to break through hypersonic gliding technology. Now, on the one hand, it is applying this technology on a large scale to existing missiles; on the other hand, it is breaking through its interception technology. Some results have already been published. Once it has fully mastered the interception technology, China will hypersonic gliding technology is also publicized.

You can read this as another form of US-China arms race!
Off the shelf yes but no TOT for sure, and please explain why stealth ain't important for big countries? If stealth is useless for China then why you're developing various stealth UCAVs/H-20 and 6th generation jet?
Is it right to generalize it to Pak-China or Pak-Turk relations?

I can give you countless number of examples where these two countries shared with Pakistan what the US would never have shared with us.
But they will not share their strategic tech Mr, stealth is their strategic tech
Don't be naive. PAF isn't remotely interested in changing the design, they know they need a longer range fighter hence why focus has shifted to J10C and J35. JF17 is a point defence fighter with less than an hour on station time with internal fuel, changing the design would mean making a new fighter.

Son---you need to learn to use better english terminology---when you address a 67 years old man---you don't use the term "naive".

What you may use is like---memory loss---alzheimer---lost your senses / marbles and the likes of these terms:D.
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Off the shelf yes but no TOT for sure,
China doesn't mind transferring stealth skinning technology to Pakistan. But there are some problems that cannot be solved:
1. Pakistan does not possess the sophisticated manufacturing industrial systems to make these products. Establishing these sophisticated manufacturing industrial systems requires very, very large capital investment.
2, Pakistan, whether economic strength or defense needs, the number of fifth-generation fighters equipped will not be very large. This small amount of demand does not reach the level of establishing its own production line. The cost of direct purchase is much lower than the cost of purchasing the technology to produce by itself.
So, this is due to the reality of Pakistan's situation, not China's unwillingness to share stealth technology.

please explain why stealth ain't important for big countries? If stealth is useless for China then why you're developing various stealth UCAVs/H-20 and 6th generation jet?
You can only let go of it when you have it.

Stealth technology and anti-cloaking technology, they're twins. Of course, stealth technology comes first, then anti-cloaking technology. The essence of stealth technology is to start attacking before the enemy discovers you; the essence of anti-cloaking technology is to discover the enemy before it attacks.
When you already have anti-cloaking technology, the enemy's stealth against you becomes meaningless, and the stealth technology instead severely reduces the enemy's ability to attack. (We compromise a lot for stealth. For example: loadout, silent comms ......)
Of course, in terms of technological development, stealth and anti-stealth technologies are spiraling. They are both constantly advancing.

I have body armor. Doesn't mean I don't need a gun.
This will answer your question about China's extensive use of stealth technology on various new models of airplanes.


Extra Tip:
In the traditional Chinese culture of violence, sneak attacks/surprise attacks are seen as a despicable tactic. Even though we have used these tactics throughout history, they are usually laughed at by history.
In traditional Chinese culture, the culture of gentlemanly violence is much more revered. Both sides need to mutually agree on a lot of limits before they start, to limit their violent clashes to that.
Some common agreements:
The time of the start of the war must be mutually agreed upon by both sides. If for some reason one side cannot start the war at this time, the other side may not attack.
When fighting, both sides must not harm civilians or damage civilian living goods and facilities.
When wars are fought between two sides within these agreements, people will recognize these wars and the losing side will admit their defeat from the inside and accept the punishment from the winning side.
If the victorious side wins the war by violating the agreement, it will not be recognized. The historical record will keep them criticized forever.

Stealth technology is, essentially, a sneak attack technology. It does not conform to the traditional Chinese aesthetics of violence. Traditional Chinese violent aesthetics do have some sneak attack techniques, but they are usually depicted as villains. For example, poison techniques are commonly used by villains and medical techniques are commonly used by the righteous, but poison techniques are essentially exactly the same as medical techniques.

