Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

Arabian sea is not Indias bay, Pak has significant maritime assets to protect their trade routes which China would use. Unless India is looking to go to War with China and Pak uts unlikely they will attempt to block those trade routes. I also wouldnt trust the quad, those members would leave India high and dry at the first opportunity.

Yeah, chances of Aus or Japan fighting China on behalf of India are lower then me dating Taylor Swift....
No, Arabian Sea is not your sea.....

I'm sorry, is that an argument? Arabian Sea, bay of Bengal and the Indian ocean are ours and we run our subs, our ships in the area.

You even confirm that our subs roam the area through the year.
Yeah, chances of Aus or Japan fighting China on behalf of India are lower then me dating Taylor Swift....
They will do their part, rest assured. We don't hire others to do our fighting. If push comes to shove, we will fight our own war.

How will they do their part for the QUAD, think and tell me. If you think there's no way they can help us, you know nothing about gelo-politics and how modern wars are fought.
They will do their part, rest assured. We don't hire others to do our fighting. If push comes to shove, we will fight our own war.

How will they do their part for the QUAD, think and tell me. If you think there's no way they can help us, you know nothing about gelo-politics and how modern wars are fought.
We have more access to Arabian sea compared to Pakistan who is basically a semi-landlocked country with only single very small coast line merely 1000 kms in the country's south and it is easily blockade prone to any powerful navy like USA,UK...
Look at the map and compare Pak coast line with India's western coast line from Gujarat to Southern tip of Kerala length and see who has more access to Arabian sea....
We have more access to Arabian sea compared to Pakistan who is basically a semi-landlocked country with only single very small coast line merely 1000 kms in the country's south and it is easily blockade prone to any powerful navy like USA,UK...
Look at the map and compare Pak coast line with India's western coast line from Gujarat to Southern tip of Kerala length and see who has more access to Arabian sea....
He's hoping that chini baba will help them in a indo-pak war. There seems to be no one in Pakistan to burst his cute little bubble.

No,china will not help break the blockade indian navy will put around the pakistani coastline during an indo pak war.
We have more access to Arabian sea compared to Pakistan who is basically a semi-landlocked country with only single very small coast line merely 1000 kms in the country's south and it is easily blockade prone to any powerful navy like USA,UK...
Look at the map and compare Pak coast line with India's western coast line from Gujarat to Southern tip of Kerala length and see who has more access to Arabian sea....
This post is nonsensical. Arabian aea is adjacent to the Pakistani coast and its the closest to Pakistan, India, Iran, etc.

You can believe India in wartime will have free reign in the Arabian sea just like kids believe in the toothfairy, doesnt make it reality.
This post is nonsensical. Arabian aea is adjacent to the Pakistani coast and its the closest to Pakistan, India, Iran, etc.

You can believe India in wartime will have free reign in the Arabian sea just like kids believe in the toothfairy, doesnt make it reality.
Indian navy is going to reach a point where we can actually blockade the pakistani coast IN SPITE of the arsenal of the hangors and the Augustas you have. They will be used to "Defend" and not attack. You don't have the reach to attack indian navy. Indian navy does. Your Chinese ships and Chinese subs with their Chinese missiles are not going to be enough for making your wet dreams come true in real life.
This post is nonsensical. Arabian aea is adjacent to the Pakistani coast and its the closest to Pakistan, India, Iran, etc.

You can believe India in wartime will have free reign in the Arabian sea just like kids believe in the toothfairy, doesnt make it reality.
I am not talking about free reign during war.... I am just pointing out the fact that if it comes to who has got more access to Arabian sea then we India have more access to Arabian sea as we have larger coastline with this sea along with island like Lakshadweep on the gate of the Arabian sea....

This does not mean a free reign during war but definitely an advantage as Pak is situated on the upper corner of this sea and all Pakistan bound cargoes (except cargoes coming or going from Gulf) will come from and go towards the south of the Arabian sea and India's western coastline is expanded towards the far south of this sea where it meets to Indian ocean....

They will do their part, rest assured. We don't hire others to do our fighting. If push comes to shove, we will fight our own war.

How will they do their part for the QUAD, think and tell me. If you think there's no way they can help us, you know nothing about gelo-politics and how modern wars are fought.

No, they will act in self interest, like any country. Japan or Aus wont risk war just for India, unless its part of a bigger conflict. No single Western soldier is fighting in Ukraine. Go figure.

Again, if you rely on others to rush to protect you then you are the architects of your own demise....

I'm sorry, is that an argument? Arabian Sea, bay of Bengal and the Indian ocean are ours and we run our subs, our ships in the area.

You even confirm that our subs roam the area through the year.

