Over Dozen Army Casualties in Tirah

Our military is totally dumb, for past 20 years they have not been able to come with a counter to these hit and run raids on check posts. If they can't counter these cave men, what the hell they would do against india

India has a state military, you just kill and target the enemy soldiers, they don't hide amongst the locals

This is massively different, you have a jahil local population that tends to keep its mouth shut, some sort of weird backwards tribal code

So unless you randomly pick up people in a massive trawler net, which then instigates the same jahil population, your stuck responding, IBOs, checkpoint

Every discussion is a large operation is met with opposition from multiple sides, so they don't get done

What you can do is remove the afghans from society
Punish the Afghan population and deny them citizens rights in Pakistan, so no work education, healthcare access etc as they are not from the country
Continue to have tough border security and make it continuously tougher

So for example, new regulations means all truckers etc must have valid passports

Then you carry on, you will have good days and bad but the fight against the enemy goes on
India has a state military, you just kill and target the enemy soldiers, they don't hide amongst the locals

This is massively different, you have a jahil local population that tends to keep its mouth shut, some sort of weird backwards tribal code

So unless you randomly pick up people in a massive trawler net, which then instigates the same jahil population, your stuck responding, IBOs, checkpoint

Every discussion is a large operation is met with opposition from multiple sides, so they don't get done

What you can do is remove the afghans from society
Punish the Afghan population and deny them citizens rights in Pakistan, so no work education, healthcare access etc as they are not from the country
Continue to have tough border security and make it continuously tougher

So for example, new regulations means all truckers etc must have valid passports

Then you carry on, you will have good days and bad but the fight against the enemy goes on
We still got millions of afghani in our country bro. Until they are fully expelled and never allowed back in, this shit won’t stop! They’ve been poisoning the border areas with their extreme tribal jahiliyat.
Same old story. For 20 years we've not developed the doctorine to counter this. Lack of tactics and equipment. It's not impossible, NATO operated in similar territory and took a lot less casulties.
We still got millions of afghani in our country bro. Until they are fully expelled and never allowed back in, this shit won’t stop! They’ve been poisoning the border areas with their extreme tribal jahiliyat.

Yep, again something we've talked about for so long, but no action.
Yep, again something we've talked about for so long, but no action.
Somehow we can’t expel them bhai. I don’t know what the drama is? It’s a real mystery no? Border tribes facilitate these afghani. Pretty darn obvious.
Same old story. For 20 years we've not developed the doctorine to counter this. Lack of tactics and equipment. It's not impossible, NATO operated in similar territory and took a lot less casulties.

They took less casualties because the dum.fcuk afghanis had to do local security

We don't have that advantage we can't let areas fester without state control, regardless of how remote they are

And once again, large operations have multiple opposition from various political parties

You can't pick out the afghanis because they are largely not too different to the local dangar jahils we call tribals

So one minute it's idiot walking down the street, next it's idiot with a AK47 trying to shoot at cops or something

And all your jets, drones, missiles are useless because you can't pick out who your supposed to be shooting at

All you can do is cause the Afghan more pain and damage then they can inflict on you
So we can make the lives of Afghans so tough, so difficult in Afghanistan and in Pakistan that they themselves change
Somehow we can’t expel them bhai. I don’t know what the drama is? It’s a real mystery no? Border tribes facilitate these afghani. Pretty darn obvious.
same here failed to understand this mystery. They kill soldiers and they got accommodated . for what ? . How many more operations.
Two soldier were beheaded, this pacifist behaviour towards afghanistan is costing us soldiers, we need to bomb afghan border areas.

Absolutely, the problem being if we bomb Afghanistan WHO IS THE FIRST PEOPLE TO CRY????

The answer is the tribal and other fcuks on our side of the border
Then will come the propaganda of dead civilians etc and the tribal jahils will believe it and cause more fassad

Your stuck in a catch 22 with these people
The best way to get rid of insurgency is to finish any reason for it to exist in the first place.

So, shut the border off completely, make sure no one comes from Afghanistan/Iran except through the border gates, and try to promote business and development in Balochistan and EX-FATA.

We can bomb Afghanistan and do all the 'intel based operations' we want but those will only be short term solutions.
India has a state military, you just kill and target the enemy soldiers, they don't hide amongst the locals

This is massively different, you have a jahil local population that tends to keep its mouth shut, some sort of weird backwards tribal code

So unless you randomly pick up people in a massive trawler net, which then instigates the same jahil population, your stuck responding, IBOs, checkpoint

Every discussion is a large operation is met with opposition from multiple sides, so they don't get done

What you can do is remove the afghans from society
Punish the Afghan population and deny them citizens rights in Pakistan, so no work education, healthcare access etc as they are not from the country
Continue to have tough border security and make it continuously tougher

So for example, new regulations means all truckers etc must have valid passports

Then you carry on, you will have good days and bad but the fight against the enemy goes on
Communications between different branches of armed forces need to improve though. Field Commanders should be able to call for air support the moment an imminent attack is identified. Pakistani army don't tend to take security seriously - the attitude needs to change. These posts are in danger areas and they must be on red alert 24/7 - the soldiers must be on constant watch and any suspicious movement dealt with ASAP. Unfortunately, there is this attitude of "Allah malik hai" and the results are before us. 20+ yrs of insurgency and our Army has learnt F All. Where are our attack helicopters and shiny toys when they're needed?!?!?
Absolutely, the problem being if we bomb Afghanistan WHO IS THE FIRST PEOPLE TO CRY????

The answer is the tribal and other fcuks on our side of the border
Then will come the propaganda of dead civilians etc and the tribal jahils will believe it and cause more fassad

Your stuck in a catch 22 with these people

Yeah, im sure the people who are imposing a government on 250 million people and have arrested tens of thousands of political prisoners are really worried about public opinion.
The most ironic thing is ISPR has not made any official statement regarding this, is the blood of pakistani soldiers such cheap that can't give 'em an honourable burial.

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