Melaca strait China's vulnerability? Is it true or Myth?

You do realize that at the mouth of this waterway is Alaska?

The Russian Pacific fleet is based out of Vladivostok, as was the Soviet Fleet. China doesn’t face anywhere near the containment and adversarial fleet numbers the soviets did.

Even though China isn’t the Soviet navy, it only has one ocean to contend with. It can move around its fleet or build up numbers quickly to surge fleet numbers where needed.
Even if China goes towards north pole then yes it has to pass between Alaska and Russian eastern coast..... we can say they will have a sort of protection because of Russian navy but during full fledged war America won't hesitate to disturb this passage too.....

Russia is still not considered as good naval power as USN and there are high chances of them loosing a big fleet in an action against well equipped American navy...

So one has to see and understand how compromised China's access to the oceans.... whichever route they take there is no route available to China without challenges and struggles...... nowhere to run nowhere to hide.....

There's a reason China is technically called a landlocked country..... it's a glorified Mongolia with a coastline good for fishing.....
Even if China goes towards north pole then yes it has to pass between Alaska and Russian eastern coast..... we can say they will have a sort of protection because of Russian navy but during full fledged war America won't hesitate to disturb this passage too.....

Russia is still not considered as good naval power as USN and there are high chances of them loosing a big fleet in an action against well equipped American navy...

So one has to see and understand how compromised China's access to the oceans.... whichever route they take there is no route available to China without challenges and struggles...... nowhere to run nowhere to hide.....

There's a reason China is technically called a landlocked country..... it's a glorified Mongolia with a coastline good for fishing.....
If China is blocked so do Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Spore, India too. All China needs to do is send a couple of missiles to ship en route to Japan or Korea or India! I mean China can live with an embargo but can Japan live with an embargo when all the energy is imported?
Just like the Houthi does in the Red Sea.Did any ship travel in the Red Sea lately?
If China is blocked so do Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Spore, India too. All China needs to do is send a couple of missiles to ship en route to Japan or Korea or India! I mean China can live with an embargo but can Japan live with an embargo when all the energy is imported?
Just like the Houthi does in the Red Sea.Did any ship travel in the Red Sea lately?
If China is embargoed so will be the rest of Asia. Japan, Korea, and India. all China needs to do is send a couple of missiles en route to Japan, Korea, and India to see how insurance rates are going sky-high. China can still survive the embargo but can Japan survive the embargo when she imported most of her energy?

See even the Houthi can now stop the traffic in the Red Sea. I don't believe anybody can stop traffic in the Straits of Malacca with 24X7 surveillance, precision hypersonic missiles Least of all India
The Russian Pacific fleet is based out of Vladivostok, as was the Soviet Fleet. China doesn’t face anywhere near the containment and adversarial fleet numbers the soviets did.
The Russian Navy is in steady decline and they will have a hard time dealing with maritime threats in these areas on their own. We can't rule out that China will establish a naval base here or that China will use the Russian naval base to form a joint fleet with Russia.
China, North Korea, Russia, the three parties are negotiating the details of this access to the sea. The parties have reached agreement on matters of principle.


‘Melaca strait’ is an old topic.

It was discussed decades ago. Decades ago, the Melaca strait did have a strong strategic influence on China. A blockade would have dealt a severe blow to China's economy in those days. However, the discussion of this topic is now completely meaningless.

We can do some rational analyses:

Who will blockade Melaca strait and who has the ability to blockade Melaca strait?

At present, which country has the guts or ability to blockade China with Melaca strait? Even the United States of America does not have that capacity. The fact that the United States keeps retreating in the first island chain fully proves this point. The only possibility is that the US is holding other countries hostage to do this stupid thing and the US is hiding behind it. But I don't think the leaders of these countries are stupid enough to go to this level.

Even if Melaca strait is blocked, something will happen?

Standoff without firing.

China will send a naval fleet to confront the naval fleet of the countries involved in the incident at Melaca strait, completely sealing off Melaca strait so that no merchant ships from any country will be allowed to pass through.
Melaca strait is not just a cargo route for China, it is also a cargo route for many countries. How long will these small and medium-sized countries be able to sustain themselves when this corridor is completely blocked? How long can China support it? When these small and medium-sized countries can no longer support it, will they continue to support this blockade against China?