But in 2019 could not find a single Agosta in "your ocean".....

We have more access to Arabian sea compared to Pakistan who is basically a semi-landlocked country with only single very small coast line merely 1000 kms in the country's south and it is easily blockade prone to any powerful navy like USA,UK...
Look at the map and compare Pak coast line with India's western coast line from Gujarat to Southern tip of Kerala length and see who has more access to Arabian sea....

"semi-land locked" this phrase make no sense, you are either landlocked or you are not.
Indian navy is going to reach a point where we can actually blockade the pakistani coast IN SPITE of the arsenal of the hangors and the Augustas you have. They will be used to "Defend" and not attack. You don't have the reach to attack indian navy. Indian navy does. Your Chinese ships and Chinese subs with their Chinese missiles are not going to be enough for making your wet dreams come true in real life.

We did not have Chinese subs or missiles in 2019. You hunted a single Agosta for 21 days.

Indian navy strength on this forum and in reality seems to be two very different things

I'm sorry, is that an argument? Arabian Sea, bay of Bengal and the Indian ocean are ours and we run our subs, our ships in the area.

You even confirm that our subs roam the area through the year.
I really don't know why you are so arrogant and ignorant. Is it Shiva who gives you courage?
Internationally, there are two ways in which ownership of maritime areas can be recognized.

1. Recognized by the United Nations. It is clear that the waters you claim belong to India and are not recognized by the United Nations.

2. Recognition of facts. In the sea area you claim, when a warship or military aircraft of another country enters this area, you must have a warship or military aircraft to track, monitor, warn, drive away and other control actions. So far, we have not heard of any country's warships or aircraft operating in the region under the control of the India Navy or the India Air Force.

So, what do you mean by possession?

Although many countries oppose China's claim to the nine-dash line area of the South China Sea, in fact, any warship or military aircraft that enters this area will be tracked, monitored, warned, and driven away by the PLA, regardless of whether it is a neighboring country or a United States Australia or other countries outside the region.

If India wants these seas, it must first prove that you have the ability to own and control them. In fact, in these waters, Somali pirates and Houthis are far more capable of controlling than the India Navy.
In China, neither civil nor official, India has ever been regarded as an imaginary enemy. Since 1949, China's imaginary enemies have been only the Soviet Union and United States. The Soviet Union has collapsed, and now the only imaginary enemy is United States.

China's attitude towards India is: daily military defense, economic openness and cooperation.

From a purely military point of view, India's military strength is not at the same level as China's military strength. I don't want to say anything too nasty, but it's true. Now that China's military transparency is already very high, you can carefully understand it through various channels before commenting.

I can understand that during the period of competition between China and United States, India politicians can get a lot of practical benefits from United States by clamming out reactionary China sentiments.

During this period, India should concentrate on developing its own economy and seize the time to build its own basic industries. Don't touch China's red lines. Once China is really angry, India can't stand it.

In recent times, Viet Nam is a real-life example. If you follow international current affairs, you can check it out.
I really don't know why you are so arrogant and ignorant. Is it Shiva who gives you courage?
Internationally, there are two ways in which ownership of maritime areas can be recognized.

1. Recognized by the United Nations. It is clear that the waters you claim belong to India and are not recognized by the United Nations.

2. Recognition of facts. In the sea area you claim, when a warship or military aircraft of another country enters this area, you must have a warship or military aircraft to track, monitor, warn, drive away and other control actions. So far, we have not heard of any country's warships or aircraft operating in the region under the control of the India Navy or the India Air Force.

So, what do you mean by possession?

Although many countries oppose China's claim to the nine-dash line area of the South China Sea, in fact, any warship or military aircraft that enters this area will be tracked, monitored, warned, and driven away by the PLA, regardless of whether it is a neighboring country or a United States Australia or other countries outside the region.

If India wants these seas, it must first prove that you have the ability to own and control them. In fact, in these waters, Somali pirates and Houthis are far more capable of controlling than the India Navy.
Habibi, you wrote some garbage and ended with houthis and somalians having more control than indian navy.

You know, every time a Chinese submarine enters indian ocean, they are tracked by more than 1 countries. India obviously tracks them and shares the info with the QUAD. And vice versa.

Do you know, indian navy has deployed a fleet to counter the somalians and is a part of international coalition against houthis? India actually sends ships to help the coalition.

I bet you don't know that.

Listen Habibi, all that international garbage, we are the biggest power of the Indian ocean region apart from the US Navy.

Tell me something, Habibi, if indian navy barricades the pakistani coast line in a war, would China send a fleet of warships to help Pakistan?

Serious question, Habibi. Ta da.

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