Modernising the Bangladesh Air Force: time to turn away from China and Russia

Well if Indonesia can come up with something on the level of KAAN then that would be worth considering. I appreciate that the amount of western subsystems will be gradually reduced over time and so maybe there would be less to worry about in terms of operational independence.

Indonesia would be a reliable friendly Muslim country and can stand up to outside pressure even better than Turkey, due to its more diversified economy and less reliance on the US/west for trade.

However BD has already started buying into the Turkish military "eco-system" as it looks like it is very close to a contract for Hisar-O+ MRSAM. BD military seems to be keen to make Turkey a major military supplier, along with the traditional Chinese.
We will see then, for the mean time I am agree on you that BD will use first 5 years under new democratic regime for institution and economic development.

As we know BD currently has forex issues while jet fighter needs foreign loan supported by foreign banks.

Like Indonesia that needs 5 years to buy new fighters after 1998 regime change and it is only 4 SU 27, only can buy more Sukhoi in 2014 and 24 F16 second hand donated by pro Indonesia Obama administration (only paid the refurbish and upgrade)

So it has already more than 20 years we basically buying something significant despite it is still using soft loan given by French financial institution for 42 Rafales
BD cannot afford to have a mix of 4th and 5th generation fighters as it is not a military state like Pakistan is and not large like India.

The time for buying a brand new 4th generation platform is well and truly over now, and so when BD hopefully has some money 2-3 years down the line, it should go to China and ask for 2 squadrons of J-31.

JC10C would be the logical choice. Simply cheaper to operate a multi role capabilities , maintain and to buy at a cost to performance of a twin engine stealth fighter. Having a twin engine fighter is not required by you , it be money wasted. J31 This expensive weapon is only as good as its user..
JC10C would be the logical choice. Simply cheaper to operate a multi role capabilities , maintain and to buy at a cost to performance of a twin engine stealth fighter. Having a twin engine fighter is not required by you , it be money wasted. J31 This expensive weapon is only as good as its user..

BAF needs quality to go up against larger adversaries like India.

It will need supporting systems like AWACs etc. but if BD is to spend billions on new fighter aircraft, then getting the best available is the most logical choice.

BAF wants and prefers twin engine fighters - it wanted SU-30 and then Eurofighter after Rohingya crisis of 2017. BAF doctrine is for twin-engine jets.

There is an almost zero chance of BAF ever getting J-10CE or any other single-engine jet unless China gives them for free.
BAF needs quality to go up against larger adversaries like India.

It will need supporting systems like AWACs etc. but if BD is to spend billions on new fighter aircraft, then getting the best available is the most logical choice.

BAF wants and prefers twin engine fighters - it wanted SU-30 and then Eurofighter after Rohingya crisis of 2017. BAF doctrine is for twin-engine jets.

There is an almost zero chance of BAF ever getting J-10CE or any other single-engine jet unless China gives them for free.
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.... Your airforce as an institution has not yet reached the level of maturity that's required to induct stealth fighters and awacs . .... there is no need for animosity and competition with India ..other than pesky Myanmar you have no military threats from anyside .
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.... Your airforce as an institution has not yet reached the level of maturity that's required to induct stealth fighters and awacs . .... there is no need for animosity and competition with India ..other than pesky Myanmar you have no military threats from anyside .

We are not gonna induct awacs. And leave our matter to us. Don't overstep.
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.... Your airforce as an institution has not yet reached the level of maturity that's required to induct stealth fighters and awacs . .... there is no need for animosity and competition with India ..other than pesky Myanmar you have no military threats from anyside .

Dude, heard of where there is a will there is a way?

Yes BD will take longer to develop doctrine and tactics to properly utilise a fighter like J-31 than PAF but as it will have a lifespan of 25-30 years that is plenty of time.

As for J-31 and India, there is something called detterence and no one knows what the situation will be like in 2040.

