Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Our real enemy is India, we dont have infinite resources to keep on making enemies on all sides because our generals are yanks bootlickers. What we have now is total opposite, we have forgotten Kashmir, we have completely taken our eyes off India, we are hostile to Afghans, Iranians look at us with suspicion, and now Chinese are pissed off. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see under whose order and agenda these generals in GHQ are heading Pakistan towards.

Our real enemy is Hindus and Afghans

Both are enemies, BOTH have been attacking us since the 1940s

We defeated Afghanistan 3 years ago and bought down the government, kicking out the U.S, India and NATO, they were a long term strategic threat and they had to go

We hoped the Afghans would see sense with a free Afghanistan and understand the importance of trade and friendship so we could have open borders

But the Afghans are harmis of the first order and they continue to attacks, murder innocent people and cause fassad and deshatgardi

Prior to the fall.of Afghanistan, China turned up on the LAC to give the indians a good beating
It took land and is now camped their permanently
India is stuck between two fronts and as a result the LoC is very quiet

This gives us time to deal.with the Afghan fallout
The quicker we can deal with it, the quicker we can get back to Kashmir and creating problems within India

So we can destroy the Afghans, or make them see sense the faster we can defend the future of Muslims in south Asia

What we can't do, is let the Afghan haramis bomb and murder without response
Our real enemy is Hindus and Afghans

Both are enemies, BOTH have been attacking us since the 1940s

We defeated Afghanistan 3 years ago and bought down the government, kicking out the U.S, India and NATO, they were a long term strategic threat and they had to go

We hoped the Afghans would see sense with a free Afghanistan and understand the importance of trade and friendship so we could have open borders

But the Afghans are harmis of the first order and they continue to attacks, murder innocent people and cause fassad and deshatgardi

Prior to the fall.of Afghanistan, China turned up on the LAC to give the indians a good beating
It took land and is now camped their permanently
India is stuck between two fronts and as a result the LoC is very quiet

This gives us time to deal.with the Afghan fallout
The quicker we can deal with it, the quicker we can get back to Kashmir and creating problems within India

So we can destroy the Afghans, or make them see sense the faster we can defend the future of Muslims in south Asia

What we can't do, is let the Afghan haramis bomb and murder without response

You are living in some parallel universe completely oblivious to ground realities. Army generals do not see India as enemy, that harame Bajwa told IK and many other that he doesnt have enough resoruces to fight India! I mean WTF!! that was his main job as COAS! These kanjars in GHQ have already made deal with India over Kashmir because thats what their overlord Uncle Sam have told them to do. This has been going on since Musharraf time.

And if you think we ejected yanks/nato out of Afghanistan, you are high on something. Which part of facilitating and helping American occupation of Afghansitan you did not understand? It was not like the war against USSR when we actually participated against he occupation.
This is our situation. Many generations give away their earnings in the form of taxes to build defence capabilities, and these institutes cannot protect Pakistanis from RAW and TTP. On top of it, they have used these assets to abduct and torture civilians while playing golf and dining in posh messes.
One more thing.
Now the narrative is that this op is done for China as Chinese engineers and educators were killed, so now the Chinese would be more a direct target of TTP like Americans were?
shaheed is someone who is killed fighting for Allahs cause what cause is rented army fighting for? please explain!

They are still the reason you can sit in your home and post on defencepk. Both your assertions are nonsense and shameless. I will not entertain strawman.

I suspect is because we don’t have governments that can continue a long term strategy.

Remember the US narrative about Afghanistan. It wasn’t a 20 year war but 20 one year wars.

Seeking quick results with less than adequate investment will give you worse then if you did nothing. It’s the same as antibiotic drug resistance or incomplete cancer treatment.

The governments are only a symptom of their people. All governments and its institutions are corrupt and only kept in check by their people. Not because the people are not corrupt but because they are selfish for their own collective good. Those in power have no other incentive to change the system that allowed and now perpetuates their power. Our people, unfortunately, are senseless, morally bankrupt, and selfish to the extreme but for personal good only. Every single problem in our society stems from this. In politics it manifests itself in blind and unquestioning support for one's favorite messiah, perplexingly without any tangible incentive. Then, true to our rabid mob mentality we attack anything and everything in the opposition, again to our own detriment. What end result do we expect then in a match whose sole goal is power for our chosen messiah?
They are still the reason you can sit in your home and post on defencepk. Both your assertions are nonsense and shameless. I will not entertain strawman.
again good they get paid to do their job not just money they also occupy land and get housing for doing their job! how does that make them shaheed?
Pakistan calls TTP a terrorist organisation India calls them freedom fighters same is true for BLA
They are still the reason you can sit in your home and post on defencepk. Both your assertions are nonsense and shameless. I will not entertain strawman.

