India to Sign Deal for MQ 9 Predator drones worth 4 Billion USD

The MQ-9s are potent surveillance platforms. They will help Indian Navy monitor vast expenses of the Indian Ocean. I doubt India will be using it the same way USA takes out terrorists
The MQ-9s are potent surveillance platforms. They will help Indian Navy monitor vast expenses of the Indian Ocean. I doubt India will be using it the same way USA takes out terrorists
India needs these drone because these are having one of the best sensors and for longer endurance during patrolling...
There are 5th column in every country. What is your point? Israel is getting hit from 8 main and sub directions. In Yemeni missile attack 2 million rats went into their holes. That is what we have already done to them.

The fact that India is a giant shithole is a well known reality. Even the humble Indians confess to it. Only in a shithole Gandhi would get shot for telling truth about Jinnah.

Historically Persians are a resilient proud lot. Otherwise life without hydrocarbon revenues will be hard
Did Iran stop making Shahed after all of those were shot down to the gutter by Israel ?
Every drone has its purpose.
Shahed is designed to be low cost and used in saturation strikes. same is not true of MQ-9 UAV

each drone costs $30m but India is paying more than $120m per drone... making the US MIC rich

Such mindset is why Iran has to call for Turkish help of Akinci to find it's crashed President?
in times of crisis neighbours help each other, but Akinci did not find anything
Shahed is designed to be low cost and used in saturation strikes. same is not true of MQ-9 UAV

each drone costs $30m but India is paying more than $120m per drone... making the US MIC rich

in times of crisis neighbours help each other, but Akinci did not find anything
Hey Mod, reporting your country man's comments. Hes trolling and.trying to shift the discussion. Your people have a problem with the US, we dont. Spare us the theatrics.
Hey Mod, reporting your country man's comments. Hes trolling and.trying to shift the discussion. Your people have a problem with the US, we dont. Spare us the theatrics.
I don't have any moderation powers here
Historically Persians are a resilient proud lot. Otherwise life without hydrocarbon revenues will be hard
If current trajectories continue including Hydro carbon prices, India will surpass Iran in Gdp per capita in about 10 years.
Did Iran stop making Shahed after all of those were shot down to the gutter by Israel ?
Every drone has its purpose.

Such mindset is why Iran has to call for Turkish help of Akinci to find it's crashed President?
U are comparing a 20k drone to 130 mil mq-9 for India lol
Did Iran stop making Shahed after all of those were shot down to the gutter by Israel ?
Every drone has its purpose.

Such mindset is why Iran has to call for Turkish help of Akinci to find it's crashed President?
Israel's defence against Iran missile, drone attack 'cost over $1bn
U are comparing a 20k drone to 130 mil mq-9 for India lol
The point that most Indians are trying to make is that this is an ISR drone primarily for use over the ocean. It isn't going to be used for assassination over contested airspace.

It plugs critical maritime domain awareness gaps for India in the Indian ocean region, particularly around monitoring of PLAN ships and submarines. It works in conjunction with our P-8 patrol aircrafts.
The point that most Indians are trying to make is that this is an ISR drone primarily for use over the ocean. It isn't going to be used for assassination over contested airspace.

It plugs critical maritime domain awareness gaps for India in the Indian ocean region, particularly around monitoring of PLAN ships and submarines. It works in conjunction with our P-8 patrol aircrafts.
Aren't there cheaper alternatives?
Aren't there cheaper alternatives?

MQ-9 is proven technology. You could build a cheaper system. Of course there will be a lot of learning things the hard way
yes $120m per drone doesn't include operating costs either thank you for reminding me
I think you missed the memo -- your cheaper drones will have even higher OPEX costs
Not to mention less reliable and less capable
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