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Litmus Test for India’s Democracy


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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The Human Rights Foundation’s (HRF) “2023 Dictators’ Playbook” provides a chilling account of how authoritarian regimes suppress dissent by stripping citizens of their rights and nationality. This analysis offers a parallel to the policies and actions under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration, which has been increasingly characterized by its alignment with Hindutva ideology—a form of Hindu nationalism. This shift towards authoritarianism raises significant concerns about the future of democracy in India.

Hindutva, promoted by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), seeks to establish Hindu cultural hegemony in India. Modi, a long-time member of the RSS, has aligned his policies with this ideology since his election as Prime Minister in 2014. His regime has been marked by an aggressive push towards making India a Hindu nation, marginalizing religious and ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims. One of the most controversial steps taken by Modi’s government is the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in 2019. The CAA provides a pathway to Indian citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, thereby explicitly excluding Muslims. Coupled with the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which aims to identify illegal immigrants in India, these policies have disproportionately affected Muslims, rendering them stateless and vulnerable to detention. Modi’s government has also been accused of systematically suppressing dissent. Journalists, activists, and critics of the government face harassment, arrests, and intimidation. The use of draconian laws like the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) to detain activists without trial has become increasingly common. Prominent intellectuals and human rights activists, such as Sudha Bharadwaj and Anand Teltumbde, have been imprisoned under dubious charges of terrorism and sedition. The government’s crackdown on protests, particularly those led by students and civil society against the CAA and NRC, highlights its intolerance for dissent. The police’s heavy-handed response to the 2020-2021 farmers’ protests further underscores this trend. Modi’s regime has also been criticized for undermining India’s democratic institutions. The judiciary, media, and election commission have faced allegations of bias and erosion of independence. The government’s influence over these institutions has raised concerns about the integrity of India’s democracy.

For instance, the abrupt transfer of Justice Muralidhar, who criticized the Delhi police’s inaction during the 2020 Delhi riots, underscores the judiciary’s vulnerability to executive pressure. Similarly, the Modi administration’s tight control over mainstream media, achieved through financial incentives and coercion, has stifled independent journalism. Economic policies under Modi’s regime have also contributed to social instability. The demonetization initiative in 2016, aimed at curbing black money, led to economic disruption and hardship for millions, particularly in the informal sector. The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has faced criticism for its complexity and impact on small businesses. As Modi enters his third term, the 2024 elections will serve as a critical test for India’s democracy. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) performance in the elections, which was notably weaker compared to its previous tenure, indicates growing public dissatisfaction. This presents a crucial opportunity for the political opposition and civil society to challenge the BJP’s dominance and advocate for a more inclusive and democratic India. This election result has caused a big setback to Modi’s Nefarious design to get a 2/3 majority to enact draconian laws against minorities, particularly Muslims. Indian moderate population has rejected Modi’s slogan “AB KI BAR 400 PAR”

The opposition, however, faces significant challenges. The BJP’s robust organizational structure, financial resources, and control over media narratives give it a considerable advantage. Moreover, the fragmentation and lack of a cohesive strategy among opposition parties weaken their ability to mount an effective challenge though the BJP hate policy against Muslims supported opposition to get a vote against BJP hate policy. Civil society and grassroots movements will play a vital role in this context. The farmers’ protests, which forced the government to repeal controversial farm laws, demonstrate the potential of sustained, organized resistance. Similar mobilization against policies that threaten democratic values and minority rights will be crucial.

Under Narendra Modi, India has seen a significant shift towards authoritarianism, driven by the Hindutva ideology. Policies targeting minorities, suppression of dissent, erosion of democratic institutions, and economic mismanagement have all contributed to this trend. Modi’s third term will be a decisive period for India, testing the resilience of its democracy and the ability of its people and political opposition to reclaim democratic space and uphold the country’s pluralistic ethos. The global community and human rights organizations must continue to monitor and support efforts to safeguard democracy in India, ensuring that the world’s largest democracy does not succumb to authoritarianism. This includes international advocacy, diplomatic pressure, and support for grassroots movements within India that promote democratic principles and human rights. The erosion of democratic norms in India under Modi is not just a domestic issue but a global concern. As a significant player on the world stage, India’s shift towards authoritarianism could embolden similar movements in other democracies. Therefore, the international community’s response will be crucial in setting a precedent for defending democratic values globally.

