Pakistan Among the Top 10 Military Powers According to Global Firepower Report 2024

I hate to be controversial but Pakistan is incapable of fighting a full scale war
It's not a real military power
It can do a kargil or small.skirmish or indeed A swift resort in the air involving one operation few planes

The minute you have to mobilise the entire country and resources to fight a massive enemy and use every ounce of your resources energy money and organise and plan and implement massive deployment of land sea and air will not last a week or two

Pakistan is no where near top ten not even close

You're not just being controversial but your post is full of holes. You need to keep that to yourself. Have a look at the today's conflicts and those of the last couple of decades if you think that's how it will go.
In spite of all the greatest ever tech, Chinese are yet to put boots on the ground in any conflict in the world.

When will we see an expedition from the Chinese army?
In spite of all the greatest ever tech, Chinese are yet to put boots on the ground in any conflict in the world.

When will we see an expedition from the Chinese army?

They've fought in peace keep operations and done well, very well in fact. But not an armed conflict in recent history.
They've fought in peace keep operations and done well, very well in fact. But not an armed conflict in recent history.
Exactly... In un peace keeping ops. They are smart. They don't want to be the USA but be a political and economic rival of the US. There's a lot of difference.
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In 5-10 years China will surpass Russia

1-- The Navy is coming with more stronger power (Aircraft Carriers , Destroyers , Submarines)

2-- Air Force is becoming more modern with J-20 5th gen Fighter Jets
also J-31 5th gen Fighter under development

UCAV technology is far better than Russia

3-- Economy is huge with $18.5 trillion USD of GDP to compare with Russia ( $2 trillion )
And huge population

1-- Russian Navy lost power in a war against NATO backed Ukraine
Also Russia can not build even modern Aircraft Carrier

2 -- Russia has only 20+ SU-57 Fighter Jets while China has 200+ J-20
And China aims at 1.000 J-20 Fighters by 2035

Russia can not do it
Russia's soviet era weapons will be totally obsolete in 2030s

3 -- Russian Economy dependent on Gas-Oil export
At the level of China, USA, and Russia, you should compare nuclear weapons first.
Russia will be the second military power in the world for a very long time.
The rankings I agree with are as follows:

1, The United States, the world's sole military superpower.

2, Russia, in a military comparison between China US Russia should first compare nuclear weapons and delivery platforms. Russia's nuclear bombs, nuclear submarines, etc. are stronger than China.

3, China, I don't believe anyone is questioning China's ability to be in the top three.

4, France, which is significantly stronger than the UK. Don't question the strength of France and the UK. the P5 is not the P5 because of the UN, but the UN is the UN because of the P5. France is P5, that means that even if France only had one soldier, it would still be one of the top 5 in terms of war capabilitis

5, UK, P5 member.

6, 7, 8, 9, Japan. Korea. Germany. India. These countries are about as strong as each other. The top three are industrial powers. The war advantage of the industrial powers against the agricultural countries could take part in the British conquest of India. The fourth has a large population, like the marching ants in Africa that can bite an elephant.

10, Israel. Israel's conventional military strength is actually quite ordinary. Several Middle East wars were won largely due to Jewish WW2 veterans from the Eastern European theater and U.S. military aid. But Israel has the nuclear weapons and the special skills to summon U.S. support.
The rankings I agree with are as follows:

1, The United States, the world's sole military superpower.

2, Russia, in a military comparison between China US Russia should first compare nuclear weapons and delivery platforms. Russia's nuclear bombs, nuclear submarines, etc. are stronger than China.

3, China, I don't believe anyone is questioning China's ability to be in the top three.

4, France, which is significantly stronger than the UK. Don't question the strength of France and the UK. the P5 is not the P5 because of the UN, but the UN is the UN because of the P5. France is P5, that means that even if France only had one soldier, it would still be one of the top 5 in terms of war capabilitis

5, UK, P5 member.

6, 7, 8, 9, Japan. Korea. Germany. India. These countries are about as strong as each other. The top three are industrial powers. The war advantage of the industrial powers against the agricultural countries could take part in the British conquest of India. The fourth has a large population, like the marching ants in Africa that can bite an elephant.

10, Israel. Israel's conventional military strength is actually quite ordinary. Several Middle East wars were won largely due to Jewish WW2 veterans from the Eastern European theater and U.S. military aid. But Israel has the nuclear weapons and the special skills to summon U.S. support.

Japan, Korea and Germany have never fought a war in their recent history and will probably fold quickly. War is brutal and they're not cut out for it. Experience counts as a huge factor.

Israel couldn't take Hezb properly in their last conflict. They wouldn't fair well fighting a war in the modern era with a enemy who can hit hard. You're right about their first wars being victorious due to the nature of the men fighting in their ranks i.e. vets from the Second World War.
Your Iran is a joke to compare with S.Korea

go and try to enter S.Korea and see what will happen with your Navy and Air Force
NK used old cannons to bomb SK Yeonpyeong Island, but nothing happened

NK drone invades Seoul. Nothing happened.

