Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Worth to listen, an excellent in depth piece ......

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You see brother, this is how hatred is spread. When people attack each other, not caring who's right or wrong, it slowly spreads like a cancer and we all become biased. PTI should give a clear plan on how to deal with extremism and terrorists or stay quiet. The generals also need to explain what has been happening for the last 20 years, so many military operations but the attacks continue, where is the development which was promised. Both sides will not explain but stick to their guns.

The Pakistani generals and their minions such as PPP and PML-N are in full control. They even have the backing of the Americans. PTI is locked up in prison. PTI cannot be held responsible for anything.

The fact that these generals and their political minions are moaning only reveals that things have gone from bad to worse. LOL This is how incompetent these people are. Despite locking up an entire political party behind bars these morons still don't have the ability to achieve anything.

Let's just call a spade a spade here. It is exactly panning out as we had predicted. Economically Pakistan is going nowhere. More IMF loans. Security wise the situation speaks volume. Politically there is a deadlock. The generals gambled and they have lost.
what kind of absolute bumf*ck would support a full military operation at this time lmao. state is broke af, the region still hasn't recovered & IDPs still haven't been fully compensated for the previous one. on top of that you crushed pti, jailed IK who best represents them, stole elections & installed a corrupt anti-pashtun regime in power. what did these dipshits think was going to be the reaction?

what is a mil op going to accomplish anyway? there's no strongholds like last time. & if they weren't so busy playing politics & focused on intel ops & law enforcement, they wouldn't need any ops to begin with.

the only outcome of this would have been to fuel a whole new insurgency.

at least they haven't completely lost their marbles & have walked back the scope.
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There are many types of “revolutions”. Some can be peasant led, such as that espoused by Marx. There are those that are nobility lead, like the Manga Carta’s limitation placed on the king and the basis for English law, and there are civil wars amongst the elite, as in wars amongst nobility and royal houses.

Societal change can come from the bottom up but also from the top down. In a collectivist eastern culture like ours, a top down change is more likely, because the wealth is concentrated at the top.

Hoping that a member of the elite turn against his self interest and lead the masses to demand a new social contract from the rest of the elite, is in my opinion a way to have a peaceful change. You are more then right to say in a selfish society like ours, the elite won’t give in, and those newly elevated to lead from amongst the masses will themselves become a new elite that will take up the behavior of the old elite, such as was the case in the Soviet Russia or Napoleonic France.
Furthermore, the peasants won’t be able to peacefully convince the elites alone, if the elites are as selfish as you say.

what kind of absolute bumf*ck would support a full military operation at this time lmao. state is broke af, the region still hasn't recovered & IDPs still haven't been fully compensated for the previous one. on top of that you crushed pti, jailed IK who best represents them, stole elections & installed a corrupt anti-pashtun regime in power. what did these dipshits think was going to be the reaction?

what is a mil op going to accomplish anyway? there's no strongholds like last time. & if they weren't so busy playing politics & focused on intel ops & law enforcement, they wouldn't need any ops to begin with.

the only outcome of this would have been to fuel a whole new insurgency.

at least they haven't completely lost their marbles & have walked back the scope.

A military operation has the potential to transform KP into another Balochistan.
what kind of absolute bumf*ck would support a full military operation at this time lmao. state is broke af, the region still hasn't recovered & IDPs still haven't been fully compensated for the previous one. on top of that you crushed pti, jailed IK who best represents them, stole elections & installed a corrupt anti-pashtun regime in power. what did these dipshits think was going to be the reaction?

what is a mil op going to accomplish anyway? there's no strongholds like last time. & if they weren't so busy playing politics & focused on intel ops & law enforcement, they wouldn't need any ops to begin with.

the only outcome of this would have been to fuel a whole new insurgency.

at least they haven't completely lost their marbles & have walked back the scope.
Like clockwork:
Nuclear power implores others for handguns for local "police operation".
What a failed state. Born and bred mental slaves each and everyone of them. Each entity is backed by a foreign patron including the military. Failed banana republic full of despicable beings. I wasn’t a fan of IK before this sh*tshow but I am now. Begging small arms from the US to take on a rag tag insurgent group. If they have to beg for small arms for a nuisance like the TTP, what will they do if they have to fight an actual war against India?! Oh wait, their tanks don’t have enough fuel, and they prefer US weapons but don’t have a choice but to purchase Chinese made due to Westerner inability to sell theirs. This gold nugget was stated by Bajwa at the security conference in 2022 in front of the world.
just finished listening to this, insightful about how hard it is to defend the border, especially considering the interviewee says he is from Mohmand Agency in the erstwhile FATA.

His solution is a whole of government approach and needs the provincial government on board, echoing what I and others have been saying for days now.
just finished listening to this, insightful about how hard it is to defend the border, especially considering the interviewee says he is from Mohmand Agency in the erstwhile FATA.

His solution is a whole of government approach and needs the provincial government on board, echoing what I and others have been saying for days now.
so many lapses.. like the separate corridor which was given as goodwill gesture but ISKP used that.. also the compensation thing.. then the development thing.. overall, a great insight.

@24:48 According to Moeed, senior retired officers he spoke to believe that the only way to end this war is to somehow use the afghan taliban to negotiate & make some sort of agreement with them.

faujeets can lay the blame on "taliban khan" all they want but it's clear that even within fauj there is a major division on how to resolve this issue.

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