Moreover, Indian citizens must remain vigilant and active in their pursuit of democratic integrity. Civil society organizations, independent media, and ordinary citizens need to continue their advocacy for transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness in governance. The lessons from other nations highlighted in the HRF’s playbook underscore the importance of resilience and solidarity among the populace in the face of authoritarian tendencies.

While Modi’s third term poses significant challenges, it also presents an opportunity for renewal and reaffirmation of democratic principles in India. The country’s rich history of pluralism and democratic engagement provides a strong foundation for resisting authoritarianism and building a more inclusive and just society. The coming years will be critical in determining whether India can uphold its democratic values or will continue its descent into a Hindutva-driven dictatorship. This hate policy against minorities will pave for the final disintegration of India which is mired in minorities’ rights and the Naxalite movement in the northeast of India, which are likely to go out of control of Indian, unprofessional, untrained armed forces who are only capable of killing innocent unarmed Kashmiri Muslims, women, children, and old people. If the Soviet Union with so much military might can disintegrate into 15 states, then I am certain that the Modi government will finally break India into different states in the future to come with the most vulnerable, IIJOK and Khalistan movements.

Brigadier (R) Haris Nawaz
The writer is a defence and security analyst. He can be reached at Harisnawaz01@hotmail.com


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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BJP will not survive this 5 year term.

And even if they do, the Constitution is secure.

Indian secular identity is secure.

For a member of a micro-minority, who have never asked for any special rights, not a single seat in reservation, after having built a lot of modern India and its educational institutions, this is enough for me.

This would not have been possible without Hindus against Modi and Hindutva.

The minorities know it. The BJP and the Sangh and their bhakts are most painfully aware if it.

And the Congress and Rahul Gandhi know it too.

Cheers, Doc


Mar 6, 2024
Country of Origin
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The Human Rights Foundation’s (HRF) “2023 Dictators’ Playbook” provides a chilling account of how authoritarian regimes suppress dissent by stripping citizens of their rights and nationality. This analysis offers a parallel to the policies and actions under Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration, which has been increasingly characterized by its alignment with Hindutva ideology—a form of Hindu nationalism. This shift towards authoritarianism raises significant concerns about the future of democracy in India.

Hindutva, promoted by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), seeks to establish Hindu cultural hegemony in India. Modi, a long-time member of the RSS, has aligned his policies with this ideology since his election as Prime Minister in 2014. His regime has been marked by an aggressive push towards making India a Hindu nation, marginalizing religious and ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims. One of the most controversial steps taken by Modi’s government is the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in 2019. The CAA provides a pathway to Indian citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, thereby explicitly excluding Muslims. Coupled with the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which aims to identify illegal immigrants in India, these policies have disproportionately affected Muslims, rendering them stateless and vulnerable to detention. Modi’s government has also been accused of systematically suppressing dissent. Journalists, activists, and critics of the government face harassment, arrests, and intimidation. The use of draconian laws like the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) to detain activists without trial has become increasingly common. Prominent intellectuals and human rights activists, such as Sudha Bharadwaj and Anand Teltumbde, have been imprisoned under dubious charges of terrorism and sedition. The government’s crackdown on protests, particularly those led by students and civil society against the CAA and NRC, highlights its intolerance for dissent. The police’s heavy-handed response to the 2020-2021 farmers’ protests further underscores this trend. Modi’s regime has also been criticized for undermining India’s democratic institutions. The judiciary, media, and election commission have faced allegations of bias and erosion of independence. The government’s influence over these institutions has raised concerns about the integrity of India’s democracy.

For instance, the abrupt transfer of Justice Muralidhar, who criticized the Delhi police’s inaction during the 2020 Delhi riots, underscores the judiciary’s vulnerability to executive pressure. Similarly, the Modi administration’s tight control over mainstream media, achieved through financial incentives and coercion, has stifled independent journalism. Economic policies under Modi’s regime have also contributed to social instability. The demonetization initiative in 2016, aimed at curbing black money, led to economic disruption and hardship for millions, particularly in the informal sector. The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has faced criticism for its complexity and impact on small businesses. As Modi enters his third term, the 2024 elections will serve as a critical test for India’s democracy. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) performance in the elections, which was notably weaker compared to its previous tenure, indicates growing public dissatisfaction. This presents a crucial opportunity for the political opposition and civil society to challenge the BJP’s dominance and advocate for a more inclusive and democratic India. This election result has caused a big setback to Modi’s Nefarious design to get a 2/3 majority to enact draconian laws against minorities, particularly Muslims. Indian moderate population has rejected Modi’s slogan “AB KI BAR 400 PAR”

