Pakistan Army destroys TTA

Isn't it bit worrying for us that Tablians are bringing heavy weapons on Pak-Afghan border? These tanks can add further weight to our challenges towards our Western front...isn't it?
The bearded surgeon who abandons his patient to die on the operating table to go pray asr?
like you said earlier, will you provide proof for this claim. provide figures to back it up.

otoh, how many secular materialistic surgeons and hospitals do not even care to treat patients just because they are poor?

and yes, all the woes of pakistan are due to mullahs. they are the ones who forced politicians to fight among themselves from 47 to 59 while neglecting governance, and not even create a constitution.

iskander mirza was surely a mullah who abrogated his own constituion?

they were the ones who forced ayub khan to declare martial law, use underhand tactics in elections against fatima jinnah, carry out murders in a victory parade in karachi, deny representation to bangalis etc. etc. and of course, they are the ones who forced the drunk liberal yahya khan to carry out excesses in east-pakistan?

they forced bhutto to create FSF and kill political opponents? they forced him to nationalize the economy and fill govt seats with jiyalas?
British secularism has little to do with the Mullah creation. If anything they were the cause of muslim backwardness and lack of scientific progress during the mughals because other than fighting over whose interpretation was correct only a handful were truly able to change materialism in leadership and instead made their own little hovels and went into so much shock after the British defeated their delusions they had difficulty finding footing.
the bold part is just your delusion speaking.

the mughals went down because of being drunk b*stards and due to infighting like our own liberal elite. they were too busy whoring around to actually attend to matters of state. just like you want people to do now.

It is the british who ended the local system of education and led directly to the creation of not only the current system of madrassahs but also of our current secular education system that fosters nothing but clerical mindset. an education system that was intended to create robots that serve the empire. and now those robots control the country. be it the army, the civil service or the politicians.
the bold part is just your delusion speaking.

the mughals went down because of being drunk b*stards and due to infighting like our own liberal elite. they were too busy whoring around to actually attend to matters of state. just like you want people to do now.

It is the british who ended the local system of education and led directly to the creation of not only the current system of madrassahs but also of our current secular education system that fosters nothing but clerical mindset. an education system that was intended to create robots that serve the empire. and now those robots control the country. be it the army, the civil service or the politicians.
And I am the delusional one ...
Brainwashed by some utopian idea of bygone supremacy
Our level has been brought down to cheering on skirmishes with TTA.

Once an important country has been turned into a cult of army chief, irrelevant on world stage with our old friends doing meaningful economic, strategic and technological cooperation with our enemy while we tear our country apart to satisfy one psychopathic usurper.

What a loss.
Our level has been brought down to cheering on skirmishes with TTA.

Once an important country has been turned into a cult of army chief, irrelevant on world stage with our old friends doing meaningful economic, strategic and technological cooperation with our enemy while we tear our country apart to satisfy one psychopathic usurper.

What a loss.

When you hit rock bottom, things can ONLY get better.
This no no rule of thumb but just a rhetorics. History is very emotionless and full of examples of nations that dug themselves into oblivion.

Well let's dig ourselves out of it. Let's create our own reality.
When you hit rock bottom, things can ONLY get better.
Totally agree with that.

There have been a 70-years history of reckless interference by the military into the national affairs. Prop up this and push down that, playing cat and mouse game – a continuous and persistent behavior.

Their last experiment has proved to be worst than a failure, it has come back to bite them hard. They have seen the results of creating a hungry but stupid monster. They turned a filthy and shitty character into a sadiq& ameen and a pious personality by manipulating perceptions. Now that filth is hitting back onto their own faces.

They have now apparently decided to stay away from their traditional brinkmanship. But the sh!t they created is already holding a stranglehold of the system. So many commoners and officials have already been brainwashed in to believing/accepting a clearly sh!t character as their messiah. The whole state/nation is struggling to clean it up. Must be a daunting task but has to be done for own survival.
buddy, sure one liners are going to create our own reality.

Meanwhile the bleaters have already started screaming here. You can enjoy them.

The first step has been taken. Good people like yourselves have acknowledged the problem.

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