Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

We have decades of fassad and behavior to confirm what backwards jahils live in those areas
And decades of fasaad, political meddling and shjit behavior of FA pass Generals resulting in continued issues, but it suits as how else will they launch operations with names like Azm, Rad, etc.

Keep up the racist rants. Good luck
Only the Afghans are so degraded that they can't go beyond violence and deshatgardi

Actual animals behave better then this and can learn quicker, it's ridiculous

So many times, you openly show ethno-extremism. This is by all means a racist behavior. You need to change that.

Secondly, your whole approach is confront afghanistan with force. That actually means you want to trap Pakistan in 2 front situation for eternity. This is exactly what India wants and this is exactly what TTP wants and this is exactly what CIA wants. Why you want to get played in the hands of those who are looking for their own strategic benefits only ?

Pakistan's survival is in friendly border with Afghanistan as it was during the entire 90's decade. It was ideal situation for Pakistan. There was zero military at western border, only few FC's with peshawari chappals and shalwar kameez with WWII era bandooks. You needed no attention over there.

Earlier (before 2021), there was RAW / NDS in afghanistan. NDS were sworn enemy of Pakistan and wanted it removed from face of earth. Taliban is enemy of NDS and it got rid of CIA / RAW & NDS from Afghanistan. You really have to talk to atleast one party in Afghanistan. You couldn't talk to NDS / ashraf ghani govt before but atleast now you should make friends with taliban. There is no possibility that with force you can make them behave. There is zero possibility of it.

Time and again you show your hatred against fellow muslims because of their ethnicity, but you don't understand that Pakistan will always be a neighbor to Afghanistan. You cannot move Afghanistan to anywhere else or Pakistan for that matter. By your thinking it feels you want to exterminate them, well for FYI, you can't even kill 0.0001% of afghans even if you use everything. So what's the solution that is left. Your goal should be 90's like relations. The relationship that existed between Taliban and pakistan in the 90's which were exemplary and without any force presence it was complete peace. the security of western borders was not even responsibility of PA, it was responsibility of Taliban. That should be your goal. It's already demonstrated once. It's most logical solution.
So many times, you openly show ethno-extremism. This is by all means a racist behavior. You need to change that.

Secondly, your whole approach is confront afghanistan with force. That actually means you want to trap Pakistan in 2 front situation for eternity. This is exactly what India wants and this is exactly what TTP wants and this is exactly what CIA wants. Why you want to get played in the hands of those who are looking for their own strategic benefits only ?

Pakistan's survival is in friendly border with Afghanistan as it was during the entire 90's decade. It was ideal situation for Pakistan. There was zero military at western border, only few FC's with peshawari chappals and shalwar kameez with WWII era bandooks. You needed no attention over there.

Earlier (before 2021), there was RAW / NDS in afghanistan. NDS were sworn enemy of Pakistan and wanted it removed from face of earth. Taliban is enemy of NDS and it got rid of CIA / RAW & NDS from Afghanistan. You really have to talk to atleast one party in Afghanistan. You couldn't talk to NDS / ashraf ghani govt before but atleast now you should make friends with taliban. There is no possibility that with force you can make them behave. There is zero possibility of it.

Time and again you show your hatred against fellow muslims because of their ethnicity, but you don't understand that Pakistan will always be a neighbor to Afghanistan. You cannot move Afghanistan to anywhere else or Pakistan for that matter. By your thinking it feels you want to exterminate them, well for FYI, you can't even kill 0.0001% of afghans even if you use everything. So what's the solution that is left. Your goal should be 90's like relations. The relationship that existed between Taliban and pakistan in the 90's which were exemplary and without any force presence it was complete peace. the security of western borders was not even responsibility of PA, it was responsibility of Taliban. That should be your goal. It's already demonstrated once. It's most logical solution.