Due to the problem of machine translation, some Chinese words will be ambiguous in translation, you need to understand carefully
China doesn't mind transferring stealth skinning technology to Pakistan. But there are some problems that cannot be solved:
1. Pakistan does not possess the sophisticated manufacturing industrial systems to make these products. Establishing these sophisticated manufacturing industrial systems requires very, very large capital investment.
2, Pakistan, whether economic strength or defense needs, the number of fifth-generation fighters equipped will not be very large. This small amount of demand does not reach the level of establishing its own production line. The cost of direct purchase is much lower than the cost of purchasing the technology to produce by itself.
So, this is due to the reality of Pakistan's situation, not China's unwillingness to share stealth technology.

You can only let go of it when you have it.

Stealth technology and anti-cloaking technology, they're twins. Of course, stealth technology comes first, then anti-cloaking technology. The essence of stealth technology is to start attacking before the enemy discovers you; the essence of anti-cloaking technology is to discover the enemy before it attacks.
When you already have anti-cloaking technology, the enemy's stealth against you becomes meaningless, and the stealth technology instead severely reduces the enemy's ability to attack. (We compromise a lot for stealth. For example: loadout, silent comms ......)
Of course, in terms of technological development, stealth and anti-stealth technologies are spiraling. They are both constantly advancing.

I have body armor. Doesn't mean I don't need a gun.
This will answer your question about China's extensive use of stealth technology on various new models of airplanes.


Extra Tip:
In the traditional Chinese culture of violence, sneak attacks/surprise attacks are seen as a despicable tactic. Even though we have used these tactics throughout history, they are usually laughed at by history.
In traditional Chinese culture, the culture of gentlemanly violence is much more revered. Both sides need to mutually agree on a lot of limits before they start, to limit their violent clashes to that.
Some common agreements:
The time of the start of the war must be mutually agreed upon by both sides. If for some reason one side cannot start the war at this time, the other side may not attack.
When fighting, both sides must not harm civilians or damage civilian living goods and facilities.
When wars are fought between two sides within these agreements, people will recognize these wars and the losing side will admit their defeat from the inside and accept the punishment from the winning side.
If the victorious side wins the war by violating the agreement, it will not be recognized. The historical record will keep them criticized forever.

Stealth technology is, essentially, a sneak attack technology. It does not conform to the traditional Chinese aesthetics of violence. Traditional Chinese violent aesthetics do have some sneak attack techniques, but they are usually depicted as villains. For example, poison techniques are commonly used by villains and medical techniques are commonly used by the righteous, but poison techniques are essentially exactly the same as medical techniques.

Due to the problem of machine translation, some Chinese words will be ambiguous in translation, you need to understand carefully
You don't answer my question sir, why China is developing and designing so many LOW OBSERVABLE aka stealth platforms if stealth is useless for you?
You don't answer my question sir, why China is developing and designing so many LOW OBSERVABLE aka stealth platforms if stealth is useless for you?
Your question has been answered here!
I have body armor. Doesn't mean I don't need a gun.
This will answer your question about China's extensive use of stealth technology on various new models of airplanes.
This is also in an era when stealth fighters have fully matured, The reason why the US builds the F15EX and China builds the J16. Mind you, these fighters are not cheap!
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JF-17C Block III Thunder seen armed with the PL-10E High Off-Boresight (HOBS) air-to-air missile.HOBS capability means the missile is able to track, engage and intercept targets at high seeker gimbal angles, highly distant from its boresight.
PAC/CAC JF-17 Thunder Block II armed with SD-10A Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVRAAM) and C-802A Antiship Missiles
BOL News report on PFX. Seems like a Super Hornet type upgrade for Thunder. Bigger engine, more payload, bigger dimensions. If it is so, then why on earth PAF went for J-10Cs?

Fill Gap J10C 50-60 planes will fill short term needs
while matching any Rafale purchase by India

Would be interesting to see what exactly turns out to be the next iteration of JF17 Block IV

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