Modernising the Bangladesh Air Force: time to turn away from China and Russia

Actually youre into sometving very fundamental here.

Bangladesh is geographically small and flat riverine deltaland. It will be easy for a potent enemy to strike down critical BAF and BA bases and installations, because Bangladesh lacks strategic depth.

The best way to deter an adversay, is to always have some potent strategic weapons which are put of reach of first-strike from an anemy. In this regard, the BD NAVY is to play the key role in advancing a second strike doctrine and its correspondent procyrement policy.

Ideally BD would have nukes for second strike, but thats not realistic by any means. But what is realistc is to have enough Surface and Subsurface marine vessels that can strike out vital enemey installations.

- long lange cruise missiles
- hypersonic missiles
- stealth subs
The maximum range you can get on an imported missile is 290 KM or so. Given that Bangladesh will have to position its subs at a decent distance from shore to protect your fleets, none of this will be enough to do much damage.
Whether it goes to east coast or west coast, doesn't matter. Because it has to pass through there. Over 55% india's maritime trade passes through Malacca straight. We would definitely sink many of them. And we don't have to necessarily get inside Malacca. We could definitely ambush in and around. I said 15-20 large ships as the opening salvo. (Not the end state.) Each carrying $300-400 millions worth good on average. That would be enough to deter many shipping companies.
You guys realize that India has an unsinkable aircraft carrier in that region, right? Its called Andoman Nicorbar island chain. And India has its submarine base there. Not to mention, India deploys anti submarine planes and soon drones too. Your few subs will have ZERO chance to survive there. Not to mention these will not be nuclear subs but conventional subs.

Plus, lets say you get few subs. Maximum endurance these subs will have is 60 days. What will you do after that? Take them home for replenishment? India will find them and sink them once they are near shore or docked. Or better yet, India will destroy your berthing facilities. What then?
Naval blockade is a valid argument. But you are expecting us to play by your rule.
Naval blockade? LOL! More likely your submarine based will end up getting bombed by Indian rocket artillery in war (not even missiles, just rocket artillery).
Naval blockade? LOL! More likely your submarine based will end up getting bombed by Indian rocket artillery in war (not even missiles, just rocket artillery).

I said, India imposing a naval blockade is a valid argument.

Debating someone with a comprehension level of a child is a waste of time.
Bangladesh needs it's own ballistic and cruise missile program.
Bangladesh in an emerging economy with lots of potential. 5.7% growth for 2024 and 6.6% in 2025. Bangladesh is no where near broke it's the size of Vietnam and on a upward trajectory.Vietnamese defense budget is projected to register a CAGR of 9.43% over 2020-2024, to reach $7.9 billion by 2024. 6-7 billion defense budget for bangladesh is not a problem.
And most importantly no knowledge base.
Bangladesh can get that from friendly countries, Pakistan is one of them.
Plus the Indians here jerking off about their rocket artillery, Pakistan has Fatah 2 GMLRS, longer range than Indian Pinaka. Would love to see some FATAH 2 regiments in BD.
Plus the Indians here jerking off about their rocket artillery, Pakistan has Fatah 2 GMLRS, longer range than Indian Pinaka. Would love to see some FATAH 2 regiments in BD.
Thing is, India only need a 150 KM range rocket artillery to effectively hit EVERY part of bangladesh from its own territory. Reverse is, sadly impossible.

Dhaka for instance is only 130 KM away from parts deep in Tripura.

India can bombard entire Dhaka with a barrage of rocket artillery.
Thing is, India only need a 150 KM range rocket artillery to effectively hit EVERY part of bangladesh from its own territory. Reverse is, sadly impossible.

Dhaka for instance is only 130 KM away from parts deep in Tripura.

India can bombard entire Dhaka with a barrage of rocket artillery.
So you folks will lodge artillery strikes from Tripura? Really? Good for you.
And once again you have proven indians are just 3rd class variant of Russians. Looks dangerous on paper...

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