Malaysian King weeps when talking about late son during meeting with China’s Xi Jinping

Thai kings acknowledge their Chinese ancestry. Heck, even the founder of the Thai Chakri Dynasty is Chinese King Taksin. Most Thai aristocrats, politicians, and businesses are of Chinese origin, especially in the Bangkok area roughly 50%. of the population. the last 10 prime ministers including the present one are of Chinese ancestry.

So much so that one of the Thai foreign ministers once remarked when it comes to China we don't consider it a foreign country because Chinese roots are so deep in every corner of the society from the prime minster to the common man
Ik that's why no matter who's in charge of the government they will never go anti china because Chinese influence is too strong. And there are close to 10 million Chinese in Thailand if u include partial ancestry the number would be way higher.
Well, I guess that is the problem. Malaysia in general is better run than Indonesia. Because the british do not destroy Malaysian society. Their society is largely intact. The british tended to govern their colony through their elite whereas the Dutch completely obliterated the Indonesian hierarchies. Malay and Indo societies are hierarchical

So come independence there are no native middle class in Indonesia to take over the government. You end up with Sukarno who has a chip on his block and didn't rise above himself. He led the country to disaster with his brand of socialism, uber nationalism of confiscating the private and Dutch property and kicking out all the Dutch from Indo resulting in hyperinflation, proliferation of state companies, and disastrous confrontation with Malaysia and Spore. ending up with a massacre.

I wish the Indonesian aristocrats partake in Indo politics but they are missing.

Now about independence contrary to popular belief, Indo is granted Independence because of the US decolonization drive after WWII.

Yes USA does give some push, USA said they will slash its funding to Netherland if Netherland keep its fighting in Indonesia.

Our independence is not given, but of course outside world help as well. This is why in our constitution it is said that the independence is due to Rahmat (blessing) from Allah SWT.

It is Allah that unite Indonesia through Dutch occupation and Allah as well that make Indonesia free.

If there is no WW2, no Japanese occupation, it will be harder.

War, diplomatics are all used. In the beginning of war, Indonesia fight both British Empire ( including India ) and Dutch.

British stop its interference after its troops get massive fight from Indonesian fighters starting from Surabaya.

The reason USA help Indonesia is because Cold War, USA needs Indonesia is in anti communist front. USA push Dutch to acknowledge Indonesia independence after our Army defeated Communist revolt in Madiun in 1948.

Sure, there is no black and white and the reality is rather working in complex way.
Ethnic Chinese account for around 5 per cent of Southeast Asia’s 650 million people but dominate the region’s $4 trillion economy.

The rapid growth of HNW wealth among overseas Chinese, sometimes dubbed the “bamboo network,” is clearly a big attraction for private banks, advisory firms and family office creators across the region. Despite headwinds caused by the pandemic, and mainland China’s trade rows with Washington, Asia’s general ascent in the number of millionaires remains powerful.
Ofc things like this also make people wary of china. But at the end of the day Chinese investment is the only way for southeast to grow into a powerhouse in the future decades to come. The chart might be a bit exaggerated but u get the point.
In countries with small ethnic Chinese minorities, the economic disparity can be remarkable. For example, in 1998, ethnic Chinese made up just 1% of the population of the Philippines and 4% of the population in Indonesia, but have wide influence in the Philippine and Indonesian private economies.
The book World on Fire, describing the Chinese as a "market-dominant minority", notes that "Chinese market dominance and intense resentment amongst the indigenous majority is characteristic of virtually every country in Southeast Asia except Thailand and u get why there's some resentment within some countries in southeast Asia that's because Chinese communities do tend to outperform the locals.
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And every other ethnicity too. 😂.
Still, some treat minority much worse and some treat others better, like Indonesia is the worst, they carried out twice large racial massacres and strict discriminations of ethnic Chinese, and Thailand is much better, they are much more welcoming and accepting ethnic Chinese to integrate into local Thais.
Still, some treat minority much worse and some treat others better, like Indonesia is the worst, they carried out twice large racial massacres and strict discriminations of ethnic Chinese, and Thailand is much better, they are much more welcoming and accepting ethnic Chinese to integrate into local Thais.
Read what I said from above success do tend to create animosity and jealousy that sometimes can lead to violence.
Read what I said from above success do tend to create animosity and jealousy that sometimes can lead to violence.
So, they don't deserve massacres, they gather wealth mainly because of their competitiveness and traditions.
So, they don't deserve massacres, they gather wealth mainly because of their competitiveness and traditions.
I know I'm not saying it's justified. But that's from their point of view. But today china can protect her own people and not let those things happen again. U see what happened to the Jews when they become too dominant during WW2. But now they are smart enough to hide it and controls pretty much all the western media so they can direct blame on others like how they keep describing china as the Boogeyman when in fact they are the ones that's causing all the social problems in the West lol
In the world of geopolitics today only might makes right. U see that with Israel treatment of Palestinians. If u are not strong u will be picked on and china learns that lesson. There's a place where oversea Chinese can resettle to. Overseas Chinese are still very patriotic and they sure would be a great addition to China and they do have immense wealth.
Ethnic Chinese account for around 5 per cent of Southeast Asia’s 650 million people but dominate the region’s $4 trillion economy.

