Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

JI and JUI always supported extremists. Fazlur Rehman now claims he agreed with Sufi Muhammad movement in Malakand.

So have we had any other details about this op or have we settled on the fact that this is just a name change and PR exercise for Radd-ul-Fasad?

We should be asking our army, government and kpk government questions on what are the security forces doing in the tribal areas if another operation is needed. We have been told terrorists have ran off to Afghanistan but now are talking about an operation. Alot of opposition is coming from Pti, JUI and JI. What are their plan to root terrorists? JUI and JI are supporters of ttp and co but our state alwayd held them in high regards, noone will talk about the terrorists symphathisers in higher up circles.

Handing afghan terrorist scums to anyone doesn't lead to disbelief

We follow and know very well about shariah unlike you scums who try to present your tribal jahiliyat and afghan nationalism as shariah

So don't share this BS to me Afghani kharaji

Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment

Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirel
Give tidings to the hypocrites that there is for them a painful punishment

Those who take disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirel

This you Afghani kharaji???

There will be division and sectarianism in my nation, and a people will come with beautiful words and evil deeds. They will recite the Quran, but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will leave the religion as an arrow leaves its target, and they will not return to it as the arrow does not return to its bow. They are the worst of the creation. Blessed are those who fight them and are killed by them. They call to the Book of Allah, but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them.”

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4765

By the way are you circumcized Afghani?

Many of your fellow Afghani khwarij who were killed here in Pakistan weren't even circumcized . Why don't you scums get circumcized???
Bold: Exactly! Last night, someone mentioned U.S. promises broken and betrayed, but there is no greater betrayal than fighting someone's war. Lastly, it was our fault we didn't have a solution to de-radicalize our society, which effectively, I would call Pakistan's lost generation. Many of my father's close university friends went to this Jihad and never came back and never heard from again, their mothers and fathers dying without knowing and many of them were the sole breadwinners.

Let it be known for the record the Afghans invited the Russians due to political instability (similar to Syria); things stabilized, and Russia's man was at the helm; these jihadis weren't in full force or capable of lasting that long until we at the behest of America decided to go full throttle.

If the Afghans have some hate for us, there is a very valid reason.
Not that simple, given Russian expansionist history in central and further into South Asia as well as it's direct role in the secession of E. Pakistan, it would have behooved Pakistani establishment at the time to not have taken this threat seriously, especially since Russian forces made a direct route to Pakistani border soon as it invaded Afghanistan.
Not that simple, given Russian expansionist history in central and further into South Asia as well as it's direct role in the secession of E. Pakistan, it would have behooved Pakistani establishment at the time to not have taken this threat seriously, especially since Russian forces made a direct route to Pakistani border soon as it invaded Afghanistan.

It was revealed several years back through leaks of US Intel that the Russians had no interest in cutting up Pakistan. Remember, East Pakistan was our own doing as well; we gave others the opportunity, and they took it rightfully so and separated us into two; any patriot of their nation would gladly split the enemy into two parts.

Don't forget, U-2 flights taking off from Peshawar and the USSR threatening to nuke Pakistan; if the Russians wanted to, they could hit us a long time back. Don't forget that Liaquat Ali Khan snubbed the Russians who officially invited Pakistan and went to the U.S. without as much as an invitation.

Pakistanis have a habit of grabbing a flying arrow and pushing it up its backside.
What's the endgame for TTP anyway? They could've named themselves TTW or something if they wanted a breakaway emirate in Waziristan. instead they refer to themselves as TTP - does that mean they want to preserve the 'entity' of Pakistani statehood?
No the entities keeping them alive want them associated with Pakistan so they can be used in a certain way. The US needed USSR, then it needed terrorists and now it needs China.
The operation name should have been. National Tribal Area Development Plan.
Build schools, colleges, roads, hospitals and houses for the tribal people who have suffered, Give the control to local police, abolish the Frontier Corps and Frontier constabulary and incorporate them in to KPK rangers, give them control over the border security management, create 50,000 special anti terrorist rangers wing and use them to deal with militants. Usa provided 750m over 5 years and Pakistan promised them 10 years of Development funds, use this money instead of looting.

Move the region up to the national standard but also tie economic development to development in the rest of the country. This region could do the middle part of an industrial process, such that it would be dependent on steady work in other parts of the country and abroad. Making everyone interdependent on each other. Lowers the possibility of anyone group flipping over the apple cart.
Move the region up to the national standard but also tie economic development to development in the rest of the country. This region could do the middle part of an industrial process, such that it would be dependent on steady work in other parts of the country and abroad. Making everyone interdependent on each other. Lowers the possibility of anyone group flipping over the apple cart.

We have been waiting for 20 years, all the funding is looted by the rulers in Islamabad, except a few shiny houses, nothing concrete is done.
We have been waiting for 20 years, all the funding is looted by the rulers in Islamabad, except a few shiny houses, nothing concrete is done.
I’m not informed enough to say how much of the money must have been embezzled, but I suspect it probably wasn’t all in Islamabad. There are probably inefficiencies all the way down to local leaders, that were probably given to keep powerful local people calm instead of investments to get things done.

For example, the channel I have watched, as basically a proxy for what ISPR use to put out, is the following. Cracking down on smugglers is a great thing if it’s part of securing the border, focused on these crime syndicates but also is used as an impetus to be support creating a local legal alternative. The alternative requires investment and to be done ASAP and be able to provide products at close to the previous prices.
Otherwise, people will go back to supporting smugglers to meet their needs. Demand doesn’t go down because things are made illegal or become unavailable from one supplier.

Chinese take on Pakistani moves to take on the TTP:

For example, the channel I have watched, as basically a proxy for what ISPR use to put out, is the following. Cracking down on smugglers is a great thing if it’s part of securing the border, focused on these crime syndicates but also is used as an impetus to be support creating a local legal alternative. The alternative requires investment and to be done ASAP and be able to provide products at close to the previous prices.
Otherwise, people will go back to supporting smugglers to meet their needs. Demand doesn’t go down because things are made illegal or become unavailable from one supplier.

We've been stuck at this problem since Musharraf unfortunately.

Even today FATA is nowhere in the mainstream, rather regressing.
We've been stuck at this problem since Musharraf unfortunately.

Even today FATA is nowhere in the mainstream, rather regressing.
I can tell you from personal experience, having lived in rural parts of America, that rural areas cost a lot more per capita to serve, but you get citizens that have more of an appreciation for what the government does. Especially in terms of healthcare and educational services.

We have to invest in these parts of Pakistan, over and above what they would get on a per capita basis, for the sake of equity of opportunity to all citizens, but also to achieve national interests. Failure to do so is undermining national economic development.

But here is the simple truth; the state doesn’t have the funds and even if it could raise the tax revenue, it would take time to trickle into the area. One solution is raising a couple of billion dollars from the diaspora and domestically to get the ball rolling on development (as part of a new PTI government). Development starts, and some of the money is used to empower the police to be more efficient in hunting down the miscreants while long promised schools, hospitals, and other government services are provided; Carrots and Sticks.

People (including the Chinese government) see the new government in Islamabad getting things down, in a measure approach, and CPEC as well as overall national development and tax collection and remittances get back on track. People see progress and it helps become a virtuous cycle.

In the mean time, the army fortifies the border with pillboxes and trenches and where necessary smart land mines and vehicle blockades. From the Chinese/Afghan/Pakistan border all the way to the Arabian Sea.

Just got to make sure the TTP won’t be able to steal them though, like the Afghans use to do to the American XM-7 mines.
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