Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

I know English is your second language, but you must understand the meaning of the word 'must'. Your list of demands has a ring of satire.
He makes some good points but I feel that my iq drops reading his English. At first I thought he’s an Indian in disguise calling Pakistanis converted Muslims (using Indian verbiage), and then asking others to save the country.
It is really hard to believe that this army that projects itself as a saviour of Pakistan and a nuclear capable power is requesting for small arms to fight TTP/Taliban in Afghanistan.

So the magnificence army is now focus on fighting insurgents on the western borders and suppressing its own population instead of confronting the true enemy to the east.

Yeah it’s to throw them in the trash and create a new organization. These guys ain’t cutting the mustard.
He makes some good points but I feel that my iq drops reading his English. At first I thought he’s an Indian in disguise calling Pakistanis converted Muslims (using Indian verbiage), and then asking others to save the country.
Ayub Khan sahb being the great man that he was and the best statesman we’ve had till date tried his hardest to mold us into a proper nation. Urdu as a national language, our dress our culture our religion our alignment with the west and what not. Look how the Bengalis reacted to that. Ayub Khan died a lonely death and all his hard work was laid to waste after the dismemberment of our country. Always remember, without a strong doctrine and a civilizational nation state with a strong footing, we’re always going to be vulnerable. We have a big problem to our east……they are always plotting, and we also know that the troubles out our west are covertly instigated by them. Nobody else in our hood is interested in our drama. Our beleaguered army always cops the blame for failure, losing soldiers daily now, unable to prevent terrorist infiltration due to a tough terrain and long borders in KP/Balochistan with a busted ass economy and junk ethnic/partisan politics. A truly terrible predicament to be in. It’s remarkable we’re still around as a country despite all these setbacks and mismanagement.
Ayub Khan sahb being the great man that he was and the best statesman we’ve had till date tried his hardest to mold us into a proper nation.
Still not sure if you are being satirical or cynical. In case you have forgotten, he was the first of the generals who introduced Pakistan to the joys of military coups. Your tragedy of 'hybrid regimes' owes to him.

Still not sure if you are being satirical or cynical. In case you have forgotten, he was the first of the generals who introduced Pakistan to the joys of military coups. Your tragedy of 'hybrid regimes' owes to him.

Second. First was General Akbar Khan's Rawalpindi conspiracy. Ayub was the first to succeed.

@24:48 According to Moeed, senior retired officers he spoke to believe that the only way to end this war is to somehow use the afghan taliban to negotiate & make some sort of agreement with them.

faujeets can lay the blame on "taliban khan" all they want but it's clear that even within fauj there is a major division on how to resolve this issue.

The issue is how will Pakistan finish ttp bases in Afghanistan, if they attack Afghanistan then we will have another enemy state, create hatred and a never ending militancy war with Afghanistan, Pakistan supported Taliban and aided them back to power so the only solution is a dialogue. The Afghan government and TTP want the border opened, free movement of people, removal of Pakistan army from borders so the ttp can rule like they have done for decades. In Pakistan we don't need a major military operation, our intelligence agencies should identify the terrorists and eliminate them through secret operations. Overall this situation will continue like how it is until the people in those regions come to mainstream which may take generations, when they accept the state writ and the state also should stop the elite exploitation which we all know will never happen.
The issue is how will Pakistan finish ttp bases in Afghanistan, if they attack Afghanistan then we will have another enemy state, create hatred and a never ending militancy war with Afghanistan, Pakistan supported Taliban and aided them back to power so the only solution is a dialogue. The Afghan government and TTP want the border opened, free movement of people, removal of Pakistan army from borders so the ttp can rule like they have done for decades. In Pakistan we don't need a major military operation, our intelligence agencies should identify the terrorists and eliminate them through secret operations. Overall this situation will continue like how it is until the people in those regions come to mainstream which may take generations, when they accept the state writ and the state also should stop the elite exploitation which we all know will never happen.
Well TTP also wants some sort of Islamic law in place no? The westernized elite in Pakistan hate Islam and use it only to suppress the Islamic population while they commit acts in private.
Well TTP also wants some sort of Islamic law in place no? The westernized elite in Pakistan hate Islam and use it only to suppress the Islamic population while they commit acts in private.

All Pakistanis want Islam in their life but our elite want us to become liberal and modern like the West, they don't believe in Allama Iqbal vision of a modern Islamic State, they want Secular Liberal LGBTQ state. The Afghan government knows this and so does the TTP. I understand people on PDF hate the mullahs but general Pakistani public don't follow the mullahs, they want a moderate Islamic state, Islam doesn't belong to the mullahs.

TTP ideology can be destroyed though implementation of real Islam, slowly their support will be finished as people will see them for what they are. Don't forget we funded these same people, trained them, called them mujahdeens. Today if they turned their guns on Pakistan then suddenly they are not mujahdeens?.

It will take us a few more generations to calm this situation down but with the Taliban in Afghanistan and TTP funding a different ideology, we will face a big opposition.

The Taliban are not all extremists, they have treaties with different groups, some are moderate sunni Muslims of Afghanistan but yes all follow the Pashtunwali code and think of Afghanistan as an independent state, Pakistan policies on the other hand are not independent, we allowed usa drone attacks on our own people, allowed usa agents and blackwater in Pakistan. Are they still here or gone? They must have formed big connections.
All Pakistanis want Islam in their life but our elite want us to become liberal and modern like the West, they don't believe in Allama Iqbal vision of a modern Islamic State, they want Secular Liberal LGBTQ state. The Afghan government knows this and so does the TTP. I understand people on PDF hate the mullahs but general Pakistani public don't follow the mullahs, they want a moderate Islamic state, Islam doesn't belong to the mullahs.

TTP ideology can be destroyed though implementation of real Islam, slowly their support will be finished as people will see them for what they are. Don't forget we funded these same people, trained them, called them mujahdeens. Today if they turned their guns on Pakistan then suddenly they are not mujahdeens?.

It will take us a few more generations to calm this situation down but with the Taliban in Afghanistan and TTP funding a different ideology, we will face a big opposition.

The Taliban are not all extremists, they have treaties with different groups, some are moderate sunni Muslims of Afghanistan but yes all follow the Pashtunwali code and think of Afghanistan as an independent state, Pakistan policies on the other hand are not independent, we allowed usa drone attacks on our own people, allowed usa agents and blackwater in Pakistan. Are they still here or gone? They must have formed big connections.

Couldn’t agree more. Take the winds out of their sails by implementing actual islamic laws and get rid of the British influenced “blasphemy laws.”

The liberal elites have enormous support from the West and India. India will do whatever it takes to ensure no actual Islamic government takes hold as that would riled up their own Muslim population as well as the historical baggage of sustained Islamic invasions.

I’m shocked at the ethno nationalist here tbh. Either you withdraw from the occupied territory of KPK and Bstan, or start implement actual changes. Let’s be real, Bstan is being abused by the army to get rich. It’s colonialism. KPK has seen war because the f*ckers in charge want to continue to sow instability there to ensure compliance to the idea of “Pakistan.”

The Brits did a number left their only outpost in South Asian make sure no integration takes place amongst their former subjects. My point is I’m not pro Indian and don’t have any illusions of some unified South Asia as I truly despise the eastern rats, but see the sleazy disgusting pattern of behavior from ppl that are suppose to make sure Pakistan is strong leads me to believe that even the ruling class knows that their only job to follow orders from the people that left them in charge in the first place, and they do the bare minimum to ensure compliance to the foreign masters. That along with lining their pockets because they know they’re the brown viceroys put in place…

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