The Melaca strait is indeed an important corridor for China, but it is not the only one. China imports a lot of oil from the Middle East, which enters China through the Melaca strait. But there are two other situations that people need to be aware of:
1. China has a large strategic reserve of oil, and this reserve is growing. China's own exploitation of its oil resources has been under control, and no large-scale oil exploitation has taken place.
2, China's imports of oil, part of their own use, and part of the processed petrochemicals exported. At the same time, China has been vigorously developing the new energy industry in recent years, and has made a lot of notable achievements, now the dependence on oil is not so important.

Blockade rises to war, direct fire

In between discussing it, let's go to the report of the US National Defence Strategy Board. This report analyses the military situation between the United States and its hypothetical enemies.
China calls for peace, but China doesn't mind starting a war in the Melaca strait.The question is: Are China's adversaries willing?
The PLA's military activities in the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and other regions in recent years can be seen: the frequency of their activities has been rising, the scale of their activities has been increasing, and their actions have been becoming more and more aggressive ...... U.S. forces keep retreating in these areas ......

A very simple question:
China is applying hypersonic ballistic missile technology to all of China's medium and long range ballistic missiles and mass producing them. China can already build hypersonic warheads using steel instead of expensive composites.
So, how, pray tell, will countries that want to go to war cope with these massive numbers of very accurate, powerful, and extremely inexpensive hypersonic missiles?
There's a reason China is technically called a landlocked country..... it's a glorified Mongolia with a coastline good for fishing.....
What a comical comment, lol.
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Even if China goes towards north pole then yes it has to pass between Alaska and Russian eastern coast..... we can say they will have a sort of protection because of Russian navy but during full fledged war America won't hesitate to disturb this passage too.....

Russia is still not considered as good naval power as USN and there are high chances of them loosing a big fleet in an action against well equipped American navy...

So one has to see and understand how compromised China's access to the oceans.... whichever route they take there is no route available to China without challenges and struggles...... nowhere to run nowhere to hide.....

There's a reason China is technically called a landlocked country..... it's a glorified Mongolia with a coastline good for fishing.....
Unlike the IOR, the Arctic lacks robust infrastructure to support large-scale, year-round commercial shipping. Ports, refueling stations, and search-and-rescue facilities are sparse, and existing infrastructure is primarily concentrated along Russia’s coast. Key environmental concerns include the risk of oil spills in icy waters, which are extremely difficult to clean up, disruptions to marine life from noise and ship traffic, and the accelerated melting of ice due to black carbon emissions from ships. The Arctic's unique ecosystem lacks the resilience seen in more temperate regions, making any ecological disruption potentially irreversible.
Kanzhongguo (Chinese: 看中國), also known as Vision Times, is a Falun Gong-affiliated Chinese language weekly newspaper. It was founded in 2001 as a website, In 2006, it began publishing weekly print versions in major U.S. cities and Australia (as Vision China Times) where large Chinese communities exist. In 2007, print versions were launched in Europe.

Vision Times operates multiple YouTube channels, including China Observer, China Insights and Vision Times Post.
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So it’s not that China shouldn’t build in Myanmar but it shouldn’t do both Myanmar and Pakistan, as two insurance policies at first, but later on as engines for Chinese economic growth. Especially now that Bangladesh is free of Indian hegemony and that is also a country with a large population and need for development.
None of the countries in South Asia have the capacity to become developed nations because they lack the institutions necessary for sustainable growth. A major benefit of being part of a large country like India is having access to both human and physical resources that can help brainstorm, build, and sustain the necessary institutions and infrastructure in the long run.

Bangladesh, for example, probably lacks a Planning Commission or an equivalent of NITI Aayog that can set expectations for 5, 10, or 15 years into the future. The country has never planned or developed urban areas beyond Dhaka, leading to a highly congested urban sprawl with slum-like living conditions. Other cities like Khulna and Chittagong resemble tier 3 or 4 Indian cities because they have not developed expertise in self-reliance and have often relied on foreign companies to build their infrastructure.

