Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Lol. That's a load of BS. TTP are much smaller bunch of nutcases than the Zionist global order!... They are peanut. Just as rotten as the Zionists.... But no where near as influencial.... You have to be on crack to think otherwise.
Number of martyrs in Gaza: 37,000+
Number of martyrs in Pakistan: 80,000+
TTP is a arm of the Afghan Taliban. They are controlled by Kabul.
If you want to defeat TTP you have to defeat Taliban sitting in Kabul.
Afghan Taliban were useful to defeat the NATO installed regime.
Now it's time to change the old strategic depth BS and neutralise the Afghan Taliban and TTP.
Remember the history of Pakistan and Afghanistan - unfriendly neighbours - .
The world recognises the Durand Line as the international border except for Afghanistan. In 1948 the UN recognised Pakistan as a independent country except for Afghanistan. There is a history of animosity between the two countries and it has not changed.
We need to make sure the whole world is aware of Afghanistan's/Soviet's aggression. Right now they think Afghanistan was full of booty shorts and bikinis until evil Pakistan supported the Taliban unprovoked.
Number of martyrs in Gaza: 37,000+
Number of martyrs in Pakistan: 80,000+

Not really. Most were bombed by Pakistani military itself and/or the American drones. So you can't attribute 80k to TTP.

Plus you are counting Palestinians only killed in the last 8 months. What about the other 100,000s of Palestinians exterminated since 1947???.... Are you that much of a Zionist lover?

Even if we take your 80k number as fact.... That's over 10 years. So at the rate Gaza is being exterminated.... That's just a small drop in the bucket.
Not really. Most were bombed by Pakistani military itself
This is like Indians claiming Pakistan killed 3 gorillion bengalis, or Israelis adding another 0 to the Holocaust/October 7 death toll every other year.
and/or the American drones. So you can't attribute 80k to TTP.
American drones caused at MOST <=1000 civilian casualties, that too mostly collateral damage from terrorists mingling among the civilian population.
This is like Indians claiming Pakistan killed 3 gorillion bengalis, or Israelis adding another 0 to the Holocaust/October 7 death toll every other year.

Go re-read my post again and maybe you would understand what I'm saying.
American drones caused at MOST <=1000 civilian casualties, that too mostly collateral damage from terrorists mingling among the civilian population

You sound like a dirty little Zionist here. Are you a closet Zionist terrorist?

That what they say about Gaza hospital, schools, homes etc.
The betrayal was from USA, after USA made promises and left from the region in 1989-90.
What was the 'betrayal' and what were the 'promises' made? I remember the help provided by USA and other countries was to help Afghans (the Mujahedeen) fight USSR aggression. After Gorbachev pulled back the troops (and USSR ceased to exist), what was the reason for USA or any other country to remain in Afghanistan? Also, the new Taliban government that came to power was not interested in having a relationship with any foreign country. Just as it is today. Not really a whole lot of difference between 1989-90 and 2019-20. Afghanistan has been a failed polity preserved in amber for over half a century.
Yes, let TTP roam free and make gains all over Pakistan because Taliban Khan isnt PM ?

It's not right or wrong, it's realpolitik. All politicians around the planet do it. It only gets criticised when former exiled Democratic prime minister Imran Khan who happen to be ( Khan) do it.
What was the 'betrayal' and what were the 'promises' made? I remember the help provided by USA and other countries was to help Afghans (the Mujahedeen) fight USSR aggression. After Gorbachev pulled back the troops (and USSR ceased to exist), what was the reason for USA or any other country to remain in Afghanistan? Also, the new Taliban government that came to power was not interested in having a relationship with any foreign country. Just as it is today. Not really a whole lot of difference between 1989-90 and 2019-20. Afghanistan has been a failed polity preserved in amber for over half a century.

@EugeneP perfect point you made in bold.

As you said, if there was a promise, it was for weapons only, and they fulfilled it.

I would go so far as to say that it was a narrative created by Pakistan itself to soothe its feeling of being abandoned once again. Let's not forget that Pakistan, while in CENTO, had the weird thought that it could use its charter to get weapons for its war with India in 1965 and was rebuffed and thought a broken promise and betrayal.
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I do not want to disrespect but Idaara e zabardast lost their credibility due to shortsightedness and selfish agendas. what a disappointment!

More like operation Azm e khamakha.
@EugeneP very good point you made in bold.

@Fatman17 I often hear about promises made and then the betrayal; the Americans never said we would stay and get into the nation-building business. They should have stuck with that thought, and it would have cost a lot less and saved 20-some-odd years.

I would go so far as to say that it was a narrative created by Pakistan itself to soothe its feeling of being abandoned once again.
Hillary Clinton has admitted the fact that America left Pakistan to handle the mess left behind after the Soviets withdrawal and again the USA military admitted that the recent withdrawal was a bad decision. And what did they achieve in the 20 years spent in propping up a unwanted regime just like in Iraq where they did want to build a nation to their liking. Pakistan unfortunately was just the tool they used and admittedly we wanted to get used. After all the military and economic aid was readily available which was the main objective of the mil-establishment and not Afghanistan.
But the Afghans have been attacking us since the 1940s

Our real enemy is India, we dont have infinite resources to keep on making enemies on all sides because our generals are yanks bootlickers. What we have now is total opposite, we have forgotten Kashmir, we have completely taken our eyes off India, we are hostile to Afghans, Iranians look at us with suspicion, and now Chinese are pissed off. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see under whose order and agenda these generals in GHQ are heading Pakistan towards.
What is this conspiracy theory rubbish? TTP has killed more Muslims in Pakistan than Israel has in Gaza. Would you say this with a straight face to the mother/father of a girl beheaded by TTP terrorists for pursuing an education?

Awww how touchy.

When you bomb their villages, bomb their madrassas filled with children and then take responsibility despite it was yanks who were bombing your territory with the consent and help from your generals (no sense of self respect and sovereignty). All because your Tony generals being American lapdogs, wanted to impose their overlord ideology over the people who do not agree with it.

I ask you again, and its an open ended question to all of your kind, where was this terrorism before Army generals pushed Pakistan into this war which we had nothing to do with? I always have this impression dealing with your kind , its seems like I am dealing with kids who are not old enough to witness the history and events, all they do is write BS without any perspective.
It's because imbeciles like Imran Khan keep spreading Mullahism and Pashtun nationalism.

Remember how Khan tried to invoke anti-America sentiment when he was first given the boot? Now years later he backtracks and says "actually it was not Amreeka, it was Bajwa saar."

Pied Piper Populists who operate off conspiracy theories and hatred, are extremely dangeorus.

IK is the only national leader whose vote bank spread from Karachi to Khyber. Ganga bros, zardari clan and those 22nd graders in GHQ who cant even win a local body election are worthless in front of IK. You diatribes fly against the ground realities. People agree with what he says, you and your kind should also submit?

Imran Khan declared whoever fights in Kashmir is an enemy of Pakistan.

LOL, what idiocy on display here from you? Where does he mention "WAR"? You lose the argument when you try to feed your own assumptions into someone else narrative.

Go and bloody read about what Musharraf and his enlighten gang in GHQ was doing to Kashmir way before IK.

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