The opposition, however, faces significant challenges. The BJP’s robust organizational structure, financial resources, and control over media narratives give it a considerable advantage. Moreover, the fragmentation and lack of a cohesive strategy among opposition parties weaken their ability to mount an effective challenge though the BJP hate policy against Muslims supported opposition to get a vote against BJP hate policy. Civil society and grassroots movements will play a vital role in this context. The farmers’ protests, which forced the government to repeal controversial farm laws, demonstrate the potential of sustained, organized resistance. Similar mobilization against policies that threaten democratic values and minority rights will be crucial.

Under Narendra Modi, India has seen a significant shift towards authoritarianism, driven by the Hindutva ideology. Policies targeting minorities, suppression of dissent, erosion of democratic institutions, and economic mismanagement have all contributed to this trend. Modi’s third term will be a decisive period for India, testing the resilience of its democracy and the ability of its people and political opposition to reclaim democratic space and uphold the country’s pluralistic ethos. The global community and human rights organizations must continue to monitor and support efforts to safeguard democracy in India, ensuring that the world’s largest democracy does not succumb to authoritarianism. This includes international advocacy, diplomatic pressure, and support for grassroots movements within India that promote democratic principles and human rights. The erosion of democratic norms in India under Modi is not just a domestic issue but a global concern. As a significant player on the world stage, India’s shift towards authoritarianism could embolden similar movements in other democracies. Therefore, the international community’s response will be crucial in setting a precedent for defending democratic values globally.

Moreover, Indian citizens must remain vigilant and active in their pursuit of democratic integrity. Civil society organizations, independent media, and ordinary citizens need to continue their advocacy for transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness in governance. The lessons from other nations highlighted in the HRF’s playbook underscore the importance of resilience and solidarity among the populace in the face of authoritarian tendencies.

While Modi’s third term poses significant challenges, it also presents an opportunity for renewal and reaffirmation of democratic principles in India. The country’s rich history of pluralism and democratic engagement provides a strong foundation for resisting authoritarianism and building a more inclusive and just society. The coming years will be critical in determining whether India can uphold its democratic values or will continue its descent into a Hindutva-driven dictatorship. This hate policy against minorities will pave for the final disintegration of India which is mired in minorities’ rights and the Naxalite movement in the northeast of India, which are likely to go out of control of Indian, unprofessional, untrained armed forces who are only capable of killing innocent unarmed Kashmiri Muslims, women, children, and old people. If the Soviet Union with so much military might can disintegrate into 15 states, then I am certain that the Modi government will finally break India into different states in the future to come with the most vulnerable, IIJOK and Khalistan movements.

Brigadier (R) Haris Nawaz
The writer is a defence and security analyst. He can be reached at Harisnawaz01@hotmail.com
Ironic to see a Pakistani Army ex-employee talking about democracy and Hindutva when the Pakistan Army has not only ruled Pakistan but made it an ultra right wing religious society.

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
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The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) performance in the elections, which was notably weaker compared to its previous tenure, indicates growing public dissatisfaction.
What was all that about our democracy weakening again ?

the Modi government will finally break India into different states in the future to come with the most vulnerable, IIJOK and Khalistan movements.

- Brigadier (R) Haris Nawaz

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
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For a member of a micro-minority
Oh please, quit playing that card already. You lot are like the Jews in the USA, surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, (((those))) guys are also heavily invested in left wing causes.

There is NO anti Zoro sentiment in India.

Most gau beltiyas likely don't even know of your existence.

Kya ye recent obsession with wanting to be among those who actually do have some to complain about ? :rolleyes:

You do like role playing the knight in shining armor for the congress votebank but, eh ?

Or do you just enjoy being contrarian and live for the the thrills of the debate ? There is a particular personality archetype that does. :p


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Oh please, quit playing that card already. You lot are like the Jews in the USA, surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, (((those))) guys are also heavily invested in left wing causes.

There is NO anti Zoro sentiment in India.

Most gau beltiyas likely don't even know of your existence.

