Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

azam hai hamara keh Pakistanion ka katal karay gey in ki izaatain lootain gey aur in keh maal aur zameen peh qabza karain gey!!!

Zindabad zinadaba Mouaziz Mafia zindabad!
Where will this operation take place? tribal areas or baluchistan? Is this thought to be necessary after China visit?
for a second I read operation adm-e-istehkam. Lol.

You read it right. That will happen if initiated by a govt with no mandate and no legitimacy, intelligence agency headed by retired general who has clear focus and priority at political party and judges, An army commanded by another retired officer who was appointed for the sole reason of his personal issues with ex-PM.

Individuals looking for their own interests cannot fix the state. All retired lot must go home, ISI must only focus on its primary job, a govt should be formed that represents will of the nation and only then a strategy can be made to deal with terrorism.

Terrorism in Pakistan is absolute FAILURE of ISI. All guns should point to it. People should be fired and held responsible. Where is their focus? What is their priority? Why terrorism is happening under their nose? Why they are so incompetent. You don't even need grand military operations if your intelligence agency is competent. They will stop attacks before it happens, they will know when & where its being planned. ISI is only reduced to a gang of goons who abduct & pressurize people for establishment's political objectives. The most useless organisation ever.
How is it different from Operation Radd-ul-Fassad? In terms of scope and objectives.

Or we need to re-name it to "reinvigorate" it every now and then?

It's a circus and the clowns are our political and military leadership with the public paying to see as audience and happily enjoying it.
You read it right. That will happen if initiated by a govt with no mandate and no legitimacy, intelligence agency headed by retired general who has clear focus and priority at political party and judges, An army commanded by another retired officer who was appointed for the sole reason of his personal issues with ex-PM.

Individuals looking for their own interests cannot fix the state. All retired lot must go home, ISI must only focus on its primary job, a govt should be formed that represents will of the nation and only then a strategy can be made to deal with terrorism.
i think the purpose is to give asssin war excuse to get extension and expand swine idaras hold of power on Pakistan the more wardi boys genrails tools are killed they will make loud shaheed shaheed noises and gain more power!
These operations are necessary to keep hunting the Afghan enemy every few years

Our enemies won't rest so neither can we

You cannot bow to Afghan fassad
Their is no reason for the constant crap and terrorism of the Afghans

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These operations are necessary to keep hunting the Afghan enemy every few years

Our enemies won't rest so neither can we

You cannot bow to Afghan fassad
Their is no reason for the constant crap and terrorism of the Afghans

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What was the point of the border fence then, why are infiltration not stopped at the border?
What was the point of the border fence then, why are infiltration not stopped at the border?

They are drastically reduced, that in of itself is vital

It's fence, it's not a forcefield

We could further strengthen the fencing, lay mines, more use of drones, etc

It's a constant battle against a Afghan enemy that wants to attack Pakistan

The problem is we still have MILLIONS of these namak harams still in Pakistan and that's made worse with Afghan wannabes who hold Pakistani citizenship

This terrorism is based upon ethnocentric jahilat, and we can't allow this enemy to endlessly attack Pakistan without severe consequences
These operations are necessary to keep hunting the Afghan enemy every few years

Our enemies won't rest so neither can we

You cannot bow to Afghan fassad
Their is no reason for the constant crap and terrorism of the Afghans

You have to respond
yes sell this shit to idaras tools boys aka "soldiers" or thugs with guns!

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