‘Nepal's hydropower can benefit Bangladesh, entire region’

This is clearly an unrealistic fantasy.

This reminds me of the recent "third neighbor" program about Mongolia.
Mongolia recently launched the "Third Neighbour" initiative. It is preparing to sell rare earths directly to United States, and at the same time plans to have United States stationed troops in Mongolia country.
So, in the case of offending China and Russia at the same time, how is Mongolia going to transport rare earths to United States? And how did the United States troops reach Mongolia without the consent of both China and Russia?

Let's not consider whether Nepal or Bangladesh have capacity-building for large hydropower plants.
1. Does India agree that these power lines cross India territory to Bangladesh? Even if India agrees to transit, will India charge less transit fees? How much will this electricity cost when it finally reaches Bangladesh?
2. So, which is more cost-effective compared to buying electricity directly from India? Both are also under India's control, and price is everything.

In great power politics, each great power has some traditional spheres of influence, and their influence in these spheres of influence is very deep. Other powers are generally not overly involved in these things. Even if something very serious happens in these places, other great powers usually choose to ignore it. For example, China's influence in Indochina; Russia's influence in Central Asia; United States influence in Latin America; France influence in North Africa................. This is the unspoken rule of the world.

Bangladesh is part of India's traditional sphere of influence, and other countries are not usually overly involved. Even when entering this area, you will be very cautious.

Therefore, all Bangladesh can do now is either try to negotiate with India or resist outright. No third country can help Bangladesh--------- at least on the table. At best, it is diplomatic solidarity or humanitarian aid.

Among south asians, the prevailing sentiments is always this : The bigger / richer / more successful person or community is always at fault or somehow stealing from them.

Whenever in India a motor accident involves a bicycle or a two wheeler and a car, the general public always believes that its the fault of the car driver, rules be damned.

So, there can never be any kind of "normal" relationship between south asians and especially between India and its smaller neighbours. Leave that, there can never be long terms relationships. So things have to be very cut and dry and you need to have very strict boundaries.

Good fences make good neighbours. Especially in South Asia.
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BTW, I like the fact indians are more concerned about Bangladesh than we Bangladeshis ourselves! Although we know why, still it is hilarious...
US opposed the Russian nuclean plant too. Dosent matter.
Off topic, I heard (forgot where) Russian VVER NPP reactor design is the best 3+gen NPP design in the world as of now. Is it true?
If not, do you have any idea which design is better then VVER?
Off topic, I heard (forgot where) Russian VVER NPP reactor design is the best 3+gen NPP design in the world as of now. Is it true?
If not, do you have any idea which design is better then VVER?

Im no expert on nuclear reactors bro.
But from what i see, the VVER design have pretty good safety record and reliable.
The bigger question is what does India get out of it...

If I were India, I would extract a land route to north east with entire road/rail leased to India for 99 years or so.

You need to look at this from a holistic basis.

Indian NE at least is not going to prosper and be stable without a prosperous and stable BD.

Likewise selling electricity to BD will also help develop Nepal and Bhutan in due course.

Of course BD will need to reciprocate and the 2 countries can look at "quid-pro-quo" transit facilities but 99 year lease is unrealistic but more like 25 year agreements at a time.

BD will soon wake up and be a serious country again. At the moment we have student "leaders" and anti-India elements free to say whatever they like without the responsibility of actual government. Some things are best either not said or brought up in private between responsible government officials.

A lot here talk like BD is some country that has a lot of options in terms of who it needs to deal with. Myanmar could not be more worse as a neighbour and frankly it does not, India is a critical country for it. India also needs BD to some extent in terms of raising the prosperity and stabilisation of the NE and the region as a whole which is a strategic interest for it.

It will take some time but soon the mutually beneficial co-operation between India and BD will resume.

Countries that do not trade with neighbours generally do not develop much.
Build more nuclear power plants.

Hasina wanted to build a 2nd nuclear power plant by 2030 but this was not even feasible when she was in power due to difficult economic situation. Now we are looking at probably mid-2030s before a second Russian reactor is built in BD.

Nuclear power plants can be only one part of the "energy-mix" in BD as the capital costs are enormous and even nuclear reactors would make BD dependent on the supplier country. For BD it would be Russia as it would really have to stick with them since it would not build more than 4 in the first half of the 21st century.

BD needs a good balance between different energy sources. Electricty from India or through it should not be more than ~20% as you need to mitigate against worse-case scenario where India or even Nepal/Bhutan stops supplying for whatever reason.
India had a working relationship with Sheikh Hasina. Most other political forces in BD are anti- India to some extent or the other.

BD is free to pursue policies that disregard Indian interests but there will be consequences for that.

In the present situation, India would not be too eager to facilitate transmission lines from Nepal to BD , nor would there be any political will in BD to take on such a dependency .

All government's in BD since independence built extensive trading relationships with India and this is unlikely to stop now.

It does not matter when they "like" India or not as they cannot ignore such a critical country to BD.

Even China and Japan trade with each other and they absolutely hate each other. BD and India have a more amicable relationship.
Yep. nuke, Solar and our own gas is the way to go for us...
The terrain of Bangladesh is not suitable for hydroelectric power generation. It is now difficult to find countries willing to export technology and equipment for thermal power generation.

Considering its scarce land resources, Bangladesh should first consider building photovoltaic and wind power plants in the sea. Followed by nuclear power plants.
All government's in BD since independence built extensive trading relationships with India and this is unlikely to stop now.

It does not matter when they "like" India or not as they cannot ignore such a critical country to BD.

Even China and Japan trade with each other and they absolutely hate each other. BD and India have a more amicable relationship.
Yes, trade will continue . However, energy projects with long -term security and geopolitical ramifications are a different matter.

Ideally, India should be getting its hydrocarbons from Iran/Central Asia via Pakistan /Afghanistan , but security concerns prevent it.

Russia was a long -term gas supplier to Europe but got shut out off that market for good within months despite heavy costs to consumers.

Even on trade, India and Pakistan should ideally have been each other's biggest trading partners but no pair of governments has been able to agree to opening up trade because of the overhang of the Kashmir issue .

Past governments in BD have allowed Bangladeshi territory to be used to support insurgents in the north east and have loudly railed against Indian hegemony. Haseena was regarded as an Indian agent by many and if the next government is elected on an anti- Haseena platform, it will be political suicide for them to be seen doing strategic deals with India. And there will be little appetite in India to give concessions to a Bangladeshi government that allows Chinese and Pakistani influence to penetrate into the north east. Indian agencies will be actively working to resurrect the Awami League or other relatively secular forces in Bangladesh. In such an environment, the relationship can only be transactional.
For that BD will have to approach CHINA which will be opposed by US

India was already building One NPP In a TRI Partite agreement with BD and Russia

Lol, why do the Americans think they have the final say in everything in every country of the world ? Lol, they think they are the rulers of earth. Why should other countries pay attention to this kind nonsense of Americans ?

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