Kya ye recent obsession with wanting to be among those who actually do have some to complain about ? :rolleyes:

You do like role playing the knight in shining armor for the congress votebank but, eh ?

Or do you just enjoy being contrarian and live for the the thrills of the debate ? There is a particular personality archetype that does. :p

Bhai there was another old member, @Nilgiri , who for the longest time used to accuse me of playing exactly the double game you are accusing me of.

The fact is that sanghis and their ecosystem has most successfully and adroitly managed to piss off and made insecure and largely alienated almost every group of Indians that are not a certain kind of ideological Hindu. Including of course a large swathe of Hindus themselves.

Hand on heart tell me if this drubbing you got (whose tears you still copiously bleed) would have been possible if Hindus had not en masse voted against you?

So don't pick on Parsis abd your standard creamy layer bs. Fact is, Hindutva is a Brahmanical upper caste movement run on the backs of the lower castes on the plank of fear and hatred of the other.

And you really do seem to be living under a rock if you think there is no anti Parsi sentiment in India or have not read stuff written about us online, as recently as the pandemic.

Cheers, Doc

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
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Country of Residence
Bhai there was another old member, @Nilgiri , who for the longest time used to accuse me of playing exactly the double game you are accusing me of.

The fact is that sanghis and their ecosystem has most successfully and adroitly managed to piss off and made insecure and largely alienated almost every group of Indians that are not a certain kind of ideological Hindu. Including of course a large swathe of Hindus themselves.

Hand on heart tell me if this drubbing you got (whose tears you still copiously bleed) would have been possible if Hindus had not en masse voted against you?

So don't pick on Parsis abd your standard creamy layer bs. Fact is, Hindutva is a Brahmanical upper caste movement run on the backs of the lower castes on the plank of fear and hatred of the other.

And you really do seem to be living under a rock if you think there is no anti Parsi sentiment in India or have not read stuff written about us online, as recently as the pandemic.

Cheers, Doc
What "drubbing" ? sub 100 is a drubbing, 3rd time PM kursi is not.

I'm not picking on anyone, creamy layer is a fact.. we know you like role playing, you've played all sorts of characters on this forum itself, you played a muslim once too.. Adil Minhas, then you were that doppelganger character who had another weirdo background story, and a few others :LOL:

"brahminical" :ROFLMAO: .. yeh to JNU commie language hai

again, there is no anti Parsi sentiment here, none of note anyway.

^there's plenty of others, search maro

ya lagey raho "me and muh other oppressed minorities" 😭



Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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What "drubbing" ? sub 100 is a drubbing, 3rd time PM kursi is not.

I'm not picking on anyone, creamy layer is a fact.. we know you like role playing, you've played all sorts of characters on this forum itself, you played a muslim once too.. Adil Minhas, then you were that doppelganger character who had another weirdo background story, and a few others :LOL:

"brahminical" :ROFLMAO: .. yeh to JNU commie language hai

again, there is no anti Parsi sentiment here, none of note anyway.

^there's plenty of others, search maro

ya lagey raho "me and muh other oppressed minorities" 😭


Creamy layer and Hindu calling micro-minority Indian creamy layer is so past ironical its not even absurd.

My role playing on PDF was for survival from radical Islamist moderator permanent bans to camouflage my writing style which is pretty distinctive. Not because I wanted to.

When I got bored and tired by mand buddhis not catching on I would add a Cheers, Doc at the end, like you let a special needs child win in a game of Scrabble.

Basic mudde pe baat karo ... you have a habit of making it personal rather than discussing the topic.

2024 was a slap on the collective face of sanghi India and its ecosystem.

That slap would have been ineffectual if ONLY the minorities (non Hindu) voted against the BJP.

Talk about THAT and not the other bs.

Cheers, Doc

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
Basic mudde pe baat karo ... you have a habit of making it personal rather than discussing the topic.

2024 was a slap on the collective face of sanghi India and its ecosystem.

That slap would have been ineffectual if ONLY the minorities (non Hindu) voted against the BJP.

Talk about THAT and not the other bs.

I'm not making it personal, but you cant be throwing punches and then scream "foul!" when countered.

Please slap again in 2029.

Also, certain "minorities" almost always vote en masse AGAINST the BJP. Much unlike the Hindus, which is fine, I'm not for voting along religious lines.