The rapid growth of HNW wealth among overseas Chinese, sometimes dubbed the “bamboo network,” is clearly a big attraction for private banks, advisory firms and family office creators across the region. Despite headwinds caused by the pandemic, and mainland China’s trade rows with Washington, Asia’s general ascent in the number of millionaires remains powerful.
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Ofc things like this also make people wary of china. But at the end of the day Chinese investment is the only way for southeast to grow into a powerhouse in the future decades to come. The chart might be a bit exaggerated but u get the point.
In countries with small ethnic Chinese minorities, the economic disparity can be remarkable. For example, in 1998, ethnic Chinese made up just 1% of the population of the Philippines and 4% of the population in Indonesia, but have wide influence in the Philippine and Indonesian private economies.
The book World on Fire, describing the Chinese as a "market-dominant minority", notes that "Chinese market dominance and intense resentment amongst the indigenous majority is characteristic of virtually every country in Southeast Asia except Thailand and u get why there's some resentment within some countries in southeast Asia that's because Chinese communities do tend to outperform the locals.
The Chinese were the agents of prosperity. Everywhere they were treated well the country prospered. Where they were treated poorly the country suffered poverty. Thailand, Malaysia, Spore is proof of it. Now they working hard to make Laos and Cambodia prosper too. If it were not for Chinese Indonesia, the Philippines would become like Timbuktu.

Here is Princess Mahachakri Sirindhorn the king's sister celebrating Chinese New Year. Her grandma is Chinese and she studied Chinese when she was young and has traveled 50 times and went to every Chinese province. She is the e patron of the Chinese in Thailand
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The Chinese were the agents of prosperity. Everywhere they were treated well the country prospered. Where they were treated poorly the country suffered poverty. Thailand, Malaysia, Spore is proof of it. Now they working hard to make Laos and Cambodia prosper too. If it were not for Chinese Indonesia, the Philippines would become like Timbuktu
No wrong In that. having Chinese community will also attract Chinese investment. I think Vietnam has the highest chance of success because they are doing a copy and paste of china. But there will be more headwinds coming there way. China model can't be easily replicated.
No wrong In that. having Chinese community will also attract Chinese investment. I think Vietnam has the highest chance of success because they are doing a copy and paste of china. But there will be more headwinds coming there way. China model can't be easily replicated.
Nope if the Chinese community does not invest in their own country why should foreigners invest? They are not dumb. Normally Chinese mainland companies form joint ventures with local Chinese like in Malaysia or Thailand easier to negotiate the labyrinth of red tape if you have a local partner. I am not talking about copying the Chinese mainland model of economy. I am talking about allowing local Chinese to open plants, factories, businesses, etc without discrimination!

There are few Chinese mainland private investments in the Philippines and investment in Indonesia is strictly mineral processing
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