NK captured American spy ships and forced American soldiers to sign surrender documents. Nothing happened.
6, 7, 8, 9, Japan. Korea. Germany. India. These countries are about as strong as each other. The top three are industrial powers. The war advantage of the industrial powers against the agricultural countries could take part in the British conquest of India. The fourth has a large population, like the marching ants in Africa that can bite an elephant.
You want to compare India to ‘marching ants?’ India's population isn't just biting, it's kicking your insecure ass from every angle. It's quite rich coming from a country full of mindless drones bowing to a government that tells you when to wipe your ass. You want to mock India? Sit down, because your sorry dragon’s all smoke and mirrors. Your so-called ‘industrial power’ is just a factory of knockoffs, churning out garbage tech and slave-labor goods. How does it feel to know your military hardware is nothing but cheap, malfunctioning junk, while India's out here building missiles that actually work? We’re not some colony waiting to be 'conquered'—those days are long gone, but I guess history lessons were skipped in your propaganda classes. And just so you know, those 'ants' you’re laughing at are developing hypersonic and supersonic missiles, nuclear capabilities that would make you think twice before spouting this kind of nonsense.

You want to talk about population? The only thing China’s got going for it is a bunch of brainwashed clowns who have to be told when to take a piss break. You’re too busy censoring the internet because you’re petrified of free thought. You think your country’s some kind of unbeatable powerhouse? Get real. We all know your shoddy military tech is held together with glue and duct tape, and the only thing propping it up is your obsession with stealing ideas from other nations.

We're not here to play second fiddle to anyone, especially not some bloated wannabe superpower who can’t stop throwing tantrums over Taiwan. You want to know what’ll bite? It’ll be India’s ballistic missiles if you keep trying to throw your weight around. And yeah, sure, talk about your so-called ‘industrial powers.’ But let's be real: China's a wannabe empire that bullies its neighbors because it can’t handle the fact that countries like India are growing stronger, smarter, and more dangerous by the day.
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Japan, Korea and Germany have never fought a war in their recent history and will probably fold quickly. War is brutal and they're not cut out for it. Experience counts as a huge factor.

Israel couldn't take Hezb properly in their last conflict. They wouldn't fair well fighting a war in the modern era with a enemy who can hit hard. You're right about their first wars being victorious due to the nature of the men fighting in their ranks i.e. vets from the Second World War.
When discussing Japan and Korea, everyone seems to forget a very important issue:

Japan and Korea do not have the right to command their own armies, and the command is in the hands of the US military, which is stipulated in the constitutions of Japan and Korea.

Japan and Korea have repeatedly tried to take back command from the U.S. military, but have failed.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the current Korea army and Japan army should be included in the US military. Korea and Japan do not have their own armies.

I do not know the situation of the German army and do not comment.
When discussing Japan and Korea, everyone seems to forget a very important issue:

Japan and Korea do not have the right to command their own armies, and the command is in the hands of the US military, which is stipulated in the constitutions of Japan and Korea.

Japan and Korea have repeatedly tried to take back command from the U.S. military, but have failed.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the current Korea army and Japan army should be included in the US military. Korea and Japan do not have their own armies.

I do not know the situation of the German army and do not comment.

Oh ok then your post makes sense. But again it will be the Koreans and Japanese doing the bulk of the fighting. I don't believe the US would send large land armies on the ground. Sea and airforce for sure, but then that can turn tides.
Oh ok then your post makes sense. But again it will be the Koreans and Japanese doing the bulk of the fighting. I don't believe the US would send large land armies on the ground. Sea and airforce for sure, but then that can turn tides.
Korea has made a series of films, "Steel Rain", which expresses the relationship between East Asian countries and the United States from the perspective of Koreans. You can look for it when you have time.
Keep your posts civil please no 'marching ant's and 'mindless drones and junk' posts.
At the level of China, USA, and Russia, you should compare nuclear weapons first.
Russia will be the second military power in the world for a very long time.

Without Nuclear Weapons

Russia can not match with even weak Ukraine
Wth is Russia doing in Ukraine for 3 years ?

-- Russian soldiers dont know how to fight in urban warfare
because zero experience

-- Russian Armed Forces can not use technology like UCAVs , guided munitions , guided MLRS , also 120-250-280 km Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Russian technology and Russian Armed Forces sucks
Russian guided Bombs can not hit even targets with point accuracy

go and produce 1.000 UCAVs armed with 50-80-100-150-200-280 km guided munitions , misiles and kamikaze Drones to hit all Ukranian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , Air Defense Systems from safe distance

also ground based guided munitions , misiles and kamikaze Drones to destroy everything

including laser guided MLRS to hit even moving targets

but Russia lack all these technologies ...

Russia still using KA-52 Attack Helicopters in KURSK
And Ukranian Forces turned them into scrap of metal

Turkish TB-2 , ANKA , AKINCI UCAVs would destroy all Ukranian Forces in KURSK
Ukranian Forces would not even understand where death comes from

only 5 seconds of missile sound and BOOOOM ... GAME OVER

MANPADS can not do anything when UCAVs flying at 30.000 - 40.000 feet altitude
and attack from 15-30 km even from 100 km away
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I'm going to leave India out of this list for bias acquisition claims
The five permanent members
USA china Russia France and UK.
Japan and Germany
These countries have real military industrial complex technology and war fighting history and proof
Israel most battle proven military in the world
South Korea Taiwan brilliantly equipped and well trained
This is my top ten

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