Robert's bro in law ka batao, why the temple run when he's not even of the faith ? He Christian Parsi mix.. what is this dhokaybaazi ? Us din Bholenaath ka poster le aaya for his drama.. how crass, how very very crass, Doc.

At least when Modi Ji visits mazhars, mosques, gurudwaras and churches etc, he doesn't pretend to be anything apart from what he actually is.

Parsi + Christian couple ke bacchey Hindu kaisey nikle ?

Late Richard and Michelle ka bro, Robert, Hindu kaise ho gaya ?

This entire lot is all over the place, they power mad and bhrasht (corrupt) AF


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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I'm not making it personal, but you cant be throwing punches and then scream "foul!" when countered.

Please slap again in 2029.

Also, certain "minorities" almost always vote en masse AGAINST the BJP. Much unlike the Hindus, which is fine, I'm not for voting along religious lines.

Robert's bro in law ka batao, why the temple run when he's not even of the faith ? He Christian Parsi mix.. what is this dhokaybaazi ? Us din Bholenaath ka poster le aaya for his drama.. how crass, how very very crass, Doc.

At least when Modi Ji visits mazhars, mosques, gurudwaras and churches etc, he doesn't pretend to be anything apart from what he actually is.

Parsi + Christian couple ke bacchey Hindu kaisey nikle ?

Late Richard and Michelle ka bro, Robert, Hindu kaise ho gaya ?

This entire lot is all over the place, they power mad and bhrasht (corrupt) AF

Again you are not addressing the mudda of HINDUS slapping BJP ka Hindutva version of India.

But going on and on about Muslims Christians and Parsis.

This mansikta is the reason people are fed up of you guys. And will boot you out.

By the way, Rahul is as much Hindu as he is Parsi. And twice as much Catholic Christian.

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
Again you are not addressing the mudda of HINDUS slapping BJP ka Hindutva version of India.
I did, read again:

"certain "minorities" almost always vote en masse AGAINST the BJP. Much unlike the Hindus, which is fine, I'm not for voting along religious lines."

But going on and on about Muslims Christians and Parsis.
I'm not going on about anything, only pointing facts

By the way, Rahul is as much Hindu as he is Parsi. And twice as much Catholic Christian.
How ? explain


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
Country of Origin
Country of Residence
I did, read again:

"certain "minorities" almost always vote en masse AGAINST the BJP. Much unlike the Hindus, which is fine, I'm not for voting along religious lines."

I'm not going on about anything, only pointing facts

How ? explain

So you agree you got shafted mainly by Hindus.

Good. That's a promising start to frank open dialogue.

Whats to explain.

A child's DNA us half father half mother.

Rahul's mother is 100% catholic Christian.

Rahul's father is 50% Hindu 50% Parsi.

Rahul is thus by blood 25% Hindu 25% Parsi 50% Christian.

By faith he is 100% Hindu because like us, Hindus too follow patrilineal lineage.

Rajiv never had a Navjote, so he cannot be Zoroastrian, inspite if his dad being one. The Hindu pheras mean little. There was a Parsi wedding as well between Feroze and Indira.

If Rajiv never had a Navjote, then he cannot make Rahul have a Navjote.

So regardless of whether Rajiv was Hindu (definitely not Parsi) or not, Rahul is surely not a Parsi.

Now it is left to you and the Christians ro decide his ownership. We just love him for his little Parsi blood and his heart and his vision of India.

We have rules. Strict ones. About bloodlines and wombs. We are not liberal hippies.

Cheers, Doc

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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well what to and why to respond to a jiltted Pakistani living west worried more about Indian democracy than his own Pakistan

where more than 60% of population is living under poverty and more than 65% or children never went to a proper school but amadrassa when they can only write there name in URDU but cannot do simple four digit basic maths for daily use

we might be not as great as USA or UK or Europe but not bad as them or Bangladesh or any of the sub sharan africa which they now compare to in terms ogf human development or basic law and order

india is kind of democracy where its fashonable to abuse and mock indian PM and Speaker and cry about press freedom when they are cought after international criminals spill the beans in court of law about there involvement in multiple espionage and perception changing exercises done by media groups and corporations for massive ammounts of money

well they can cry but dose that changes anything .... NO but it only bothers you if you try to change there perception about you ... its your fault cause they will never so why waste your time when you can be silent on such fools and keep doing your good work

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