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Pakistan: A New Political Party in the making?


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Another IPP but slightly better, will struggle to get much seats. Shahid Kaqaan Abbasi should request Ch Nisaar Khan to join the party, as well as other clean politicians, certainly not politicians leaving IPP, PPP, Pmln, Pmlq, Pti with bad records.
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Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007

If unsuccessful parties like PTI P, IPP, Awaam Pakistan party will eventually join Pmln or PPP. We all remember Pakistan Sarzameen Party and how it rejoined Mqm. We don't have vacuum in Pakistan politics at the moment, PTI took it all.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2015
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If unsuccessful parties like PTI P, IPP, Awaam Pakistan party will eventually join Pmln or PPP. We all remember Pakistan Sarzameen Party and how it rejoined Mqm. We don't have vacuum in Pakistan politics at the moment, PTI took it all.



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007

To be honest the vision Shahid Kaqaan Abbasi is talking about is quiet good but kinda too late for the near future. He should have done this during 2011 time, left Pmln and formed new party with a good vision, different style of politics, no hatred or personal attacks but politics based on policies, so much bad has happened and now he is acting like a reformist.


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Mar 1, 2015
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To be honest the vision Shahid Kaqaan Abbasi is talking about is quiet good but kinda too late for the near future. He should have done this during 2011 time, left Pmln and formed new party with a good vision, different style of politics, no hatred or personal attacks but politics based on policies, so much bad has happened and now he is acting like a reformist.

Mark my words PTI is coming back in power in about 6 to 18 months and Pakistan would go for financial default in that term.

Elites group need a clean party/group of people to inject people in PTI 2nd term and some setup after that. Also a back-up.

It's difficult to keep youth engaged with old parties like PPP and PML-N etc. Elites group never let things go out of their hands and want to secure future. Don't think this as near term thing.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Mark my words PTI is coming back in power in about 6 to 18 months and Pakistan would go for financial default in that term.

Elites group need a clean party/group of people to inject people in PTI 2nd term and some setup after that. Also a back-up.

It's difficult to keep youth engaged with old parties like PPP and PML-N etc. Elites group never let things go out of their hands and want to secure future. Don't think this as near term thing.

No I understand that. PTI was that new party but it didn't go well for them, they will still try to play with PTI in order to reform and mold it in to their vision, its not really that difficult except IK is in the way. General Mushraff did mentioned this, that Pakistan needs a new party, as we always have PPP v Pmln government but after it went to PTI v PDM. It was great to give chance to a new party with new ideas.

Regarding Shahid Kaqaan Abbasi, it's definitely plan B, he is talking about reformist party with new ideas, exactly what appeals to the youth but what am saying is I can't see any success in the near future, unless he sticks with it and slowly builds it in a decade. The future maybe like PTI, Awaam Pakistan Party, IPP, the older parties will be slowly sidelined or become minor. I certainly wouldn't like a future with Maryam Nawaz and Bilawal Zardari.

Pakistan needs an ideological party, a party with a narrative, nazariya party, something with a long term vision and policies, looking at nations like Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, alot of their parties work on a vision and narrative rather than personalities like Pakistan, this is why new leadership is developed instead of the same old men.
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Full Member
Mar 1, 2015
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Yes no success in near future like IK position in starting and it definitely not for near future. It's for providing alternative to Youth in long run.

Name and faces will change but things might not change much. Be it PML-N, PPP, PTI, PDM, or anything else. Also corrupt people suits to Elites so debate of "Kam Bura (Less Evil)" will keep going on and Elites keep ruling behind these Kam Bura faces.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Miftah is launching his new party on July 6th per the following video. PML-N and PPP wouldn’t reform (or fade away), so they are starting new parties to bring new faces, but people will remain suspicious of their motives.

Without advocating real reforms, these parties are as good as the old PDM parties.


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