Pakistan Army destroys TTA

Those jahil mullahs were a direct consqeuence of secular british occupation of the subcontinent. Many secularists also opposed its creation but at the end of the day the latter comprises the ruling elite.

I assume you're talking about Zia, a military dictator? 3rd in fact after 2 secular ones. ;)

Not sure which islamic values are running amok. Is it the destruction of rule of law, treating fellow muslims like dirt, corruption, moral degeneracy like adultery & alcohol, torture, rape, etc, etc.

In 1949, Muslim league still held sway & the idea of Pakistan as an "Islamic" state was fresh. The secular elites had no choice in the matter. We've seen what they've done since then especially since Ayub's time.
British secularism has little to do with the Mullah creation. If anything they were the cause of muslim backwardness and lack of scientific progress during the mughals because other than fighting over whose interpretation was correct only a handful were truly able to change materialism in leadership and instead made their own little hovels and went into so much shock after the British defeated their delusions they had difficulty finding footing. It took a British educated man who was labeled a secular and traitor to take Muslims out of their ditch these mullahs created and also propose the two nation theory because the Mullah was happy under the British and Hindus.

Zia only formalized the Islamization- it was Bhutto who began pleasing the Mullahs and it was also under the objectives resolution being passed that recently migrated mullahs(same ones who called Pakistan Paleedistan) who had started creating a ruckus after here further amendments were made.

The islamic values you espouse have never been present under religious rule. When was the last time anyone at a mosque has been courteous even in just plain parking a car?

Clearly you are talking about common human values which are part of core Islam but have absolutely nothing to do with praying or fasting or religious practices you mentioned earlier. So what part of Islam is missing? The bearded surgeon who abandons his patient to die on the operating table to go pray asr?

Whats better? A 5 times praying individual who is happy to work under the British or the secular liberal elite lawyer who fought for independence?
Make up your mind.
British secularism has little to do with the Mullah creation. If anything they were the cause of muslim backwardness and lack of scientific progress during the mughals because other than fighting over whose interpretation was correct only a handful were truly able to change materialism in leadership and instead made their own little hovels and went into so much shock after the British defeated their delusions they had difficulty finding footing.
On the contrary it had EVERYTHING to do with the british. One of the first things the british did was make english the official language which turned everyone into an illiterate overnight.

This lack of scientific progress is also a myth. Both ottomans & mughals advanced progressively. The only problem was that their advancements were linear whereas EU ones were exponential. Meteoric scientific advancement has not been good for humanity. It has resulted constant social upheavals. It's all about checks & balances.

Btw where are all these advancements by Pakistani libs? Their most brilliant mind argues that men go study abroad b/c they're horny. All of our advancements have been propelled by religious-minded folks (not referring to mullahs).

It took a British educated man who was labeled a secular and traitor to take Muslims out of their ditch these mullahs created and also propose the two nation theory because the Mullah was happy under the British and Hindus.
Jinnah did not propose 2 nation theory. Ironically, it was a hindu who 1st proposed it. I forget the man's name. Also, jinnah was pro-unity UNTIL Iqbal convinced him to come back & fight for independence. & he became more religious then too lol. Pakistan wasn't created by secularists, in case you don't remember our slogan: Pakistan ka matlab kia hai? la ilaha illallah.

Zia only formalized the Islamization- it was Bhutto who began pleasing the Mullahs and it was also under the objectives resolution being passed that recently migrated mullahs(same ones who called Pakistan Paleedistan) who had started creating a ruckus after here further amendments were made.
Bhutto - a secular elitya. The irony speaks for itself.

The islamic values you espouse have never been present under religious rule. When was the last time anyone at a mosque has been courteous even in just plain parking a car?
What religious rule? Zia's dictatorship was religious? Is pakistan "islamic"? Technically yes if you want to bring in consitituion but that's it.
Etiquette is instituted through education. When your secular elite doesn't even value secular education like STEM what to say of anything else?

Clearly you are talking about common human values which are part of core Islam but have absolutely nothing to do with praying or fasting or religious practices you mentioned earlier. So what part of Islam is missing? The bearded surgeon who abandons his patient to die on the operating table to go pray asr?
Please don't come up with fake scenarios for your arguments. I've yet to meet any religious doctor who abandons their patients & I've been around plenty.

What is missing, as I clearly alluded to is justice & honesty. these are not a "common" human value. Don't kid yourself. All moral values are RELIGIOUS values because they are derived from God. You can't have morality in atheism because there's no objective source of truth.

