Kuwaiti Newspaper: American delegation has landed in Iran for secret meeting

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first one not iran work and second one is not proven
also if you read the book Den of espionage you will see that your claim is not truth

It is government's responsibility to protect accredited diplomats even if they were accredited by the previous regime

As far as 2nd one not proven I know some Chinese posters were delusional. Now we can add supporters of Iranian government to the list.
During the Iran-Iraq war, America directly attacked Iran and showed its support to Saddam.

Also we are not look like your beloved America,we support our friends in any situations

USA is free to support any country in a war. The whole world supported Iraq against you.
USA attacked Iran because you were interfering with oil supplies.

Tell me how much help did Iran provide Hamas while they were being slaughtered by Israelis
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