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No JF-17 B3 with PL-15 Air to Air Missile (yet)

Hakikat ve Hikmet

Think Tank Analyst
Nov 14, 2015
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I find the concept of "indigenize" to make little sense. It's looking at things from a counterproductive reverse perspective.

You create a strong environment of professionals & experts for R&D who give you evolving technology as per your needs.

Not take technology and try to indigenize it - that will always keep you backwards because you rely on copying others' work rather than independently innovating and designing.

I think what you are talking about it is actually taking place under the JF-17 PFX program - can't verify anything for certain though
Having the TOT of a proven and functional platform means a tremendous head start for a serious engineering project. Based on that you can incorporate your ideas step by step in a linear fashion till you own it 100%, and you're in a position to modify and modulate it at your will.....

The entire Turkish industrial complex is built on the fundamental TOTs of the basic platforms. Once they fathomed the fundamentals no dearth of innovations from them now.....
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Full Member
Feb 5, 2022
One moron was seen getting very happy on @Deino ’s post recently.
good to be humble, now you just look like a joker. here, let me spoonfeed you instead


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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good to be humble,
Are you?
Your language and line of thinking says exactly opposite and considering that Windy has jumped in to support you proves that point too.

My analysis and comments prior to you jumping in, had nothing derogatory or bad. See what a person like you can do to a thread going perfectly fine.

@Deino ‘s word on these matters has far more weightage and say than you+windyx100.
You wouldn’t understand these aspects. Try atleast.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2022
Are you?
Your language and line of thinking says exactly opposite and considering that Windy has jumped in to support you proves that point too.

My analysis and comments prior to you jumping in, had nothing derogatory or bad. See what a person like you can do to a thread going perfectly fine.

@Deino ‘s word on these matters has far more weightage and say than you+windyx100.
You wouldn’t understand these aspects. Try atleast.
why are you crying now that you've been humbled? when i was being polite you decided to jump up and down, while now, you whimper lol.

Yes, Andreas is great, we've been out for dinner together, discussed many a matter relating to Pak military aviation and whatnot, we've known each other for years now. What he said was he THOUGHT he saw a PL-15, however, when the pictures were released, he changed his mind and saw that it is a pylon, to which we all agreed/concluded.

You derailed the thread, not me, with your stuck up, holier than thou attitude lol, cry more


Full Member
Feb 5, 2022
Really? Says the idiot claiming that there is no Pl-15 on JF and then comes crying on a thread created just for that.
yes, there is no pl-15 for jf-17.

your post is full of cope its hilarious lol. waah waaah waaah "im not spoonfeeding you find this imaginary picture of pl-15 jf-17"

No such picture exists. You then claimed andy said PL-15 JF-17 was spotted, which he didnt.

No combination exists, it has not been integrated. end of story


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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No combination exists, it has not been integrated. end of story
Why couldn’t you say this as a counter to my comment.
What made you pass comments in poor taste?

One can disagree and post without losing his pants. If you think that my post wasn’t up to standard then mods are here to take action.

Don’t engage with me if you can’t maintain civility.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2022
Why couldn’t you say this as a counter to my comment.
What made you pass comments in poor taste?

One can disagree and post without losing his pants. If you think that my post wasn’t up to standard then mods are here to take action.

Don’t engage with me if you can’t maintain civility.
went from offensive to defensive real fast lol

there was no argument, i genuinely asked you for pictures because i thought i had missed something, i hadnt, you just wanted to be an arse and pipe up lol. well behaved now though haha


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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went from offensive to defensive real fast lol
Again going off track. Now trying to sound cute and the victim. I caught you trying to exactly that.
Why those cute and innocent looking questions rather than coming to the subject directly.
genuinely asked you for pictures
This may work elsewhere. Ain’t going to work here. Play this “genuine” card elsewhere.
In your very first comment you could have said that there was no picture. You had said it earlier to other posters. Posting those one liner cute questions and then foul language barrage is a very often used technique by trolls.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2022
Again going off track. Now trying to sound cute and the victim. I caught you trying to exactly that.
Why those cute and innocent looking questions rather than coming to the subject directly.
This may work elsewhere. Ain’t going to work here. Play this “genuine” card elsewhere.
In your very first comment you could have said that there was no picture. You had said it earlier to other posters. Posting those one liner cute questions and then foul language barrage is a very often used technique by trolls.
literally keep coping and crying ****


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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literally keep coping and crying
If you think that others are trying to cope and you are flying high. Trolls often have such opinion of themselves and others.
Ok then. I will try and cope.

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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This thread is confusing it makes one think the block 3 has the PL-15 integrated then there is an argument with an indian poster saying PL-15 is on the JF17 and a pakistani poster saying no evidence exists. Its like an alternative reality, im use to reading indian posters saying no Pak does not have this and pak posters being adament they do.


Full Member
Feb 5, 2022
This thread is confusing it makes one think the block 3 has the PL-15 integrated then there is an argument with an indian poster saying PL-15 is on the JF17 and a pakistani poster saying no evidence exists. Its like an alternative reality, im use to reading indian posters saying no Pak does not have this and pak posters being adament they do.
i dont like to peddle bs- JF-17 & PL-15 has not gone to plan.

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