The belief that I will be held accountable on the day of judgment is a religious trait. This trait helps keep you from oppressing others. These traits are NOT present in secularists. The lack of these traits causes a lack of justice, etc.

Whats better? A 5 times praying individual who is happy to work under the British or the secular liberal elite lawyer who fought for independence?
Make up your mind.
Strawman argument. As I said, the people who created Pakistan were religious folks who created the country in the name of Islam. They were not jahil mullahs, nor were they secularists. Jinnah didn't even want independence until 1940 when he was convinced by Iqbal. Jinnah himself became more religious starting then so your point is moot.
heavy clashes on torkham, artillery tanks ATGMs everything is being used.
That's what we need when Muslim women and children are being murdered down the street instead of helping them you start fighting like cats and dogs amongst yourselves.
Pakistan will never prosper till the military rule does not go away. Pakistan will never prosper.
Jabburr Singh Afghani bhungi......... :p .......Charsi heroine chee dehshargard.

Hi, my name is Malaria yusufzai. I am so ugly that my own tribal jungli shot me in da face at a little girls school. They came to blow up my school but I confronted dem with my ugliness...... :p ...... And then I wrote a stupid book about my chu**** community and got famous and got admission in Oxford as a dalit........:p
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They are being taught better insurgency by foreign elements on the ground and have better equipment than the average PA or FC soldiers
Thats a case of sampling bias. You are comparing their best with the average.
Current ruler is hafiz Quran
That hafiz Quran 'ruler' can do only that much. His focus is on how to deal with alkhawarij and also clean the political sh!t created and spread by his predecessors in Pakistan. The 'corrupt liberal secular homosexual feminist ruling elite' continues having hold of the nation.

BTW, the 'ruler' hafiz has a very humble background. He is not really a part of the ruling elite (that's why so much opposition to his appointment as the COAS and still lies being spread about him).

شَاھِین شَاہِ لَولَاک is right. This filthy elite is totally cut off from miserable life of the poor in Pakistan. The ruling elite lives a luxury life of their own at the expense of tax-payers' money. They enjoy free electricity, free petrol, cars , luxury houses, drivers. and chefs, air tickets, all officially given to them. They have their own elite clubs and markets. They don’t even feel the effect of inflation.

Whenever the country gets closer to default, officials (from this filthy elite class) ask the nation/poor to sacrifice. These ba$tards are not willing to give up even a single rupee from the luxuries and perks they are ripping off the poor.
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That hafiz Quran 'ruler' can do only that much. His focus is on how to deal with alkhawarij and also clean the political sh!t created and spread by his predecessors in Pakistan. The 'corrupt liberal secular homosexual feminist ruling elite' continues having hold of the nation.
Bruh 🤣🤣
That hafiz Quran 'ruler' can do only that much. His focus is on how to deal with alkhawarij and also clean the political sh!t created and spread by his predecessors in Pakistan. The 'corrupt liberal secular homosexual feminist ruling elite' continues having hold of the nation.

BTW, the 'ruler' hafiz has a very humble background. He is not really a part of the ruling elite (that's why so much opposition to his appointment as the COAS and still lies being spread about him).

شَاھِین شَاہِ لَولَاک is right. This filthy elite is totally cut off from miserable life of the poor in Pakistan. The ruling elite lives a luxury life of their own at the expense of tax-payers' money. They enjoy free electricity, free petrol, cars , luxury houses, drivers. and chefs, air tickets, all officially given to them. They have their own elite clubs and markets. They don’t even feel the effect of inflation.

Whenever the country gets closer to default, officials (from this filthy elite class) ask the nation/poor to sacrifice. These ba$tards are not willing to give up even a single rupee from the luxuries and perks they are ripping off the poor.
Hazarat peer Syed sheikh Asim munir shahab is indeed a walliullah

Hos only fault is he likes to play with people balls, squeez and electrocute it..I don't think some mild homosexuality is bad enough to take his walliullah status ..indeed he is biggest mujajdid of this century
What is missing, as I clearly alluded to is justice & honesty. these are not a "common" human value. Don't kid yourself. All moral values are RELIGIOUS values because they are derived from God. You can't have morality in atheism because there's no objective source of truth.

The belief that I will be held accountable on the day of judgment is a religious trait. This trait helps keep you from oppressing others. These traits are NOT present in secularists. The lack of these traits causes a lack of justice, etc.

You might want to check what the Quran says about this and then juxtapose it against the much more successful secular and atheistic societies of the world.

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