North Korea Defence Forum


Dec 16, 2023
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KCNA navy images.....and at 7:48 - 7:51 a Tunan class corvette with a North Korean version of the 76/62 Oto Melara Compatto with stealth turret in a rapid fire exercise.
But be careful: with only one rear door, like the first versions of the Oto Melara, which were used exclusively by Israelis and South Africans, as well as by the Myanmar Navy, which bought them second-hand (supplied by Israel or South Africa), A A Unlike later versions of the Oto Melara used by numerous naval units in many countries, this version is also produced by the Iranians as the Fajr-27, having 2 inspection hatches, one on each side.
Also in the video, the Russian forumist "hufden" posted a screenshot of the Amnok class 661 corvette (different class from the one shown above) and that a pair of cruise missile launchers can be seen in the superstructure amidships and the 533 mm TLS towards the stern.
It should be noted that the obsolete 100mm manually loaded artillery is still installed in the bow, which at this point after having seen the similar "compact" on board the Tunan, I think that this corvette will soon also be updated to the new system
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Pyongyang, January 15 (KCNA) -- On the afternoon of January 14, the DPRK Missile Administration conducted a test-fire of an intermediate-range solid-fuel ballistic missile loaded with a hypersonic maneuverable controlled warhead.
The test-fire was aimed at verifying the gliding and maneuvering characteristics of intermediate-range hypersonic maneuverable controlled warhead and the reliability of newly developed multi-stage high-thrust solid-fuel engines.
It was successfully conducted.
UAV/UCAV images of North Korea


:cool: have achieved this, so rumors that they are working on creating a domestically designed and produced fighter aircraft may come tru

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Looks like it could be the Su-75 Checkmate.

View attachment 12113
from the satellite photo some differences are highlighted, including the wings.
However, at the moment, given the UN sanctions, it will not be possible for Russia to collaborate on the Su-75 Checkmate, but certainly an indirect and not publicized collaboration to help in the design of an aircraft with different lines and which can then be identified with a North Korean patent could be feasible.
However, at the moment, given the UN sanctions, it will not be possible for Russia to collaborate on the Su-75 Checkmate,

haha, we are beyond that phase in time brother. We are entering a situation where the post WW2 consensus is rapidly deteriorating. The UN itself is becoming less and less relevant. Russia no longer cares about UN resolutions and things like that. North Korea is technically not allowed to sell missiles to Russia under UNSC resolutions, but we see it happening. No reason it can't go the other way.

We are in the era of great power competition, we may soon start seeing nuclear weapons tests resume again around the world, everyone is waiting for the 1st person to do it, and the rest will follow, Russia, China and even the US are preparing for this scenario.

If Kim Jong Un commits to enough support to Russia with Ballistic missiles and artillery, maybe some armored vehicles and possibly even soldiers, Russians will reciprocate in whatever way he requests, be it the satelite tech they already gave or new fighter jet sales, hell I would not be shocked if Kim asked for help with his nuclear submarine program.
Why don't North Korea buy Chinese fighter jets?
Why don't North Korea buy Chinese fighter jets?
At the moment the problem is the same as for Russia, the UN sanctions, this certainly for aircraft that are not currently in the DPRK's air fleet.
Different if away from prying eyes other second hand fighters are supplied that the DPRK has today such as: J-7 on the Chinese side and Mig-29, SU-25, IL-76 on the Russian side
Then if the global situation changes in a traumatic way, anything is possible
Online someone has highlighted the extreme similarity of the landing gear with that of the J-7 aka Mig-21 fighter, the rear one which differs due to the inversion in the closure of the landing gear.
As they say about necessity, virtue, using what is already available and well known.
Who knows if it uses the same turbojet as the J-7/Mig-21 Liyang Wopen-13F or Tumanskij R-13 without afterburner ?
Why don't North Korea buy Chinese fighter jets?

China for the most part tries to look like a law abiding state, so China will not cross that line for PR purposes. Russia might though, Russia might have been turned into a pariah state, but its still a permanent member to the UNSC, as such it can block any UN measure against itself, so even if it breaks resolutions no one can punish it, and b/c its isolated, its been reaching out to North Korea and Iran, other Isolated states.. There is mutual benefit for all those states in cooperation. Russia also has a lot of high tech from its soviet legacy and industry infrastructure it can tap into.
China for the most part tries to look like a law abiding state, so China will not cross that line for PR purposes. Russia might though, Russia might have been turned into a pariah state, but its still a permanent member to the UNSC, as such it can block any UN measure against itself, so even if it breaks resolutions no one can punish it, and b/c its isolated, its been reaching out to North Korea and Iran, other Isolated states.. There is mutual benefit for all those states in cooperation. Russia also has a lot of high tech from its soviet legacy and industry infrastructure it can tap into.
China, like Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France, also has veto power over any UN resolution.
Therefore......according to your hypothesis, China could also supply armaments to the DPRK without risking UN sanctions since it would block them.
But neither China nor Russia does this today and the hypothesis of the supply of goods from the DPRK to Russia today is just a hypothesis.
I want to remind you that the DPRK and Iran have supplied and supply weapons and ammunition to many countries in Africa, the Middle East and the Asia, weapons and ammunition have often also been seized by naval units of Western countries.
So it is difficult, today, to declare without a shadow of a doubt from which warehouses the stocks shown and used on the Eastern Front in Europe come from.

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