PS: Fun fact - BD has been operating 4th generation fighters for 25 years.
JF17 Block III would be perhaps a better option for Bangladesh
bought thru China

Having local production is the way forward for 150-200 units

Rafale = Too expensive
Gripen = Bit Expensive
JF17 Block III = Ideal balance between performance and Budget

Sale of 150-200 units would also replenish the Air-force Budget in Pakistan

Delivery rate is also quite reasonable

I think you have to build a good foundation of airforce
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Korea engines? Do you honestly think in the same class with USA, RU, CN, FR, GB?
Yes, it is planned to power future KF21. You can just Google it. Hanwa is not new player in this game, they have produced civilian and fighter jet turbofan parts ( F414) and has long partnership with General Electrict.

Even Hanwa has factory in Vietnam to produce some civilian turbofan parts. Do you see India and Turkey engine company invest in other country ? This show level of SK aerospace engine and its connection to Western grade engine supply chain.

SK is close to USA and USA is pretty open to give KF21 program some F22 and F35 secrets and this is the reason we see problem with Indonesian - SK relationship in KF21 program. USA doesnt want to share it with Indonesia, so it makes we get excluded from several technology work packages during EMD phase (Enginering and Manufacturing Development 2016 - 2026), something that violate previous deal. Indonesia prefer KF21 to partner with European consortium but SK as senior partner lead KF21 program and they prefer USA despite European offer better proposal with 20 % funding as well. We see Europe now come up with 2 different 6 generation program. If they enter KF21 program, not only technology and 20 % funding, but Europe will buy the plane as well.

SK industry is pretty advance. They provide engine and transmission system for Turkish Altay tank. Even the tank design derived from SK tank (K2) and we see some people think KF21 is less localized than Khan or currently still paper level program AMCA ?
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Yes, it is planned to power future KF21.
How many decades later? Specs? Supercruise? When japs tested their "5th" gen. everyone was celebrating, NOW....? K21 is 4.5 gen NOT 5 gen as claim by korees, just cos it looks like F22...
How many decades later? Specs? Supercruise? When japs tested their "5th" gen. everyone was celebrating, NOW....? K21 is 4.5 gen NOT 5 gen as claim by korees, just cos it looks like F22...
4.5 is rather gimmic, its design is STEALTH already and the IWB is already inserted during critical design but the space is not used yet for storing missiles. It will be much easier to be upgraded into 5 and even 6 generation with Wing man program currently underway.

I dont want to debate on engine as I dont know much about it and dont work in that industry, but you can search by your self Hanwa and SK ambition to power KF21 with its own engine design.

Currently, KF21 mass production is already using Hanwa made F414. But as we all know it is not complete F414 engine being made, as well as F110 made by TEI, or Indian plan to produce F414. The OEM is not that stupid, they just allow some parts being locally produced and engine assembly done locally
4.5 is rather gimmic, its design is STEALTH already and the IWB is already inserted during critical design but the space is not used yet for storing missiles. It will be much easier to be upgraded into 5 and even 6 generation with Wing man program currently underway.

I dont want to debate on engine as I dont know much about it and dont work in that industry, but you can search by your self Hanwa and SK ambition to power KF21 with its own engine design.

Currently, KF21 mass production is already using Hanwa made F414. But as we all know it is not complete F414 engine being made, as well as F110 made by TEI, or Indian plan to produce F414. The OEM is not that stupid, they just allow some parts being locally produced and engine assembly done locally
Korea has ambition for local engine design. Even Wing Man program is already underway.

60 % Korean + some Indonesian input. And dont forget Indonesian IFX will have less US components since they banned 9 technologies for Indo and band 4 technologies for SK.
Curious, which missiles KF21 uses?
Dude, heard of where there is a will there is a way?

Yes BD will take longer to develop doctrine and tactics to properly utilise a fighter like J-31 than PAF but as it will have a lifespan of 25-30 years that is plenty of time.

As for J-31 and India, there is something called detterence and no one knows what the situation will be like in 2040.

PS: Fun fact - BD has been operating 4th generation fighters for 25 years.
This is hilarious!

BD which does not have money wants to buy a fighter jet which no one knows when will be completed or if it will be completed.

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