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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Oct 24, 2012
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Look at the title and discussion and look at where you are dragging this thread. Can you keep this on topic. There are enough threads on the US elections. Let’s keep it out of this thread
Think you are quoting the wrong man, I didn't drag the US election in this, that post was an reply for the following post

You have to learn to optimise and maximise if you are a minority.

Apparently the Muslims and Arabs could make a huge difference in the us elections in key swing states, as fate would have it.

Your effectiveness is based on your determination to be effective

And I did wrap up the entire line from my last post and said we were getting too off course from this.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Yea good point.

The Brexit era got played.

Farage is a charismatic disaster, establishment guy basically

He replaced European migrants with Indians basically.

The Indians settle,will use resources, then have kids.

Their kid's will take resources from the Brexit Brits.

Instead they excessively focus on boat people, it makes no numerical sense.

Watch this

The far right white Brits/Anglo-Saxons have a fetish with Indians for a long while. The truth is that these far right groups need an outsider immigrant group that they can use to showcase that they are not racists. See, we have respect for brown Hindutvatis and we hang out with them at our pubs. We are not racists. Of course, everyone can see through this charade. Hindutvatis are in reality not a friend of far right groups. They are just temporary convenient allies and share the same "enemy". Don't forget that the Hindutvatis have also been sucking real hard for many years to convince far right groups that they are indeed a useful ally against Muslims.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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The far right white Brits/Anglo-Saxons have a fetish with Indians for a long while. The truth is that these far right groups need an outsider immigrant group that they can use to showcase that they are not racists. See, we have respect for Hindutvatis and we hang out with them at our pubs. We are not racists. Of course, everyone can see through this charade. Hindutvatis are in reality not a friend of far right groups. They are just temporary convenient allies and share the same "enemy". Don't forget that the Hindutvatis have also been sucking real hard for many years to convince far right groups that they are indeed a useful ally against Muslims.

Once they "deal" with Muslims then they will turn their attention to the Hinduvta lot.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Once they "deal" with Muslims then they will turn their attention to the Hinduvta lot.

These far right twats cannot deal with us. If they enter our areas we will decimate them. Our people know how to protect their areas. This isn't 1970 where P-a-k-i bashing was a thing.


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Apr 10, 2024
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The far right white Brits/Anglo-Saxons have a fetish with Indians for a long while. The truth is that these far right groups need an outsider immigrant group that they can use to showcase that they are not racists. See, we have respect for Hindutvatis and we hang out with them at our pubs. We are not racists. Of course, everyone can see through this charade. Hindutvatis are in reality not a friend of far right groups. They are just temporary convenient allies and share the same "enemy". Don't forget that the Hindutvatis have also been sucking real hard for many years to convince far right groups that they are indeed a useful ally against Muslims.

The ironic reality is that if Muslims were removed from the west and europe, the white europeans/anglo-saxons would then target indians, blacks and all other non-Muslim ethnic minorities. But by then, the indians are hoping that they may magically turn into white europeans.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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These far right twats cannot deal with us. If they enter our areas we will decimate them. Our people know how to protect their areas. This isn't 1970 where P-a-k-i bashing was a thing.

Yes but that is the plan of the far right whose only criteria is race. White race is good and everything else is bad.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The far right white Brits/Anglo-Saxons have a fetish with Indians for a long while. The truth is that these far right groups need an outsider immigrant group that they can use to showcase that they are not racists. See, we have respect for Hindutvatis and we hang out with them at our pubs. We are not racists. Of course, everyone can see through this charade. Hindutvatis are in reality not a friend of far right groups. They are just temporary convenient allies and share the same "enemy". Don't forget that the Hindutvatis have also been sucking real hard for many years to convince far right groups that they are indeed a useful ally against Muslims.

Kind of, that's the Tommy Robinson far right who are funded by you might guess who

They are in a quarrel with the ethno nationalist far right who don't look for good immigrants bad immigrants.

Its about race, the establishment love braverman and sunak because it removes the racial element.

The balance is make it about culture and religion, not race.

Farage has said himself, he keeps the far right out.

The racial far right.

Ethnic non Muslim groups that play this game are valuable, Indians just happen to be well placed, soon it will be upwardly mobile Africans, the Indian obsession will blind you, sorry I know that's not popular here


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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The ironic reality is that if Muslims were removed from the west and europe, the white europeans/anglo-saxons would then target indians, blacks and all other non-Muslim ethnic minorities. But by then, the indians are hoping that they may magically turn into white europeans.

Exactly. They always need a target and an enemy. It is in the far right nature to always focus on a particular group. The far right always has to feel good about themselves by diminishing others. The focus will shift towards Hindutvati scammers once there is no one left.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Should Muslims who been here a few generations

Slightly tangential but generational Pakistani migrants do better than many other Muslim communities.

Look at Turkish and African migrants in Western Europe. They have been there for several decades but still living mostly in ghettos and haven't progressed beyond the stereotypical kebab shop, barber shop or car repair shop. They have made scant inroads in the high pay professions, academia, media and legal professions. That is why they are completely broadsided and unable to respond when the national media attacks them.

Compared to these backgrounds, Pakistani migrants do better but still not as well as Indians. Indians know the power of media and legal professions, and they gravitate towards it.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Slightly tangential but generational Pakistani migrants do better than many other Muslim communities.

Look at Turkish and African migrants in Western Europe. They have been there for several decades but still living mostly in ghettos and haven't progressed beyond the stereotypical kebab shop, barber shop or car repair shop. They have made scant inroads in the high pay professions, academia, media and legal professions. That is why they are completely broadsided and unable to respond when the national media attacks them.

Compared to these backgrounds, Pakistani migrants do better but still not as well as Indians.

We are not comparing like with like.

The UK followed by Netherlands gives the best opportunities for non-white immigrants in Europe.

South Asians are lucky that we are in the UK and not in countries like Germany and France where there are literally no opportunities for non-whites, especially Muslims, to progress in life.


Jun 23, 2011
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Once they "deal" with Muslims then they will turn their attention to the Hinduvta lot.
Bro - I don’t you get it. It’s not just Muslims. They actually hate brown. They see themselves as more British than the British. They turn their nose up at anything brown or try to passify and please their white master by being more anti foreign that any white person could ever be. It’s astonishing behaviour.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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These far right twats cannot deal with us. If they enter our areas we will decimate them. Our people know how to protect their areas. This isn't 1970 where P-a-k-i bashing was a thing.

That's the thing. The white racists know they can't physically handle Pakistanis/Muslims and that we don't worship them like other ethnic minorities do. That's what hurts and frustrates them the most. There is something seriously sick and dirty within these white racists. They are getting old and dying out. Their birthrates are falling beyond replacement levels. They are not having children and families. Whereas us Muslims are having large strong families. Our birthrates are the highest. We have strong communities and cultures. The white racist is scared and feels beaten down.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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The UK followed by Netherlands gives the best opportunities for non-white immigrants in Europe.

You are right.

The Anglo countries, US, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, have very open and migrant-friendly societies compared to many European countries.

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