The governments are only a symptom of their people. All governments and its institutions are corrupt and only kept in check by their people. Not because the people are not corrupt but because they are selfish for their own collective good. Those in power have no other incentive to change the system that allowed and now perpetuates their power. Our people, unfortunately, are senseless, morally bankrupt, and selfish to the extreme but for personal good only. Every single problem in our society stems from this. In politics it manifests itself in blind and unquestioning support for one's favorite messiah, perplexingly without any tangible incentive. Then, true to our rabid mob mentality we attack anything and everything in the opposition, again to our own detriment. What end result do we expect then in a match whose sole goal is power for our chosen messiah?
I have been on one manifestation of PDF in one way or another for 20 years. I have personally tried to chase after the limo of Namaz Sharif when he was in office and visiting New York and staying on park avenue (pre-IK, government) to try to get him to implement the Pakistan Flood control system. As the son of a farmer, I know how important water management is. That has been my one personal top priority on this forum. Clean and well managed water, then we can move up maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

I don’t personal care for cricket, and I didn’t follow IK’s personal life much before politics. I have called out mistakes IK has made, and spoken about creating institutions that would formulate long term strategies. IK is mortal, all the politicians are mortal, I’m mortal, but it does t mean we should work with the most willing to change person from amongst the elite.

IK is no messiah to me, but he is the best of the lot and the only one, at this stage, from amongst the elite, leading the charge for change.

My family were fans of Benazir, not so much Zardari.

I have been on this forum still contributing ideas, regardless of government, I didn’t stop when IK’s government fell. I mourned in each thread when soldiers were martyred and gave ideas of how to prevent such things from happening again.

I agree we are a selfish and hypocritical people, by and large. What I’m saying is give up a bit of that selfishness to make room for some national development, especially amongst those with more wealth and monopolistic hold over the economy. Ultimately, they will benefit most when the economy grows and their assets benefit alongside the growth. If the elite think paying more in taxes is a waste, at the very least they should pay to provide quality education and healthcare, so the majority of the people are no longer “senseless, morally bankrupt, and selfish to the extreme”, and are able to develop the means to better support themselves, pay more of the tax burden, putting less on the elite, and keep the government in check within constructive bounds.

I pay out the nose on my taxes here in New York, but from what remains, Alhamdulliah, I have a decent enough life. I participate in politics here in the US, but thankfully my life doesn’t financially depend upon what happens in the elections. Pakistan, people gravitate to messiah because most life a subsistence life; I.e. Namaz Sharif’s party and the Biryani plates to people that come to his rallies. You can’t expect middle class morality from people living not much above poverty.

So please don’t misconstrue the support many have to PTI as blind loyalty to a personage, but people are yearning to see change towards just being a normal country, where 500,000 children don’t die, over an above what the mortality rate of comparable nations, at our GDP per capita, every year, for lack of basics, like clean water (not full of heavy metals), and adequate food and medicine.
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1. Azm (of what?)

2 Azm-e-Istehkam (of what?)

Both are incomplete, undefined titles. without the addition of objective these are just random words without making any sense.

Below are the examples of proper use.

Istehkam-e-Pakistan - Party
Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad
When it was seen that soldiers were giving their lives in this war, then PDF members start screaming in 100's of pages and threads that Generals and top brass are doing NOTHING. When the top brass comes up with a new operational paradigm, then PDF members starts screaming that this is unacceptable.

Such a confused diaspora on PDF. Make up your damn mind.

You have a patient who is dying of cancer, and instead of taking good care of the patient, doing radiation therapy and giving meds and everything, you just blast the patient with radiation and let him be. How does that make sense my man?

You are doing an operation, and you have not even asked perhaps the main province involved in the op?

Ops itnay hi achay hotay to why are we still having terrorism after all the successful ones before?

Any anti-terrorism strategy led by the army is bound to fail.

You will kill scores of them, arrest thousands, and dismantle their networks. But the terrorism problem isn't going anywhere with this name rehashing.

Heck, even your own government back tracked a day later and was giving explanations FFS.
P.s. being pro-PTI doesn’t make one pro-TTP, not by a long shot. Most people are pro-PTI because they just want good governance and a change to the status quo, especially in the “confused diaspora”, but that’s a separate topic for a separate thread.

It's just a lazy argument by people who are not bothered to actually use more than 1% of their brain cells.
I support launching this operation and wish for its success, even if the PTI disagrees with it.

No one is arguing against an operation or action against terrorists, but when you have the most terror infested province sidelined in this decisions, how do you even think it's gonna be successful?
What was the point of the border fence then, why are infiltration not stopped at the border?

Has USA been able to eliminate the problem of border crossing with Mexico? no what they are doing is to add deterrent and difficulties, that's what a fence can do

We need this
Guys.. Suppose TT thinks that PA is doing this operation to please/satisfy China's concerns about its workers' safety. Wouldn't that make TTP more aggressive against the Chinese when there will be heavy casualties of TTP and common civilians?
Has USA been able to eliminate the problem of border crossing with Mexico? no what they are doing is to add deterrent and difficulties, that's what a fence can do

We need this
There's no fence between Mexico and US that spans the whole length and breath of the border between the two countries. In fact only about 30 percent of the border is fenced.

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