On the contrary, all though you can't do it anymore , in my general posts I was ALWAYS against ethnocentric jahilat from anyone of any background

As Muslims you support your fellow Muslim and as Muslims I was ALWAYS open to helping Afghans

There is a problem though, the Afghans have NEVER helped us
They have never looked at Pakistan as anything other then something to attack and destroy
They have never looked at Pakistani as something they should attack
They were even happy to work with venomous enemies of Muslims like India to try to plan and plot against us

Even though we let millions into the country, have they ever thanked us
They abuse citizens rights
Buy property against the law
Work and never pay taxes
Abuse the law
Turn a blind eye to terrorism within their ranks due to ethnic loyalty

I understand the risk of conflict on two fronts
I understand our enemies would like nothing more then get us distracted dealing with these idiots

BUT how much longer can we go easy on a Afghan kaum that can't behave like insaan nor will stop committing terrorism and violence and effecting our security

Why is it up to us to look after or out up with afghans forever

What have afghans ever done for Pakistan
agreed 100%. our war with TTP is not a military one, it's ideological. the biggest reason why we've been unable to end it is b/c pakistan has an identity crisis & doesn't have a proper narrative to counter TTPs.

What's the endgame for TTP anyway? They could've named themselves TTW or something if they wanted a breakaway emirate in Waziristan. instead they refer to themselves as TTP - does that mean they want to preserve the 'entity' of Pakistani statehood?
On the contrary, all though you can't do it anymore , in my general posts I was ALWAYS against ethnocentric jahilat from anyone of any background

As Muslims you support your fellow Muslim and as Muslims I was ALWAYS open to helping Afghans

There is a problem though, the Afghans have NEVER helped us
They have never looked at Pakistan as anything other then something to attack and destroy
They have never looked at Pakistani as something they should attack
They were even happy to work with venomous enemies of Muslims like India to try to plan and plot against us

Even though we let millions into the country, have they ever thanked us
They abuse citizens rights
Buy property against the law
Work and never pay taxes
Abuse the law
Turn a blind eye to terrorism within their ranks due to ethnic loyalty

I understand the risk of conflict on two fronts
I understand our enemies would like nothing more then get us distracted dealing with these idiots

BUT how much longer can we go easy on a Afghan kaum that can't behave like insaan nor will stop committing terrorism and violence and effecting our security

Why is it up to us to look after or out up with afghans forever

What have afghans ever done for Pakistan

I agree, Afghanistan has not done anything for Pakistan. Pakistan seeking friendly border with Afghanistan is for Pakistan's own sake. Its our need.

If Pakistan had no India at its eastern border then I would have accepted the solution of using force and creating official enemy out of Taliban. It's not a choice now. Taliban are in Afghanistan to rule for rest of this century. No one is going to remove them, they are so persistent that for 2 decades the Super power tried to finish them but they kept getting stronger and eventually even US had to talk with them and leave under Taliban's security. A super foolish move would be to make an enemy out of Taliban now. Creating 2 front situation is suicidal for Pakistan. Once you do even a small / limited war with them you will end up trapping Pakistan in 2 front situation for several decades. The trust will never reach the same level. At the moment, Taliban is not engaging against Pakistan. They are just not doing any operation on TTPs because arm twisting approach don't work with Taliban. The Super power asked them to handover Bin laden and save yourself from destruction and Taliban showed them the middle finger. You need to understand their psychology. Pakistan lacks a serious govt and seriously lacks establishment with any IQ. How pathetically and absurdly they have done everything shows their IQ.
I agree, Afghanistan has not done anything for Pakistan. Pakistan seeking friendly border with Afghanistan is for Pakistan's own sake. Its our need.

If Pakistan had no India at its eastern border then I would have accepted the solution of using force and creating official enemy out of Taliban. It's not a choice now. Taliban are in Afghanistan to rule for rest of this century. No one is going to remove them, they are so persistent that for 2 decades the Super power tried to finish them but they kept getting stronger and eventually even US had to talk with them and leave under Taliban's security. A super foolish move would be to make an enemy out of Taliban now. Creating 2 front situation is suicidal for Pakistan. Once you do even a small / limited war with them you will end up trapping Pakistan in 2 front situation for several decades. The trust will never reach the same level. At the moment, Taliban is not engaging against Pakistan. They are just not doing any operation on TTPs because arm twisting approach don't work with Taliban. The Super power asked them to handover Bin laden and save yourself from destruction and Taliban showed them the middle finger. You need to understand their psychology. Pakistan lacks a serious govt and seriously lacks establishment with any IQ. How pathetically and absurdly they have done everything shows their IQ.