Bangladesh's railways are almost like a time travel back to British Bengal, with no proper network of expressways or even four-lane highways. Until now, only the Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Mymensingh highways are operational, and whatever new projects are in progress take forever due to corruption and lack of oversight. In short, all the hype about Bangladesh being the next Asian super tiger is a farce. The country might have been better off if it were part of India, but then again, who would want to deal with a radicalized population with a "hum do humare 12" mindset?
If China is embargoed so will be the rest of Asia. Japan, Korea, and India. all China needs to do is send a couple of missiles en route to Japan, Korea, and India to see how insurance rates are going sky-high. China can still survive the embargo but can Japan survive the embargo when she imported most of her energy?

See even the Houthi can now stop the traffic in the Red Sea. I don't believe anybody can stop traffic in the Straits of Malacca with 24X7 surveillance, precision hypersonic missiles Least of all India
When you have nothing to argue you start posting nonsense videos..... what you think your posting such videos will change the reality of China being a semi landlocked country or being glorified Mongolia??

And by the way 100% the carrier based fighter jet falling in the sea is not Indian but its either Russian or Chinese..... that is clearly a flanker and only China and Russia use naval flankers.... not India....
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Unlike the IOR, the Arctic lacks robust infrastructure to support large-scale, year-round commercial shipping. Ports, refueling stations, and search-and-rescue facilities are sparse, and existing infrastructure is primarily concentrated along Russia’s coast. Key environmental concerns include the risk of oil spills in icy waters, which are extremely difficult to clean up, disruptions to marine life from noise and ship traffic, and the accelerated melting of ice due to black carbon emissions from ships. The Arctic's unique ecosystem lacks the resilience seen in more temperate regions, making any ecological disruption potentially irreversible.
I know bro that using artict is even more challenging but I want to let them have all the options since they are talking about all the waterways so let them travel in artict too....
When you have nothing to argue you start posting nonsense videos..... what you think your posting such videos will change the reality of China being a semi landlocked country or glorified Mongolia??

And by the way 100% the carrier based fighter jet falling in the sea is not Indian but its either Russian or Chinese..... that is clearly a flanker and only China and Russia use naval flankers.... not India....
Lol, China is a landlocked country like Mongolia... why you Indians always live in your fantasies, where is “sea faring power” India in this chart? oh, there, behind the city Singapore and Vietnam.


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None of the countries in South Asia have the capacity to become developed nations because they lack the institutions necessary for sustainable growth. A major benefit of being part of a large country like India is having access to both human and physical resources that can help brainstorm, build, and sustain the necessary institutions and infrastructure in the long run.

Bangladesh, for example, probably lacks a Planning Commission or an equivalent of NITI Aayog that can set expectations for 5, 10, or 15 years into the future. The country has never planned or developed urban areas beyond Dhaka, leading to a highly congested urban sprawl with slum-like living conditions. Other cities like Khulna and Chittagong resemble tier 3 or 4 Indian cities because they have not developed expertise in self-reliance and have often relied on foreign companies to build their infrastructure.

Bangladesh's railways are almost like a time travel back to British Bengal, with no proper network of expressways or even four-lane highways. Until now, only the Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Mymensingh highways are operational, and whatever new projects are in progress take forever due to corruption and lack of oversight. In short, all the hype about Bangladesh being the next Asian super tiger is a farce. The country might have been better off if it were part of India, but then again, who would want to deal with a radicalized population with a "hum do humare 12" mindset?
Yes Bangladesh trains are still based on meter gauge and hence do not have a good speed as well as results in low tonnage freight carriers capability....
Lol, China is a landlocked country like Mongolia... why you Indians always live in your fantasies, where is “sea faring power” India in this chart? oh, there, behind the city Singapore and Vietnam.


Point here is all this trade you do can be haulted during full fledged war.... you may have biggest shipbuilding industry or your trade is highest doesn't change the fact you are a country with only single coastline in far east and blockade prone due to too many obstacles in the form of islands under the control of enemies.....

So yes I stick to my comment.... China is a glorified Mongolia or Nepal or whichever landlocked country you would like to call her....

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