Operation Azm-e-Istehkam | آپریشن عزم استحکام

Usa doesn't care if Taliban allows attacks on Pakistan or not, it's not their problem. Pakistan trying to be a victim is not going to work, and we should ask the Usa how did ISIS started in Afghanistan? The Taliban claim no terrorists use Afghanistan territory to attack Pakistan, it's Pakistan internal problem with ttp and nothing to do with them.

Taliban can claim world is flat but that won't become a reality

There is undeniable overwhelming proof that not only TTP is enjoying refuge in Afghanistan but Taliban government in Afghanistan is also supporting TTP with both men and material

Pakistan has every reason to question Afghan Taliban for this fasad
But TTP were killing Pakistanis even before taliban came into power. You also want taliban to go to war with TTP while NATO for twenty years was bombing taliban using Pakistan airspace. Thousands talibans were also killed and imprisoned by NATO because of Pakistan Intel.

TTP has also fought alongside taliban against NATO for many years but you expect taliban to betray them for Pakistan?

This is true, TTP organisations wanted Pakistan army to leave tribal areas and slowly problems started, then the all out war started after Lal Masjid operation, plus the drone attacks, the kidnapping of tribal area people in collaboration with cia made everything worse. TTP had their bases in Tribal areas and gave sanctuary and support to the Taliban for 20 years so why should taliban fight their own ally, they are not puppets but think of themselves as independent so will make policy that suits them, a war with ttp is a big NO, that too on behalf of Pakistan.
Taliban can claim world is flat but that won't become a reality

There is undeniable overwhelming proof that not only TTP is enjoying refuge in Afghanistan but Taliban government in Afghanistan is also supporting TTP with both men and material

Pakistan has every reason to question Afghan Taliban for this fasad

Then why did our DGISI say don't worry everything will be alright, why did Pakistan say to Turkey Afghanistan is our backyard etc. Pakistan rulers still consider Taliban as an ally. I am not sure why these problems are happening, has the relationship broken down or is the problem with the extremist factions of the taliban or is it because they won't attack ttp, our rulers don't share much.
Then why did our DGISI say don't worry everything will be alright, why did Pakistan say to Turkey Afghanistan is our backyard etc. Pakistan rulers still consider Taliban as an ally. I am not sure why these problems are happening, has the relationship broken down or is the problem with the extremist factions of the taliban or is it because they won't attack ttp, our rulers don't share much.

Our generals are not the brightest of minds around. We wouldn't be in this mess today if they weren't that dumb

But that doesn't change the fact that Taloban are lying and TTP is alive today because of Afghan Taliban. Both are scums that used religion for power grab and to occupy territory
Our generals are not the brightest of minds around. We wouldn't be in this mess today if they weren't that dumb

But that doesn't change the fact that Taloban are lying and TTP is alive today because of Afghan Taliban. Both are scums that used religion for power grab and to occupy territory

Brightest of minds? Bro DGISI should be the most competent soldier in our army and I am sure according to the army he is. We still don't know what is happening, Pakistan has not accused taliban of attacking Pakistan or sponsoring terrorism, they only accuse ttp of hiding in Afghanistan and planning attacks, they just want taliban to eliminate them. Afghanistan also has ISIS present so it's a big problem for Taliban, and who is funding and training ISIS?
Brightest of minds? Bro DGISI should be the most competent soldier in our army and I am sure according to the army he is. We still don't know what is happening, Pakistan has not accused taliban of attacking Pakistan or sponsoring terrorism, they only accuse ttp of hiding in Afghanistan and planning attacks, they just want taliban to eliminate them. Afghanistan also has ISIS present so it's a big problem for Taliban, and who is funding and training ISIS?

They should be the most competent soldier but that doesn't mean they are

And who told you that Pakistan hasn't accused Taliban of attacking Pakistan??
They should be the most competent soldier but that doesn't mean they are

And who told you that Pakistan hasn't accused Taliban of attacking Pakistan??

Any source please provide, so far Pakistan official position is Taliban are our brothers and ttp is the enemy.
Taliban came into power after signing a deal with America and as per that deal Taliban said that they won't allow any terrorist organization including TTP to attack any neighbor of Afghanistan

You are saying that power hungry Taliban lied and signed a deal with America that killed thousands and thousands of afghans just to grab power??

Is that what you are saying?
But TTP are not attacking pakistan from Afghanistan, all the attacks are happening inside Pakistan. You people want taliban to kicked out TTP and their families from Afghanistan but that would never happen, taliban are men of their words, they are not traitors and puppet like Pakistan.

Pakistan handed over to USA thousands of Afghans finding refuge in Pakistan during NATO invasion so you expect taliban to do the same but taliban are not the kind to betray their brothers.

This verse describes Pakistan mentality
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allāh. But if they turn away [i.e., refuse], then seize them and kill them [for their betrayal] wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper,

But TTP are not attacking pakistan from Afghanistan, all the attacks are happening inside Pakistan. You people want taliban to kicked out TTP and their families from Afghanistan but that would never happen, taliban are men of their words, they are not traitors and puppet like Pakistan.

Pakistan handed over to USA thousands of Afghans finding refuge in Pakistan during NATO invasion so you expect taliban to do the same but taliban are not the kind to betray their brothers.

This verse describes Pakistan mentality
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allāh. But if they turn away [i.e., refuse], then seize them and kill them [for their betrayal] wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper,

Using Quranic verse for disbelievers to justify fasad fil arz and bloodshed of fellow Muslims

This is the khwariji ideology of Afghans that some members on this forum want to appease and hope that this appeasement would bring peace
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Typical Afghani scum

Using Quranic verse for disbelievers to justify fasad fil arz and bloodshed of fellow Muslims

This is the khwariji ideology of Afghans that some members on this forum want to appease and hope that this appeasement would bring peace
Pakistan handing over afghans muslims to america is without a doubt an act of disbelief. This is common knowledge, nothing khawarij about it. You want taliban to do the same and start acting against TTP but taliban are not the types who sell their religion for few dollars
Pakistan handing over afghans muslims to america is without a doubt an act of disbelief. This is common knowledge, nothing khawarij about it. You want taliban to do the same and start acting against TTP but taliban are not the types who sell their religion for few dollars


Handing afghan terrorist scums to anyone doesn't lead to disbelief

We follow and know very well about shariah unlike you scums who try to present your tribal jahiliyat and afghan nationalism as shariah

So don't share this BS to me Afghani kharaji
So have we had any other details about this op or have we settled on the fact that this is just a name change and PR exercise for Radd-ul-Fasad?

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