Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Instead of deleting this post, I want to keep it here so people can see what you think of majority of Pakistanis

Thank you.

This exemplifies the issue of our establishment, of whom this good poster is an extension of.

You say anything against this lot, and you are automatically a terrorist.

Lagay rahi munna bhai, bauhaut taraqqi karo gay is tarah.
Thank you.

This exemplifies the issue of our establishment, of whom this good poster is an extension of.

You say anything against this lot, and you are automatically a terrorist.

Lagay rahi munna bhai, bauhaut taraqqi karo gay is tarah.
You say anything about U-thia and moderators come into action but roam free cursing and abusing army so keep your double standards to yourself.
PTI-supporter = TTP

WOW!! So, GHQ aligned geniuses think that most of the nation is TTPs.

I see, so those were TTPs that came out in millions and millions and overwhelmingly voted and ensured that PTI candidates win from nearly every constituency from entirety of the country (from Khyber to Karachi). To the point, when military / ECP literally had to expose & humiliate themselves by creating own results regardless of actual mandate ( form-45s) .

Even according to ECP results (After stealing half the seats) PTI is still by far the largest party. Either way, saying PTI supporter = TTP mean that you are calling the nation's largest support base as TTP. Amazing!
WOW!! So, GHQ aligned geniuses think that most of the nation is TTPs.

I see, so those were TTPs that came out in millions and millions and overwhelmingly voted and ensured that PTI candidates win from nearly every constituency from entirety of the country (from Khyber to Karachi). To the point, when military / ECP literally had to expose & humiliate themselves by creating own results regardless of actual mandate ( form-45s) .

Even according to ECP results (After stealing half the seats) PTI is still by far the largest party. Either way, saying PTI supporter = TTP mean that you are calling the nation's largest support base as TTP. Amazing!
Ohh because I spoke about your demi God Taliban Khan ? is that haram on PDF ?

Or it haram to speak about U-thias ?
These guys are clowns and nobody denies that

But ttp threat is real and PTI needs to have some policy to counter since it is ruling kpk. It is PTI government responsibility just kachai k daaku are of PPP

Lord, protect me from my “friends”, I can take care of my enemies.
WOW!! So, GHQ aligned geniuses think that most of the nation is TTPs.

I see, so those were TTPs that came out in millions and millions and overwhelmingly voted and ensured that PTI candidates win from nearly every constituency from entirety of the country (from Khyber to Karachi). To the point, when military / ECP literally had to expose & humiliate themselves by creating own results regardless of actual mandate ( form-45s) .

Even according to ECP results (After stealing half the seats) PTI is still by far the largest party. Either way, saying PTI supporter = TTP mean that you are calling the nation's largest support base as TTP. Amazing!
No, I am calling U-thias terrorists as they oppose plan lined up to take on TTP.

Barking against Army is in their blood- but what crosses line is when speaking against plan which is planned against terrorists TTP.
WOW!! So, GHQ aligned geniuses think that most of the nation is TTPs.

I see, so those were TTPs that came out in millions and millions and overwhelmingly voted and ensured that PTI candidates win from nearly every constituency from entirety of the country (from Khyber to Karachi). To the point, when military / ECP literally had to expose & humiliate themselves by creating own results regardless of actual mandate ( form-45s) .

Even according to ECP results (After stealing half the seats) PTI is still by far the largest party. Either way, saying PTI supporter = TTP mean that you are calling the nation's largest support base as TTP. Amazing!
The more one pokes a bag of filth. The more stench one spreads.
What you people think:
1- IK is Pro-TTP.
2- IK is Anti-TTP.

This operation is :
A- Against TTP.
B- Against IK.
No, I am calling U-thias terrorists as they oppose plan lined up to take on TTP.

Barking against Army is in their blood- but what crosses line is when speaking against plan which is planned against terrorists TTP.

I told you last week, lets carpet bomb all the God damn civilians, and the other 50% remaining can run the country.

We will just do Hajj afterward and wipe away any sin.

Side note: when will you return from Australia to lead us along with the military?
No, I am calling U-thias terrorists as they oppose plan lined up to take on TTP.

Barking against Army is in their blood- but what crosses line is when speaking against plan which is planned against terrorists TTP.

What I said against Army? Only times, I would have spoken is against those Generals who trample every law & constitution and destroy Pakistan time and again. I don't say anything by making my own history. Everything is in history. Its just if someone tries to put blame on politicians then I step in to rectify that and put the blame where it should really go. The army jawans at frontline do not make policy. Whenever I say something, its about those psychopath Generals who have done every treachery possible. In a normal country, a 22 grader retired officer abducting people, trampling law, stealing mandate of the nation would have been hung upside down by now.

Its not us, but you who have made a mediocre retired officer, a treacherous mind as your artificial God. You have to realize he is destroying the institution more than anybody else. Due to his actions, nation is developing hatred against army. Nation would never love an army which steals their mandate and abducts their countrymen.
It is at such critical junctures where one gets to know who is opposing the plans which are drawn up against the menace of terrorism in the country. PTI is in the forefront.

All those crocodile tears and lady screaming in internal security forum by PTI supporters against army is evident now when soldiers lose their lives. Talking against Govt and army about economy, politics etc was there but this is a matter of terrorism which is different from all matters.

If PTI stands against the plans then yes U-thias are TTP. That is how Taliban Khan also got his name.
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