So we both agree needless conflict would be stupid

But what we can't do is in order to avoid conflict, let Afghans create endless Problems without response

At the moment from the population to the TTP we have nothing but headaches

And Pakistan and the wider muslim world has bigger problems to resolve then let these lunatics keep dragging us back to deal with ethnocentric jahilat
There are no USA aircraft bombing Afghanistan today from Pakistan

But still today Pakistanis are dying at the hands of people who are hosted by Afghans

This maulvi didn't tell us the reason for that. He should share the reason so that we know why Afghans are killing Pakistanis today
But TTP were killing Pakistanis even before taliban came into power. You also want taliban to go to war with TTP while NATO for twenty years was bombing taliban using Pakistan airspace. Thousands talibans were also killed and imprisoned by NATO because of Pakistan Intel.

TTP has also fought alongside taliban against NATO for many years but you expect taliban to betray them for Pakistan?
Honestly speaking, you sound very unintelligent and borderline enemy of Pakistan by encouraging a massive war that if you had lived through, you would not be so gung-ho.

I was in the US during 9/11, and the people there sounded just like you demanding obliteration of the Middle East while giving flimsy reasons as to why (unrelated to 9/11).

I would recommend googling your pathetic army operations in B-Stan and see how ill-trained they are. Ambushed after ambushed and they get mowed down by the enemy.

KPK is already on edge given the ouster of Imran Khan and 20+ years of wars in their province with uneven development that Punjab has seen.

They are patriotic Pakistanis just like everyone else. Your aggressive ethno-centric rants tells me you most likely grew up in the West because this nationalist mindset is not as common in the Islamic world. It’s strictly a product of the modern western nation-state.

Now let’s talk about the war that you comfortably want, Pashtuns will tear this army apart. They are not docile like the East Pakistanis. You foolishly think the way will be between a few insurgent groups and the fuel-less Pakistani army, but how will you manage the Pashtun population from both sides of the borders? They won’t sit around and really don’t have an incentive too. The US was able to pacify them with cash and development. What do you have to offer, music videos singing the virtues of a winless army?

I’m surprise you’re allowed to openly rant like this. I’m starting to think that you might likely be a non Pakistani given the disastrous strategies youre putting forward. It’s easy to start a war, but ending it is difficult and the other guy has a say in it too.

We have already defeated Afghanistan by helping too free it

Your acting like Pakistan has been attacking Afghanistan since the 1940s

When it's the Afghans who have been attacking Pakistan since the 1940s,

No one is asking for war

Wanting Afghans and non citizens thrown out of the country and terrorists hunted in operations and stronger borders is not asking for war

Pakistani public and patriots must stand together against common enemies, explain how Afghans are not as much our enemies as hindutva
But TTP were killing Pakistanis even before taliban came into power. You also want taliban to go to war with TTP while NATO for twenty years was bombing taliban using Pakistan airspace. Thousands talibans were also killed and imprisoned by NATO because of Pakistan Intel.

TTP has also fought alongside taliban against NATO for many years but you expect taliban to betray them for Pakistan?

Taliban came into power after signing a deal with America and as per that deal Taliban said that they won't allow any terrorist organization including TTP to attack any neighbor of Afghanistan

You are saying that power hungry Taliban lied and signed a deal with America that killed thousands and thousands of afghans just to grab power??

Is that what you are saying?
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Ttp came into power after signing a deal with America and as per that deal Taliban said that they won't allow any terrorist organization including TTP to attack any neighbor of Afghanistan

You are saying that power hungry Taliban lied and signed a deal with America that killed thousands and thousands of afghans just to grab power??

Is that what you are saying?

Usa doesn't care if Taliban allows attacks on Pakistan or not, it's not their problem. Pakistan trying to be a victim is not going to work, and we should ask the Usa how did ISIS started in Afghanistan? The Taliban claim no terrorists use Afghanistan territory to attack Pakistan, it's Pakistan internal problem with ttp and nothing to do with them.

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